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Special K

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Everything posted by Special K

  1. You make a good point, but the game wasn't close at that point because the Bills were playing or coaching exceptionally well, IMO. The 3 running plays from the 5 yard line and the field goal from the 1/2 yard line set the tone for the game. The players played tenetively and the coaches coached tenitively from that point foward. That was the old Jauron-style of coaching.....playing not to lose, and its funny he would revert to that style right after he secured his contract extension. I, for one, hope it isn't a sign of things to come. I'm not bashing Jauron.......I just want him to stick to what has been working. Don't send a negative message so early in a game again, DJ.
  2. I agree......at the begining of the season, the consensus was that this was a young team with a few holes(paricularily at C, TE, and ability to rush the passer) that was a year away from filling these holes and contending. Anything this team does this year should be considered a pleasant surprise, enjoy the season and be happy that these young players are laying the foundation for future success.
  3. You make some good points, but the more I think about it, I don't think its a question of parity or mediocrity. I think that parity=mediocrity, and that should be a concern for the league. Sure, one should be happy that one's team can beat any team on any given Sunday....but isn't it equally as frustrating to know that one's team can lose to any team on any given Sunday??
  4. Someone like him? What does that mean? A loss is never a good thing, but it should serve as a wake-up call to the entire team.
  5. I'm not a believer of the Titans and their 6-0 start, and beyond that, no teams have really stood out from the pack. Of course the Bills have exceeded expectations, and I am optimistic about their playoff chances. Pittsburgh blew a game in the 4th quarter at home today, and the Pats* and Jets win but look dreadful in doing so. Playoff hopefuls Cleveland, Jacksonville, Indy, and San Diego, are all at or below .500. Is this the NFL's ideal of "parity"?? (I sure hope not).....or has the AFC really fallen this far this fast??
  6. I agree...no reason to panic... However, the loss would be less painful if it wasn't to the Fins
  7. Thats why I said "sort of". I'd agree it would have been better to make Pennington throw the deep ball, but he connected on several of those as well. Oh well...too many things went wrong just to blame one mistake anyway.
  8. I can sort of understand the cushion on Ginn, but the 10 yard cushion on Camarillo every time was ridiculous.
  9. I wonder if "Russel" had something to do with this.
  10. I might be wrong, but I think the segment isn't until next Suday's NFL Countdown show.
  11. Tell John Madden to take the rest of the year off. I know I'm stating the obvious, but the Michaels/Collinsworth combo is much easier to listen to...even though the game is a real stinker.
  12. No......the play calling is not geared towards passes to the tight end because of WHO our tight ends are.
  13. Well, at least he's consistent.......he's a douche when he wins and when he loses. I took great pleasure in watching that game.....hope the Bills can do the same thing when they play 'em.
  14. Yeah, because i'm sure you don't want him to rack up fantasy points next week!
  15. I bet that someone on this board will change their screen name to "JP's Beard" after reading this thread.
  16. Yeah, that won me $20 on a "lasts longer undefeated" bet I made two weeks ago with a Cowboy fan.
  17. Owens was the guy who ran it on the fake punt.
  18. Jags/Texans on down here. 7-0 Jags on a fake punt that everyone in the world knew was coming.........except for the Texans. Is it 4:00 yet?
  19. I'm with ya on the optimistic side, Dr., but here's a more "curbed enthusiasm" way to look at it: If the Bills beat St. Louis, they can go 6-6 the rest of the way, finish 10-6, and most likely still make the playoffs.
  20. I think it was Peters that made the adjustment to the speed rush of Burgess--he finally started to play for the speed rush and ride him out wide. Burgess was the only Raider getting consistent pressure--once he was neutralized, things got a little easier. Maybe Burgess just flat tired himself out by speed-rushing on every passing play.
  21. It was a lesson that obviously needed to be learned--glad it could be taught in a W instead of a loss. As for the Rams, their defense (especially the DB's) is nowhere near as good as the defenses the Bills have faced thus far. Get off to a good start, and the Rams will quit-- as evidenced by today's performance vs. Seattle.
  22. If being a moron forces someone to stop posting in this thread, you should have been stopped after post #1.
  23. Hey, maybe you've seen my Bills plate proudly displayed on the front of my car. I agree with you, I see a lot of other Bills plates, bumper stickers, etc. around here as well.
  24. At the end of his tenure with the Rams, he was having major fumbling problems, wasn't he? I believe he had some concussion issues as well. Maybe the few years of relative inactivity allowed him to heal up and clear out the cobwebs a little. Having Boldin and Fitzgerald certainly helps, as well.
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