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The Truth About Chan

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Once again, someone is mistaking their own opinions for facts. You are entitled to your opinions, just like everyone else on this board, but please don't try to pass them off as facts. Chan Gailey is a well respected coach around the league and if you knew anything about college football, you would understand that Georgia Tech is always second fiddle to Georgia. If you can't see the creativity in the offense thus far and the ability to put points on the board, then you haven't been watching. The problem with this team is the defense. They were bad last year against the run and they are worse this year. My problem with the coaching staff is not Gailey, as I believe his offense has shown some definite improvement over last year. My problem is with Edwards. The DC seems to be in over his head and his defense has been terrible outside of the first week. Like I said, I respect your opinion, but please don't mistake your opinions for facts.


Not true. Right before Gailey was hired at GT, George O'Leary's Jackets owned UGA for a half dozen years. Enter Chan, losing began.

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I'm not passing judgement on him as of yet other then that I dont grant him a clean slate to start off with, nor do I value his results as HC at Dallas as anything more then historical and too far in the past ot be of any worth. I do value his results and the opnions about his coaching in GT. That's where the core of our difference is I think because it has put my mind set to Gailey has a lot to proof and yours to I trust Gailey. But as I said, I havent passed judgement on him as HC with the Bills as of yet, allthough I do feel there seems to be an eery similarity with the 2007 Dolphins situation.


PS: Dont take my comments hear as some ringing endorsement of him...I just happen to think he has his work cut for him and I like his no BS attitude where he isnt afraid to bench you or cut you if you dont get the job done. I like the direction the team is taking, I also know that means it could get worse before it gets better, but just cutting Trent alone is a huge step in the right direction.

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Kinda interesting to see though that the teams he was on never improved but stayed the same or got a lot worse and always improved or stayed the same when he left. Statistically that would mean something given a large enough dataset since other influencal factors are then non factors...


You can't read your own stats - according to your own list Miami was better with him (win/loss) then before and after.

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Once again, someone is mistaking their own opinions for facts. You are entitled to your opinions, just like everyone else on this board, but please don't try to pass them off as facts. Chan Gailey is a well respected coach around the league and if you knew anything about college football, you would understand that Georgia Tech is always second fiddle to Georgia. If you can't see the creativity in the offense thus far and the ability to put points on the board, then you haven't been watching. The problem with this team is the defense. They were bad last year against the run and they are worse this year. My problem with the coaching staff is not Gailey, as I believe his offense has shown some definite improvement over last year. My problem is with Edwards. The DC seems to be in over his head and his defense has been terrible outside of the first week. Like I said, I respect your opinion, but please don't mistake your opinions for facts.

The problem is the defense and the offense has shown improvement ? OK Mrs Gailey Hate to break it to you but your husband is a moron! This guy was hired to improve the offense, he drafted a RB stating that the RB would make the O line block better and he has done nothing to improve this team in any aspect. He is actually worse then Dick Jauron



The Bills are dead last in total offense,dead last in passing offense and virtually have no running game whatsoever to take the heat off the QB! There is a reason the guy was fired at his last job as OC after his offense went 2-14


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First off, the players said the same things with Jauron. They constantly deflected the blame from Jauron until they couldn't hide the fact that he ran a loose ship.


Second, you're all wrong.


Chan is just a good OC who does not make a good HC.


It happens. He is like an older version of Cam Cameron. Cameron is an outstanding OC at the NFL level. He was a failure as a HC at the University of Indiana, and not surprisingly a failure when he got a shot at a much bigger job with the Dolphins. Both Cameron and Gailey were succeeded at their colleges by coaches who were able to come in and do much more with what were perceived to be difficult jobs. Some guys just don't have what it takes to be the HC despite being a good football coach. We are seeing that with Gailey. In terms of doing what it takes to win with the talent at hand, he is actually worse than Jauron and he is headed for a Cameron-like season in Buffalo.


Why is he not as good as a HC as he is an OC?


I think for one thing, he is stubborn about doing it his way. The talent on this team calls for a coach who will run the hell out of the ball and shorten the game for their suspect defense. The Bills instead are trying to trade punches with better teams. Chan trusts in himself, and the offensive results don't look that bad on paper. But this defense can't hold up against 35-40 minutes of opposition offense. As a result, games that are competitive early are getting out of hand and turning into blowouts. That's not excellent head coaching. It also is denying the team the only identity it is fit to wear, which is as a run first team.


