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  1. You’re right…their Bibles preach how to discriminate against different races according to being an “Anti-racist”… Their bibles preach how to use “intersectionality” as rationality instead of science… Their bibles preach how to build an army by indoctrinating the youth into a false gender ideology… Their bibles preach introducing chaos into societies to overthrow civilization… Just check out the mindless zombies all around college campuses, not even knowing what they are protesting because they were told to… Now they are being arrested and expelled from school, and have to move back in with mommy… Cult…👍
  2. It was $10B for the team,the stadium (and all of its associated land) and an F1 race event.
  3. I saw clips of part of his speech. I don't see how this message resonates with African-Americans. You're telling people that have invested 4 years and lots of money into getting a degree that the system is rigged against them and things such as racism will keep them from succeeding. And its all the other guys fault. The fault of all those MAGA people hiding in the bushes and behind every tree plotting against you 24/7. Not you. The head of the political party that controls almost every public and private institution and organization in the country. That's a terrible message. It might play well if you're the challenger against an incumbent but a guy that heads the establishment telling the audience the system is rigged against them is the wrong message. It says, hey I'm the head of the system keeping you down and I'm here to blow more smoke up your ass. Somewhere in some smoke filled back room there's a group of big democrat donors and party officials wondering how they can quietly and effectively get rid of Joe Biden and run somebody else before they reach the convention.
  4. I'm sorry you have to post anything for a reply. It has to be lonely I'm sorry your racist and show everyone in threads like this I'm sorry you have to deal with the mental deficiencies of yours. You intended to make it about race and racism. You are what you are. But it's never to late to look in the mirror, and better yourself.
  5. Not a good night for the Trump is racist crowd.. Kevin Holland ran over to shake his hand after winning his fight. Hanging with Alex Pereira backstage.
  6. ⬆️ Certainly would have zero issue with naming schools and buildings after its racist DEI heroes.
  7. Don’t forget racist and sexist as well. Or any other ist or ism you can think of. As Irv would say…… What a mess.
  8. Equity under DEI in practice is defined as a system of preferential treatment providing certain groups that previously were disadvantaged with special privileges while transferring the disadvantage to previously favored groups. Equality in practice is based on a system of consistent and equal treatment afforded to individuals under a system of Constitutional and legal rights and protections.
  9. You would think…unfortunately, holding people to account is apparently racist, according to the Left…😉
  10. He's not worried about nazis... he's just a racist pos commie who uses trump as code word for 'hate all white people'
  11. You are such a joke. Letting the virus hit the us. He tried to prevent the spread and was labeled a racist.
  12. ⬆️ Racist loves the idea of giving illegals instant citizenship and voting rights. A racist traitor.
  13. The WNBA - they need to say something - if they truly cared about race relations. Wnat white women in America are watching this and want their daughters to continue to play basketball?
  14. That would be racist. I understand how difficult it must be to just say “yeah I think I got that one wrong”
  15. Never forget the AFC is always an arms race. Need weapons for Josh Allen.
  16. You throw around that word like how liberals throw around racism. Yes everybody's a racist insurrectionist apparently. It loses it's meaning after a while
  17. Eh, probably be called a Nazi because I knew what time the trump rally started and then be called a racist because telling time is oppressive somehow
  18. DIE is a political agenda that has nothing to do with whether or not you support people of diverse races and backgrounds… People that support the DIE agenda, support discrimination against different groups of people (as stated by anti-racist ideology)… I, on the other hand, do not believe that racial discrimination is beneficial to society…But that’s ok…we can agree to disagree…😉
  19. There is DEFINITELY some drag racing in this kid's future.
  20. The old boy has a long, documented history of racist utterances and behaviors. Were you to label him a racist you would’ve finally gotten something right here at PPP. Missed opportunity.
  21. The black Kojack needs her racist jazz kicked out of congress along with the other members of the Jewish hating/white hating squad.
  22. "Coco" is a racist term?
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