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Niagara Bill

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Everything posted by Niagara Bill

  1. I sent an e mail tobulldog tonight and told him I was ashamed of him.... Schoop I expect that petty stuff from...Bulldog should be above that ... Joe Torre carries a lineup card every night and he hss the same players for 162 games. WGR has again crossed the line...
  2. Maybe you should go to a game. I have tailgated at 7 am for many years and never have any problems with drunks or people who are there erly. Most early people are friends who cook great meals and enjoy the experience. The lst few years with the 4 hour rule there was no reduction in drunks at the game. Check out the bus lot and you can buy anything you want...any drug in the open and they do not get there before 10 or 11. All the trouble is after the game. And that comes from the buses and the booze sold in the game. I have written the Bills many times about this and even the Buffalo News. I hope they do a story about the bus lot to show where the drunks come from. 8 am sure helps the real tailgaters, now we can go back to cooking turkeys and roasts and still have time to visit with friends and discuss the days game. Thanks to the Bills for recognizing that many of their fans are serious and relible and just because you tailgate at 7 am doesn't mean you are a drunk. If there is a better place to be than looking over the stadium as the sun rises on a crisp November morning, with good friends and good football talk, fire burning, BBQ on, Bills flag flying.....I don't know where that would be. Go Bills
  3. best Bills bar is in New York City MacFaddens 2nd Ave and 42nd St Massive crowds for every game, I travel to NYC every year just see watch a game there with these great fans. More details on the NYC Bills backers site..
  4. While I support your logic abbout the business reality, I still believe we are a pawn...Ralph and the NFL keep trying to use us to make their point thus pulling us into the game. That is why I mentioned just leave in the middle of the night..I will not play the game and will give up my tickets if Ralph and the NFL continue to use me in their game. Maybe Ursay saved the Colts fans a lot of heart ache.. They should either do it behind closed doors or move...I have had enough of the emotional rollercoaster... I just want to talk football, JP, Nall, McGahee, Ko, Coy, & TKO...
  5. Not kidding...his effort was lacking and that has nothing to do with how good a team is...he has not shown the speed everyone thinks he has...I think he knows his talent is less than advertised and he wants his...him and Drew Rosenberg...joined at the hip for the big bucks. Many games last year he didn't show up...when he shows up every week and for big games & plays like a star...I will say I was wrong, until then it is nothing but speculation that he has more talent than most backs in the league..."A" train had 1200 yeards too, so does that make him a star? I think not... Willis may be too full of himself to put out...yr 2 he blocked and ran hard, yr 3, he mailed it in and everyone knows it...
  6. Ya...because this guy from the "U" has not shown talent other than to shoot his mouth off. He sounds more like his agent every day..."I want mine" When he shows up on a Sunday afternoon in September in NE, or a Dec afternoon in NY then he has the right to shoot off his mouth... the more he talks the more I think he has no talent left and he knows it...:the NFL no. 1 running back! ya right...he hsn't earned the right to hold the top 10 jock straps... and that is from a huge Bills fan
  7. I can live with the 4 hour rule for tailgating because I love football and the Bills I can live with the ticket price increases because I love football and the Bills I can live with Moulds and his mouth and Flutie Flakes because I love football and the Bills I can live with players from the "U" and their arrogance because I love football and the Bills I can stand bad teams because I love football and the Bills I can stand bad coaches because I love football and the Bills I can stand bad General Managers because I love football and the Bills The only thing that would make me give up my season tickets is this constant threat of leaving. Ralph, if you are going....then FFSake go...if not STFU (shut the F... up) Move in the middle of the night..whatever... Ursay was right, Model was right...just do it or shut up. This is my view on this matter....and all the news guys who try to make a living on speculating on the subject STFU...I refuse to be their pawn in this game Go Bills...I mean stay Bills, I mean..."Go Bills"
  8. Mr. Control Freak...yesterday you complained you couldn't get into the Bills Ticket site earlier than anyone else. Today you want to re define this web site. Maybe you should run for President since you seem destined to have the world look how you want it. I bet your mother cut the crusts off your sandwich too...or maybe she still does....