Second, I think Chan lacks the belief factor. He has done some good things in his career, but the reality is that his track record is having been fired at 3 of his last 4 stops and never really finding success despite almost a decade as a head coach in Dallas and then GT.


Players buy into coaches who have won in the past. They might buy into a young prodigy coach, or a coach like Sparano who is hand picked by perceived greatness with a vested interst like Parcells or the Rooney family(Bill Cowher from his seat at CBS does not apply).


They aren't going to easily buy into an old retread, never won anything, like Gailey. He has to earn it by providing results. Even Jauron knew that, and he did that by employing his play-not-to-lose gameplans. Thus far Gailey has not earned any respect and it shows on the field by the lack of effort and concentration these guys are showing when they get behind. In one series in the second half, the Bills threw passes on first, second and third down and all were catchable and all were dropped. The focus is not there, and if the players believed in what they were doing they would be playing to the whistle. They aren't.


Great post.



Dallas the year before Gailey took over as HC:




Dallas Gailey's two years as HC:





Dallas for three years after Gailey was fired as HC:







The year before Gailey was a disaster Switzer season where they way underachieved. They continued to underachieve under Gailey. The Triplets have all said they always wondered what would have been possible if Jimmy Johnson remained with the franchise. After Gailey left, so did Aikman and Irvin, so obviously they struggled then.

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Everyone wants to believe that Chan is some offensive mastermind and a good coach. Let's look at his career:


Steelers OC

In 1996 and 1997 he was the Steelers OC. He has some success there, but Cowher was the head coach. He had Jerome Bettis in his prime and a great offensive line. This was a long time ago, but his time in Pittsburgh was considered a success.


Cowboys HC

He took over a team with Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin, Emmit Smith, Deion Sanders, etc. HE NEVER EVEN WON A PLAYOFF GAME. He did make the playoffs twice, but other coaches were able to get much, much more out of that roster. He was quickly fired after two disappointing seasons. His time as a head coach in Dallas can only be described as a complete and utter failure.


Georgia Tech HC

He won some games at Georgia Tech. However, he never defeated Tech's biggest rival, the University of Georgia, never won the ACC, never went to a BCS bowl, never won more than 9 games, and never finished in the top 25. Eventually he was once again fired for his poor performance.


Chiefs OC

In 2008 he was the Chiefs OC and ran an offense that was among the worst in the league. In 2009, he was fired from the Chiefs for his poor coaching just before the start of the season. It was right at the same time that the Bills fired Turk Schoenert. Looks like the undefeated Chiefs are now better off without him. Another resounding failure.




So we can see that Chan was never any good as a head coach, and got lucky one time for a couple seasons FIFTEEN years ago in Pittsburgh, where he had an all time great head coach, and premier running back and offensive line to work with.


If he has such a great offensive mind, why is that he could never get back into the NFL after he was exposed as a sham in Dallas? Finally the lowly Chiefs gave him a chance, and he couldn't even cut it there.


The Bills just couldn't land a real coach. A good coach like Shanahan or Cowher would never dream of associating themselves with such a terrible front office and owner. It's sad but that's life.


The fact is he has always been and always will be a mediocre offensive coordinator, and a below average head coach.

During the off season around here the book on Chan Gailey was that he was an offensive-minded genius that made the most out of his roster. Even though his record didn't support those claims. I guess if you repeat something enough, it becomes fact.

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First off, the players said the same things with Jauron. They constantly deflected the blame from Jauron until they couldn't hide the fact that he ran a loose ship.


Second, you're all wrong.


Chan is just a good OC who does not make a good HC.


It happens. He is like an older version of Cam Cameron. Cameron is an outstanding OC at the NFL level. He was a failure as a HC at the University of Indiana, and not surprisingly a failure when he got a shot at a much bigger job with the Dolphins. Both Cameron and Gailey were succeeded at their colleges by coaches who were able to come in and do much more with what were perceived to be difficult jobs. Some guys just don't have what it takes to be the HC despite being a good football coach. We are seeing that with Gailey. In terms of doing what it takes to win with the talent at hand, he is actually worse than Jauron and he is headed for a Cameron-like season in Buffalo.


