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Another departure


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+1 for the reason I and so many other users who used to spend great portions of our work days here (while working :blush: ) only poke in once in a while and usually leave after a few minutes. Its also the reason I, along with most ADULTS I know refuse to go to the stadium anymore.


I wish I could say it was just Buffalo, but the generation of gimme gimme folks is everywhere.


sorry, but it's not just the <25 generation that is at fault. dont take the easy way out with the blame game. it seems to be human nature to be a complete a-hole when given a little bit of anonymity and an audience. there are plenty of over-40 a-holes on this board and at the games.


it's not simply a generational thing (although it is worse amongst the younger), as much as it is the way of our current times and it seems to apply to everyone from all walks of life.


the common internet is about 20 years old. the kids of today did not start the cyber-ahole movement.

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Anyone know what the final expletive/insult was?


Yes, I do. But I am not going to repeat it and dignify repeating the stupid comment. As with the other departures it wasn't about a single comment, it was more about the accumulation of a certain type of a response.

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There is a difference between "my feelings are hurt, I'm taking my ball and going home", and "These retards aren't worth the time."


You all should consider that. "These retards aren't worth the time." Coming from a drunk hack AP writer who's entire career is built on riding Jerry Sullivan's coat tails. Doesn't exactly say a lot about you bozos, does it?


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On a semi-related note, I think it speaks volumes about the team that the most popular/busy thread on the main page is about other Posters, how people post, and the general state of the board.


That's how bad the team has gotten.


It's like when my girlfriend is in a foul mood and wants to argue about HOW we are fighting instead of the real matter at hand.


How many more days until the draft?

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On a semi-related note, I think it speaks volumes about the team that the most popular/busy thread on the main page is about other Posters, how people post, and the general state of the board.


That's how bad the team has gotten.


It's like when my girlfriend is in a foul mood and wants to argue about HOW we are fighting instead of the real matter at hand.


How many more days until the draft?


Yeah, it's mostly because the team sucks, but it's also the bye week.

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sorry, but it's not just the <25 generation that is at fault. dont take the easy way out with the blame game. it seems to be human nature to be a complete a-hole when given a little bit of anonymity and an audience. there are plenty of over-40 a-holes on this board and at the games.


it's not simply a generational thing (although it is worse amongst the younger), as much as it is the way of our current times and it seems to apply to everyone from all walks of life.


the common internet is about 20 years old. the kids of today did not start the cyber-ahole movement.


The old guys generally get pissed at the younger guys not because we think we're more knowledgeable than they are, but because we actually are.

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The old guys generally get pissed at the younger guys not because we think we're more knowledgeable than they are, but because we actually are.


In your use of "we" are you a young guy or an old guy?


Can't tell from your avatar.

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doesnt excuse acting like an e-douche.


what ever happened to "being the bigger person"?


I never said acting like a douche was ok. I was responding to whoever it was that said its the "kids" that are the problem. The good thing about that thread was it brought out all the true scumbags that post here and provided a good update to my ignore list.

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You'd think eventually we could run someone outta here without the need for an 8 page postmortem thread.


that's exactly how I feel.


Internet message boards attract trolls. That's how it's always been, and that's how it will probably always be. But for every troll who flames a JW or a TG, there are a whole lot of others who appreciate their participation and insight. Citing the one bad apple as the reason for "leaving" an internet message board is certainly their right, but it's kind of silly (IMO) to place such huge emphasis on the troll and ignore all the others who communicate respectfully and enjoy their presence here. But this whole "important person" gets flamed ==> "important person" gets upset ===> "important person" makes announcement they're leaving ===> 20 page post mortem thread (saying the same exact things that were said in the last three or four) is just getting old.


I know the Bills suck terribly, but for gosh sakes are there really no shiny objects to spend our time fixated on or other more interesting happenings to discuss than this??

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What wrong with douches? If used effectively, they clean up a lot o' mess.


I often forget that douches and douchebags are actual things :doh:

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Does any other team's board spend so much time talking about the members of the board in proportion to the actual subject of the board (i.e. the team)?


Does it matter if the person you're conversing with is a sports reporter, computer programmer or accountant?


Why are there so many threads about who is here and who is not?


This is my first comment in one of these, but after seeing so many in the past few months, I'm just curious. Seems awful strange. I never really asked any questions of these people who are "gone" because personally it doesn't matter to me if you report on sports or you are an accountant, to me your opinion is still valid.

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What wrong with douches? If used effectively, they clean up a lot o' mess.


Touche. It got rid of Wawrow. Kind of comes full circle. He quotes some punk douchebag in his tailgating article to advance his work, and then gets run off by one.

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Guest dog14787

I think folks like TG and jw should be given zapping rights, someone gets to disrespectful or bothersome, zap, out of here, like a bug.


I suppose Lori already has zapping rights and If I was her I would be lit up like a giant bug zapper right about now.

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