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  1. The NFL like the rest of the corporate world is very much driven by fear of offending those who hold dominant power in the political bureaucratic class, academe, Hollywood, the fourth estate, and social media. If you are marginal to that power, you are subject to ostracization and canceling. Inside, it's a free pass on misdemeanors and often felonies. That's why they fawn upon ideological attachments that much of their viewership disagrees with. They don't care. The brand is not a function of moral courage, but craven obeisance to idols of the day.
  2. people are just mad because they're worried about the media skewering/trolling from other fan bases that will come IF Worthy pans out and the Chiefs continue to own the Bills. This would be akin to the Sabres trading their first round pick to Toronto and having the Leafs draft a superstar with it. It's not a rational view of the trade down, it's simply fear of being mocked for years to come.
  3. It's always good to have someone back there that puts a little fear in a WR's head. I like it. Now we need a very good, athletic, smart compliment to him.
  4. Oh, Mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law Law man has put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home Oh, Mama I can hear you a-cryin', you're so scared and all alone Hangman is comin' down from the gallows and I don't have very long The jig is up, the news is out They've finally found me The renegade who had it made Retrieved for a bounty
  5. Dude had to skip the Senior Bowl weigh in to make sure he could get down to 366 lol. I fear for his health.
  6. Let's dance Let's dance For fear your grace should fall Let's dance For fear tonight is all Let's sway You could look into my eyes Let's sway Under the moonlight, this serious moonlight
  7. The thinking is that we do not have WRs who have the ability to win in the playoffs. There is no one that strikes fear into a DC. That said, a rookie may not either, but one of the top 3 are likely to come onboard and be producing by the season's end/playoffs, and, since WR is a position where salary's are exploding, it makes sense to get 1 in the 1st and another on a rookie deal.
  8. Funny story. My young single neighbor guy Mike in CA. He was early 30's using a dating app. I'm in late 40's married for decades, but curious. Mike how do those apps work? In my day we went to bars, parks, malls etc.. asked them out face to face with fear of rejection. He said it's pretty much the same. You reply in a post, ask them out, they see your pic and profile & reject you. You just don't get used for the drinks. Lol!! Different world.
  9. Yes, I did not intend right people as moral approbation, but indicative of the folks who speak that way. I don't necessarily think, however, that folks who live in a rural backwater are bound to be backwards. Further, I live in a rural backwater, though I suspect you may find my own proclivities insufficiently advanced. Have no fear, however, I will not "bless your heart," no matter what.
  10. And think. They are already at this point in the fear matrix, it's gonna be an interacting year every politician/person that takes the oath, is an oath to be a nationalist.
  11. In no way do I see James Cook as a freak. What elite quality does he have? He is an okay RB. He does a few things well, some things okay, and other things poorly. I cannot imagine he strikes fear into his opponents the way this title would deserve.
  12. It's crazy reading their comments. So authoritarian. So contradictory. Almost all revert to fear and control. And they wonder why no one cares what they say anymore.
  13. What you wrote is something I’ve feared for a while now. I fear Allen is the new Dan Marino
  14. I think its just the fear in fans that once he moves on, Gabe Davis might learn how to catch a football
  15. Why are you afraid to share which liberties and freedoms you are in fear of losing? Cmon - speak up - show us who you really are.
  16. Sigh, what percentage of Christians do these nationalists make up? What the hell is a Christian national anyway? Fear sells and you my friend are buying.
  17. Guys like Trent Murphy, Quentin Jefferson, Mario Addison, Vernon Butler, and Boogie Basham strike fear into the hearts of OL and QB throughout the NFL. Will guys like Epenesa and Rousseau magically turn into "difference makers" in their 5th and 4th NFL seasons, respectively?
  18. Now it’s “violently”? Good lord you sure did drink the kool aid! violently! Hahaha. You just make ***** up don’t you? I can smell the fear in your posts! You're such a pathetic liar!!!!
  19. Those with paranoia should move to NYC so their fears will be justified.
  20. Excellent. This should take MIami back a couple notches in what they can spend on the rest of the team. I don't fear them anymore. Tyreek is 30 and can't be the same player for much longer.
  21. There is no reasonable. You simply don’t let your arch rival trade up and get the player they want. It’s an inexcusable move imo. I could care less about value or the possibility of them trading up with another team, you simply never make a move like this for fear it can come back to bite you as it did with Mahomes. Stop trying to justify any of it, there really is no debating how stupid this was.
  22. So if you come in from behind for a tackle and hit the guy in the back to take him down is that a illegal hit in the back or a blind side tackle ? Not exactly sure how this is going to work & if enforced as such how many will just let the runner go in fear of being penalized or fined .
  23. I think they will have far less than 90% for what they consider to be the new club seats (lower level between the 40's), but will make up for it with endzone and upper deck renewals. My biggest fear for this new stadium was that good seats were going to all become premium, and I think that's going to be the case.
  24. Yeah and to think many expect the Bills to not have any part of getting a top WR. Like the price will be coming down. Or they're not important. The market is full of comparables now, the amount a DK Metcalf or Aiyuk should get won't be too hard to figure out. These teams could be hurrying to get deals done because they fear the June 1st surge will notch up the level (see Collins and now Waddle). They may be right. It's not out of the realm of possibility that the Bills give J Jefferson a record setting backloaded contract in a huge trade. A 1st, 2nd, and 4th might get it done.
  25. Coming soon to a town near you ?? Cuba Bans Holy Week Processions, Fearing More Anti-Communist Protests The Communist Party of Cuba reportedly banned Christians from celebrating traditional Catholic Holy Week processions across several regions of the country in anticipation of Easter, including processions observed on Good Friday. Catholics mark Holy Week every year to commemorate the Passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As it is a moveable observance, 2024’s Holy Week began on Palm Sunday, March 24, and concludes on Easter Sunday, March 31. Initial reports indicated that the Castro regime had limited its prohibitions to the Bayamo-Manzanillo diocese of eastern Cuba, where hundreds took to the streets in mid-March to peacefully demand freedom and object to the inhumane conditions to which communism subjects them. Catholics have prominently led the organization of dissident activity in the country, including priests and nuns. ACI Prensa, the Spanish-language division of the Catholic News Agency, reported on Wednesday that the ban extended to other Cuban cities, including the capital city of Havana. A local source, who preferred to remain anonymous out of fear of repercussions from the Castro regime, told ACI Prensa that the prohibitions seem to be motivated out of fear of possible new protests, such as those seen in Bayamo and Santiago de Cuba. https://www.aciprensa.com/noticias/103729/semana-santa-2024-en-cuba-prohiben-procesiones-en-diferentes-ciudades https://www.breitbart.com/faith/2024/03/29/cuba-bans-holy-week-processions-fearing-more-anti-communist-protests/
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