Why is he not as good as a HC as he is an OC?


I think for one thing, he is stubborn about doing it his way. The talent on this team calls for a coach who will run the hell out of the ball and shorten the game for their suspect defense. The Bills instead are trying to trade punches with better teams. Chan trusts in himself, and the offensive results don't look that bad on paper. But this defense can't hold up against 35-40 minutes of opposition offense. As a result, games that are competitive early are getting out of hand and turning into blowouts. That's not excellent head coaching. It also is denying the team the only identity it is fit to wear, which is as a run first team.


Second, I think Chan lacks the belief factor. He has done some good things in his career, but the reality is that his track record is having been fired at 3 of his last 4 stops and never really finding success despite almost a decade as a head coach in Dallas and then GT.


Players buy into coaches who have won in the past. They might buy into a young prodigy coach, or a coach like Sparano who is hand picked by perceived greatness with a vested interst like Parcells or the Rooney family(Bill Cowher from his seat at CBS does not apply).


They aren't going to easily buy into an old retread, never won anything, like Gailey. He has to earn it by providing results. Even Jauron knew that, and he did that by employing his play-not-to-lose gameplans. Thus far Gailey has not earned any respect and it shows on the field by the lack of effort and concentration these guys are showing when they get behind. In one series in the second half, the Bills threw passes on first, second and third down and all were catchable and all were dropped. The focus is not there, and if the players believed in what they were doing they would be playing to the whistle. They aren't.

The NFL is a what have you done for me lately league, it doesn't suffer old has-beens. This man wasn't even a good OC in his last job at KC, he was fired after a 2-14 season.

Either you know what your doing or you fail, most every newspaper article about the old Chan Gailey stated he built a strong running game with all his past teams. So I patiently waited all off season to see if this guy would upgrade the O line, through the draft and free agency. When he didn't upgrade the O line I waited to see if he could coach them up, he didn't.


My main question was why keep Trent Edwards if your not going to upgrade that line, we already saw last season that he can't perform behind a poor line. This offense is actually worse then last seasons offense, and that is saying a lot about a head coach that was primarily brought in solely to improve the offense.

Edited by Harvey lives
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Name calling doesn't make you right, and doesn't make Chan less of a joke. You know that Chan will be gone in a few years and never get another NFL head coaching job, even if you won't admit it. Where will be all those people that respect him, then? Where were all the respected people lining up to give him a job over the last decade?


Maybe you should give Kelsay more than 4 games as an OLB to state his case. Gailey and Nix love Kelsay. Does than make them good or bad football guys?


You need to keep it simpler. You're confusing yourself.

If you don't like Gailey, you can say that in one sentence.

All the rest of the goo you've been spewing is filled with just ranting opinion and select, isolated "facts" that argue against each other.


It has not been four weeks. It has been a draft, OTA's a preseason and four games. Chan should be showing us something by now. He isn't.


With that attitude, we'd still have to be putting up with TE as our QB. He was clearly the best option from April through August.



I have seen much fewer penalties this year than I did under Jauron. I have seen the coaching staff send a message to the guys in the locker room. Perform or get cut, even if you are a captain, your job is not safe here. I have seen good adjustments by the coaching staff, but lousy execution. I have seen defenses have to adjust to what we are doing offensively...hence our offense keeping teams a bit more honest, especially with crowding the box.


These are small things, but they are important. I think right now the coaching is pretty good. The execution and talent is terrible.


As far as the draft is concerned, it is waaaaay to early to tell how that will play out. What I do know is we have had Moats, Coleman, Nelson all contributing last week. Wang has been injured, Batten has been injured. Troup and Carrington both play postions where we have established players at (Williams and Stroud) So it is hard for them to get on the field and contribute at this point. And Spiller will be a stud moving forward. SO I think the draft will be a productive one long term. Do we have any hall of famers? Probably not, but I think we will get 5 or 6 very good players out of it. That is good talent evaluation.


I will say I am very concerned about the Kelsay signing. That troubles me. But once again, I am not a football expert.



