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  1. https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/28/trump-native-americans-pocahontas-elizabeth-warren-262266 Under a painting of Andrew Jackson he insults Senator Warren with his Pocahontas quip? Lol, such a class act. Can't tell me his handlers knew exactly what they were doing with Jackson there. Just sticking it to another group they hate. Then insulting Warren with that slur in front of Native Americans. What next? Supporting a child molester? Ooops...too late
  2. TDS on levels. https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/nov/28/robert-de-niro-says-anti-trump-speech-censored-at-gotham-awards-ceremony He then read the missing section of the speech from his phone, saying: “History isn’t history any more. Truth is not truth. Even facts are being replaced by alternative facts and driven by conspiracy theories and ugliness. In Florida, young students are taught that slaves developed skills which can be applied for their personal benefit. The entertainment industry isn’t immune to this festering disease. The Duke, John Wayne, famously said of Native Americans, I don’t feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them. There were great numbers of people who needed new land and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves.” De Niro added: “Lying has become just another tool in the charlatan’s arsenal. The former president lied to us more than 30,000 times during his four years in office, and he’s keeping up the pace in his current campaign of retribution. But with all his lies, he can’t hide his soul. He attacks the weak, destroys the gifts of nature, and shows disrespect – for example by using ‘Pocahontas’ as a slur.” De Niro then refused to thank the film’s backers, Apple, referring to the removal of part of his speech: “I don’t feel like thanking them at all for what they did. How dare they do that, actually.”
  3. Man have the goalposts moved again for the cult https://www.twobillsdrive.com/community/search/?&q=pocahontas&search_and_or=and Idiots
  4. Are you blind or just plain stupid? If you don't think the things that he has done/said are racist you must be. Pocahontas? Nah, normal to call someone of Native American origin that. How about this? "I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes.... Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else... Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that's guy's lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks." "Shithole countries" Do I need to go on? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_views_of_Donald_Trump for your reading pleasure. I'm sure you'll squeal "fake news". But as a Jewish individual that he just spoke out against yesterday, he just all but sealed his fate with that comment. He must know who runs the country, right? His BANKRUPTCY lawyers, accountants, media, etc. He's a moron who absolutely has zero business being in office, and if you can't see that...well, you're blind to the facts.
  5. It's hysterical they can't take namecalling when LITERALLY THATS ALL TAHT DRUMPF DOES. Examples: pocahontas sleepy joe crooked hillary china virus etc My god the irony.
  6. Don't forget Trump dropped Pocahontas in there as well among some others. It's not like Trump didn't use any of his Twitter name calling.
  7. Looks like Pocahontas is near the end of the road. I'm kind of surprised. I said she's a straight shooter with Commander in Chief written all over her.
  8. Liz Warren Finishes In 5th Place In Pocahontas County, Iowa. ? .
  9. TrumpOlini has murdered more Yemeni with drones than MussOlini murdered Ethiopians carrying spears and leather shields....Pocahontas brags how many innocent Palestinians are murdered with USA weapons given to Netanyahu BILLARY murdered 50 thousand Libyan women and children with 117 USA submarine launched cruise missiles 2011.... vote Green to end the 22 trillion dollar borrowing for illegal wars in 160 countries since ReaGUN 1982 WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs
  10. Pocahontas Iowa is a real place like Indianola Iowa and Titonka Iowa that are salt in Native American wounds and desecrating graves from Manhattan to Montana and Seattle to Miami....the lies of genocidal conquerors....no decent human being should vote for the polluter oil war crime profiteering bankster zionists of the blueRED redBLUE duopoly single war Party controls USA....I am Cherokee because my dad called his grandmother a SQUAW....I am voting WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs make earth Green again
  11. It is so sad that inept Bernie cannot detail the great accomplishments of the Cuban people .....that their internal security repressed CIA agents trying to restore the Mafia and Batista ilk to keep Cubans poor stupid and divided....Castro United his people ....trained doctors for the world including USA barrios where few USA doctors serve.....Cuba is proof like Sweden that socialism builds up most people without empire and fascism as does USA.....organic farming has replaced old Soviet style collectivist industrial polluter agriculture in Cuba making the nation much better than 1990 or 1960 @Keukasmallies I agree Pocahontas is a fraud like Amy talking people issues while serving corporations interests only...we had a great woman running twice 2012 & www.jill2016.com @ 70 age she is supporting WWW.HOWIEHAWKINS.US peace through Green jobs