  9. I am not sure what you suggest is probable....but I want the Bills to get 5 or 6 players on day 1...so I hope they do trade down at least once in first round of the draft..... We need players...Donahoe left us dry with his drafts and we need to get 4 or 5 players who will be starters before the end of this season...
  10. Are we going back to the old uniforms, pre ToDo . The reason I raise the question is the Bills website has changed it's colors back to the old ( Royal?)blue.. I hope this happens. Has anyone heard of a change?
  11. much of the work on these players is done by John Guy and of course Overdorf does the contracts details. Whether they are successful or not I sense "team" as being key to this process and decisions.
  12. And the Jills could become the Cinnamon Girls
  13. Pros he is a strong X & 0 guy he has been coach of the year he is a friend of Marv and likely their philosophy will make for a strong relationship...one mind and the team will see cohesion he will not rebel against interference from above he is well respected and good gathter a good staff Cons post game press conferences will be boring he is NOT a leader and when hard times hit he cannot lead the team out of trouble...see Bears, 2nd year. he is not an offensive coach and we need one to help develop JP He shows little passion other than being a student of the game Your thoughts
  14. Sherman is the man...he brings Bates and Peabody and we are off and winning
  15. Well your skin can crawl with that assertion, but my skin crawls everytime I think of the power that SOB had and abused. He had all the power, picked bad coaches, had some poor drafts, screwed with the fans, was arrogant, and paranoid....That made my skin crawl.... and by the way he did pick people he could control because he didn't want another Cowher...he loves people that owe him something...see Pat Williams, Reuben Brown etc etc etc
  16. yes I will renew, that SOB Donahoe will not get rid of me that easy...I will be there as a Bills fan long after he is gone... I am beginning a letter writing campaign to all Bills staff members and Ralph about the issues that bother me the most, and the bad decisions...
  17. I hate not having individual players introduced at the Stadium... This unit crap is awful...I want the crowd pumped up for their favorite player not a 5 second ho hum... Do you think the Steelers introduced the offensive unit today rather than individuals for "the Bus" last game, or Green Bay failed to introduce Favre for his last game (potential)...I think NOT. Screw up... our tailgating... our introduction... our defense... the QB position... call us jerks, refuse signs in to the Ralph, Donahoe must go !!!!!!
  18. After today it is easy to see that these guys have no future, have reached their peak and are hurting this team...IMHO Holcomb...career back up at best and if he stays we have a QB controversy Vincent....way over the hill Milloy....not only over the hill but in the valley on the other side Denny...why keep this guy who is holding a spot that a young fast passrusher could take. Posey...enough said Adams... Shaud Williams...where is Gates? Coy Wire.... we have waited long enough Tom Donahoe....I want some players brought in and I want my tailgating back for longer than 4 hours...and neither will happen with him Can stay only for the right money Mike Williams...the Pilsbury dough boy can stay for $1M per but anything more than that is way too much Nate Clements...mostly because we have to get 2 safeties and losing 3 DB at once is too much
  19. I respect your opinion, but have you watched Peters run dwn on kick offs. There is no way that he is not better than Euhus ans neufeld as a TE for sure.
  20. Do you know what football team you are talking about. We had a TE, 325 pounds, 6' 5"was a terrific special teams player, unstoppable on coverage teams, could run as fast in the 40 as any wide receiver. What did we do...we draft another TE and turn the potentially greatest weapon we could have had into a tackle and then put our $10M tackle on the bench. Then in gaol line situations we put a tackle (who runs the 40 in 83 minutes) eligible at TE because we wanted to make him feel good. I am sure if we drafted another TE we would make him a center... Donahoe must go.
  21. Proof that the real issue is Donahoe and until that puritanical JERK goes we will never return to respectability...
  22. I agree 100 percent that he should NEVER be part of the Bills. He dished Hull, one of the most beloved players (and skilled) to ever wear our colors.. I think the "roids" Haslett took affected his head. I don't blame Haslett for the mess in NO, they never have money and the organization is awful, but he has proved not to be a good game coach and his teams seem to under perform...come to think of it that seems to be a pre req for the Bills job...
  23. I hate to say this but he looks terrible and either is injured, or is totally given up. I know the O line is a disaster but he is not even giving effort...he needs to sit down and let Gates play until the fire comes back.
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