I wish they got someone younger and more in touch with today’s game. I look at Jim Harbaugh at Stanford as an example of one guy who will be a darn good NFL coach and wish the bills went after him. I was hoping for a younger coach with fire and something to prove like John Harbaugh, Sean Payton, or a Rex Ryan, not the same old list of usual suspects. Shannahan, Cowher and Grueden were all a pipe dream.


That said, Gailey has managed to take a dismal hand and orchestrate some point scoring and his press conferences at least demonstrate his desire to win. Is he any better at drawing up a plan to get somewhere? Who knows and who can tell 4 games into his first season after playing 4 playoff contenders with a scout team squad.


Don't mistake flash for heat. Ryan isn't good because he's a blustery windbag. He's good because he's lived NFL football all his life. People listen to him in spite of his obnoxious demeanor. Granted Gailey is not the newest generation or the shiniest star in the sky, but if you think the players' attention is elsewhere while Gailey's in the room talking, I think you should ask around.




First off, the players said the same things with Jauron. They constantly deflected the blame from Jauron until they couldn't hide the fact that he ran a loose ship.


Second, you're all wrong.


Chan is just a good OC who does not make a good HC.


It happens. He is like an older version of Cam Cameron. Cameron is an outstanding OC at the NFL level. He was a failure as a HC at the University of Indiana, and not surprisingly a failure when he got a shot at a much bigger job with the Dolphins. Both Cameron and Gailey were succeeded at their colleges by coaches who were able to come in and do much more with what were perceived to be difficult jobs. Some guys just don't have what it takes to be the HC despite being a good football coach. We are seeing that with Gailey. In terms of doing what it takes to win with the talent at hand, he is actually worse than Jauron and he is headed for a Cameron-like season in Buffalo.


Why is he not as good as a HC as he is an OC?


I think for one thing, he is stubborn about doing it his way. The talent on this team calls for a coach who will run the hell out of the ball and shorten the game for their suspect defense. The Bills instead are trying to trade punches with better teams. Chan trusts in himself, and the offensive results don't look that bad on paper. But this defense can't hold up against 35-40 minutes of opposition offense. As a result, games that are competitive early are getting out of hand and turning into blowouts. That's not excellent head coaching. It also is denying the team the only identity it is fit to wear, which is as a run first team. People would be screaming about not giving our QBs a chance, about being bad and BORING, about letting the Ds constantly stuff the box, about it being a QB driven league, pass first ..., You're advocating a run identity as if it's a moral victory. We'd still be 0 - 4, but the scores would be lower?


Second, I think Chan lacks the belief factor. He has done some good things in his career, but the reality is that his track record is having been fired at 3 of his last 4 stops and never really finding success despite almost a decade as a head coach in Dallas and then GT. Head coaches get fired all the time, good players get traded and released all the time. Being fired by some of these ego-maniacal owners is a badge of honor. Once the first whistle blows, no one cares what happened at your last job.


Players FANS buy into coaches who have won in the past. They might buy into a young prodigy coach, or a coach like Sparano who is hand picked by perceived greatness with a vested interst like Parcells or the Rooney family(Bill Cowher from his seat at CBS does not apply). You can't have it both ways. Players buy into the guy with the whistle. If he makes sense, they listen. If they as individuals want to lead and win , they listen well. They only tune out coaches who don't make sense.


They aren't going to easily buy into an old retread, never won anything, like Gailey. He has to earn it by providing results. Even Jauron knew that, and he did that by employing his play-not-to-lose gameplans. Thus far Gailey has not earned any respect and it shows on the field by the lack of effort and concentration these guys are showing when they get behind. In one series in the second half, the Bills threw passes on first, second and third down and all were catchable and all were dropped. The focus is not there, and if the players believed in what they were doing they would be playing to the whistle. They aren't. Or, maybe the receivers were so amazed that the ball went across the line of scrimmage and hit them in the hands that they were momentarily distracted. Let's not take a single series and let it stand for 8 mos. of work. Granted, they need to execute better, but how is execution the coaches fault? In that series, apparently, the right formation, and play were called and one player didn't do his job. I'd rather watch the Gailey Bills than the Jauron Bills any day of the week. I'm NOT happy with the present results and I'm not Gailey's boy, but let's not blame over 10 years of frustration on the guy who's been here less than 10 months.