  12. Massachusetts. The Senate Being progressive. 😆 Oh wait... Wrong Pocahontas...
  13. It's Thanksgiving so I'll go with Pocahontas.
  14. It's in The Washington Post............. https://www.washingtonpost.com/amphtml/politics/elizabeth-warren-apologizes-for-calling-herself-native-american/2019/02/05/1627df76-2962-11e9-984d-9b8fba003e81_story.html?__twitter_impression=true Elizabeth Warren apologizes for calling herself Native American Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) on Tuesday apologized for previously identifying as Native American. Warren, who apologized recently to the Cherokee Nation for a DNA test showing that she had Native American ancestry, told The Washington Postthat the apology was meant to include identifying herself as Native American while at a professor at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania. "I told him I was sorry for furthering confusion about tribal citizenship,” Warren told the Post. “I am also sorry for not being more mindful about this decades ago. We had a good conversation.” https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/428615-elizabeth-warren-apologizes-for-identifying-as-native-american Shouldn't the headline on this be, "Warren Identified as 'American Indian' on State Bar Registration, New Document Shows"? This reads like WaPo got this document, gave Pocahontas a chance to further apologize, then reframed the story .
  15. How embarrassing a Dem candidate do you need to be to be mocked on SNL? I guess as embarrassing as Pocahontas.
  16. ...the recent political climate, or perhaps going back 16+ years make the Nixon Dark Days look like pablum.......the Clinton Crime Syndicate got the ball rolling and then propped up the Illinois Jr Senator as a Fraud Pres. surrounded by ex-Clintonites....Emmanual, Sperling, Begaula, Bloomenthal & Bloomenthal, Podestra & Podestra, etc......perpetuated their grip on power.....built their base by kowtowing to the black & latino vote, favoring open borders to illegals (why the 'eff did my grandparents have to come through Ellis Island the LEGAL way?) and not giving a rat's azz as far as the ramifications on the country....their current "crop of crap" offerings are comical?.....Biden?...seriously?..never had a job other than politics says "Copyright (plagerism) Joe".....Kamala?......rode "Willie's wonka" to prominence?....Pocahontas?....'nuff said there....Corey Booker?...um okay....NYC 's flop house mayor?.....a real gem....quite an impressive list....do I like Trump pre-presidency?....nope...but the guy is as irascible, caustic,repugnanant and as combative as the "establishment" has EVER seen....never thought we woud see the corruption of DOJ or FBI exposed as it has been.....we thought FBI's J Edgar was bad....and we thought we had the "best political system in the world"....LOL....we are painfully learning otherwise....
  17. Which is the one with Hocus Pocus Pocahontas? ?
  18. Pocahontas saved John Smith's head... Where's the true Pocahontas when you need her?
  19. She also is now pushing to pay for $50,000 worth of debt for each college student that is estimated to cost over $1.2 Trillion over the next 10 years. She backs the green deal. She is proposing Universal pre school care. She backs Medicare-for-all. You couldn't confiscate the wealth from the rich and still pay for these proposals. Ever since her Pocahontas gaffe she's been struggling and has been unable to get any traction in the polls. Now she's swinging for the fences, it comes off as pretty desperate.
  20. ...nope....Elizabeth Warren Building to salute her heritage......will be a Washington REDSKINS and Atlanta Braves TOMAHAWK CHOP exhibits.....Disney's Pocahontas .....signing autographs daily.....good Lord we are fffed up....
  21. My favorite part was listening to Bernie and Pocahontas scream at the American people about all the laws they’d enact as President while never once explaining that the President DOESN’T write laws...senators do! Which by the way, they already are!
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