Definitely Gailey. I don't mean to praise Jaurons' coaching by any means. His approach wasn't really about adapting to the type of team he had, playing not to lose was just how he played regardless.


But right now Gailey is trying to pound the square peg into the round hole and the players aren't buying into it. All Gailey had to do this year was come out and do a replay of the first season under Jauron. Run it, run it, run it and punt it. Please, God, NO. Cover up for the defense. The talent isn't there and the assistant coaching isn't there to throw down with the rest of the AFC East. I'm not saying they win any of those games, but at least they would have started to develop an identity and played to their strengths, which on paper are running back and pass defense. When you run the ball, you shorten the game. Less clock to work with means less offensive snaps and hopefully the loss of offensive patience and the abandonment of the running game.



The NFL is a what have you done for me lately league, it doesn't suffer old has-beens. This man wasn't even a good OC in his last job at KC, he was fired after a 2-14 season.

Either you know what your doing or you fail, most every newspaper article about the old Chan Gailey stated he built a strong running game with all his past teams. So I patiently waited all off season to see if this guy would upgrade the O line, through the draft and free agency. Not his job. When he didn't upgrade the O line I waited to see if he could coach them up, he didn't.


My main question was why keep Trent Edwards if your not going to upgrade that line, we already saw last season that he can't perform behind a poor line. Because it's hard to win in this league - with only 10 players. Of the 4 choices, TE showed himself to be the best option -- until September. This offense is actually worse then last seasons offense, and that is saying a lot about a head coach that was primarily brought in solely to improve the offense. You'll have to revisit this post by the end of the season. You'll believe differently by then . . .


Gotta stop using that multiquote button!!! It's impossible to manage well and just makes for these long winded -- read this before posts. So much for trying to catch up on a conversation!

Edited by Sabre Bill
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Everyone wants to believe that Chan is some offensive mastermind and a good coach. Let's look at his career:


Steelers OC

In 1996 and 1997 he was the Steelers OC. He has some success there, but Cowher was the head coach. He had Jerome Bettis in his prime and a great offensive line. This was a long time ago, but his time in Pittsburgh was considered a success.


Cowboys HC

He took over a team with Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin, Emmit Smith, Deion Sanders, etc. HE NEVER EVEN WON A PLAYOFF GAME. He did make the playoffs twice, but other coaches were able to get much, much more out of that roster. He was quickly fired after two disappointing seasons. His time as a head coach in Dallas can only be described as a complete and utter failure.


Georgia Tech HC

He won some games at Georgia Tech. However, he never defeated Tech's biggest rival, the University of Georgia, never won the ACC, never went to a BCS bowl, never won more than 9 games, and never finished in the top 25. Eventually he was once again fired for his poor performance.


Chiefs OC

In 2008 he was the Chiefs OC and ran an offense that was among the worst in the league. In 2009, he was fired from the Chiefs for his poor coaching just before the start of the season. It was right at the same time that the Bills fired Turk Schoenert. Looks like the undefeated Chiefs are now better off without him. Another resounding failure.

Convenient that you left out his two years with Miami.

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Everyone wants to believe that Chan is some offensive mastermind and a good coach. Let's look at his career:


Steelers OC

In 1996 and 1997 he was the Steelers OC. He has some success there, but Cowher was the head coach. He had Jerome Bettis in his prime and a great offensive line. This was a long time ago, but his time in Pittsburgh was considered a success.


Cowboys HC

He took over a team with Troy Aikman, Michael Irvin, Emmit Smith, Deion Sanders, etc. HE NEVER EVEN WON A PLAYOFF GAME. He did make the playoffs twice, but other coaches were able to get much, much more out of that roster. He was quickly fired after two disappointing seasons. His time as a head coach in Dallas can only be described as a complete and utter failure.


Georgia Tech HC

He won some games at Georgia Tech. However, he never defeated Tech's biggest rival, the University of Georgia, never won the ACC, never went to a BCS bowl, never won more than 9 games, and never finished in the top 25. Eventually he was once again fired for his poor performance.


Chiefs OC

In 2008 he was the Chiefs OC and ran an offense that was among the worst in the league. In 2009, he was fired from the Chiefs for his poor coaching just before the start of the season. It was right at the same time that the Bills fired Turk Schoenert. Looks like the undefeated Chiefs are now better off without him. Another resounding failure.




So we can see that Chan was never any good as a head coach, and got lucky one time for a couple seasons FIFTEEN years ago in Pittsburgh, where he had an all time great head coach, and premier running back and offensive line to work with.


If he has such a great offensive mind, why is that he could never get back into the NFL after he was exposed as a sham in Dallas? Finally the lowly Chiefs gave him a chance, and he couldn't even cut it there.


The Bills just couldn't land a real coach. A good coach like Shanahan or Cowher would never dream of associating themselves with such a terrible front office and owner. It's sad but that's life.


The fact is he has always been and always will be a mediocre offensive coordinator, and a below average head coach.


Let me start off by saying that I Love the change from Jauron to Gailey in comparison . At least when Gailey loses you know he's pissed !! With Jauron it was like weather he won or lost he could care less and had 0 as far as fire & i think a team takes on the attitude of there coach . Cowher - Ryan - Ditka .


From the time of the release of Perry Fewell (which i thought the guys played there guts out for him) and the time of hiring Gailey there were a few other coaches out there that never even got a call from the Bills As far as a coach i would have liked to see given a chance in the NFL & is & has been a winner in the CFL is Mark Trestman .


The guy has been in the NFL as a coordinator & won & had to take his talents to the CFL to hone his skills as a head coach & he has won there . The CFL has a lot to offer the NFL , look at what Cameron Wake has brought to the Dolphins i just wish we would have expanded our search a bit .


We are trying to go younger & in a new direction as a team why not the Head Coach ???

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Sorry Chan lovers, but reality is starting to set in. I know it'll take you another full year at least to admit that you were wrong, but believe me, it'll happen.


Chan is such a great offensive coordinator! He can turn a meager quarterback into a productive NFL player!


Fact: The Buffalo Bills rank #32 in the NFL in total offense.

Fact: The Buffalo Bills rank #32 in the NFL in passing offense.

Fact: The Buffalo Bills average 131.8 passing yards per game.

Fact: The Dick Jauron Buffalo Bills averaged 157.2 passing yards per game in 2009.

Fact: The Dick Jauron Buffalo Bills averaged 190.0 passing yards per game in 2008.

Fact: The Dick Jauron Buffalo Bills averaged 164.6 passing yards per game in 2007.

Fact: The Dick Jauron Buffalo Bills averaged 169.9 passing yards per game in 2006.


Some sweet offensive genius we stole from the other half dozen teams with intense Gailey interest this last off-season.


But yeah, we'll have to give him time. What did we expect? Oh yeah, everyone expected that he'd turn Trent Edwards/Ryan Fitzpatrick/Brian Brohm into quality NFL-caliber players. One cut down, two to go.

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Gailey was an emergency hire and the haste to make the decision illustrates that the franchise was rattled after being rejected by the name guys and secondary candidates. IMO, Nix' blunt talk at Gailey's intro PC was driven by his frustration to get interviews. And he made it a point to say it wasn't bad, which to me was like admitting it was bad. Frankly, and this is amazing, I trust the media more than Buffalo's front office.


I agree with BADOL that Gailey would make a fine OC, but struggles when placed in charge of an entire roster. That is exemplified by many players already quitting on the field this week.


Everytime the Bills need to hit a home run with a front office/HC hire, they hit that bloop single Jerry Sullivan mentioned. And this one just dropped in.

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First of all, I never said the word "fact" anywhere in my post. I understand that what I write is my own opinion and therefore is just as valid as everyone else's on this board. No more, no less. I don't try to pass it off as fact. And yes, I have been watching the same offense that you have. Did you happen to notice the misdirection on the TD pass to the tight end yesterday. I don't remember ever seeing a play like that under Jauron. I have noticed Gailey's influence in the play calling and I like what I see. Again, my opinion. The offense has had little opportunity to show very much because the defense can't get off the field. Edwards defense is the biggest problem (in my opinion) not the Head Coach. And please don't tell me it's Gailey's fault for picking him. Veteran Defensive coordinators weren't exactly busting the door down to coach the Bills defense.

Actually, you used the word "facts" 3 times in your post. You also now say you are giving only your opinion, yet you clearly stated your opinion as fact--as in: "if you knew anything about college football" or "if you can't see the creativity...then you haven't been watching".


The defense can't get off the field? How about the offense can't stay on the field. They have punted 22 times. Half of all their points so far this season have come in a singe game. I like how creative CG has been with the running game---especially how he is using his 1st round draft pick.


After 4 games last season, we scored far more points, had more yards in offense and actually won a game---and that was with Trent Edwards as QB!! Where is the offensive genius who can make the best of what he has? Van Pelt did better with this group last year.

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The problem is the defense and the offense has shown improvement ? OK Mrs Gailey Hate to break it to you but your husband is a moron! This guy was hired to improve the offense, he drafted a RB stating that the RB would make the O line block better and he has done nothing to improve this team in any aspect. He is actually worse then Dick Jauron



The Bills are dead last in total offense,dead last in passing offense and virtually have no running game whatsoever to take the heat off the QB! There is a reason the guy was fired at his last job as OC after his offense went 2-14


And you are a retard. Now, does calling you a name make my opinion worth more? Guess that's how it works on this board. So yes retard, the offense looks better to me than last year. Just my own moronic opinion retard.

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And you are a retard. Now, does calling you a name make my opinion worth more? Guess that's how it works on this board. So yes retard, the offense looks better to me than last year. Just my own moronic opinion retard.


The offense looks better? They are performing at a lower level than at any point in the last 5 years.

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If he is such a great head coach and so well respected around the league, then WHY WOULD NO OTHER NFL TEAM GIVE HIM A HEAD COACHING SHOT FOR ALL THESE YEARS?

Because Ralph called dibbs.


I'm with you on Gailey. All offseason people here were saying what an upgrade over Jauron/Fewell he was & there was no way we'd win fewer games this year than last year. I never agreed with their blind faith because whether one thought Jauron was the worst coach in the world, outside of offensive coordinator, he put together a pretty good staff with a significant number who were respected enough to land other comparable NFL jobs this season. I believed and still do that the Jauron/Fewell duo squeezed as many wins out of last year's dregs as any other coach could have. Gailey has yet to prove he's an upgrade over either of last year's coaches, I doubt he will. Fewell looks better every day.

If we finish as badly as I think we will (My 3-13 preseason estimate of this year is looking too optimistic)there will be massive roster turnover anyway, so let's do the right thing & make Gailey one & done & this time try to bring in either a young coordinator or a proven winner. The Gailey believers will say no, we have to give Chan more time. I'm tired of giving more time to losers just so they can prove they're not worthy of their jobs. This is similar to 1985 & 1986 when we should have fired Stephenson & Bullough the 1st day after each season ended, but decided to keep them around. Both were fired in the middle of the following season when it was already obvious by prior season's end they were over their heads. Chan should be fired on January 3rd.

Edited by Albany,n.y.
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Because Ralph called dibbs.


I'm with you on Gailey. All offseason people here were saying what an upgrade over Jauron/Fewell he was & there was no way we'd win fewer games this year than last year. I never agreed with their blind faith because whether one thought Jauron was the worst coach in the world, outside of offensive coordinator, he put together a pretty good staff with a significant number who were respected enough to land other comparable NFL jobs this season. I believed and still do that the Jauron/Fewell duo squeezed as many wins out of last year's dregs as any other coach could have. Gailey has yet to prove he's an upgrade over either of last year's coaches, I doubt he will. Fewell looks better every day.

If we finish as badly as I think we will (My 3-13 preseason estimate of this year is looking too optimistic)there will be massive roster turnover anyway, so let's do the right thing & make Gailey one & done & this time try to bring in either a young coordinator or a proven winner. The Gailey believers will say no, we have to give Chan more time. I'm tired of giving more time to losers just so they can prove they're not worthy of their jobs. This is similar to 1985 & 1986 when we should have fired Stephenson & Bullough the 1st day after each season ended, but decided to keep them around. Both were fired in the middle of the following season when it was already obvious by prior season's end they were over their heads. Chan should be fired on January 3rd.

3-13 is too optimistic.

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