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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. I think it might even take 2-3 years to show but I agree that it will as well. At this point I'd rather it take a couple more years if we are going to be built to last for a long time as opposed to squeaking in as a wild card team only to get bounced in the first round and have to reboot all over again.
  2. I guess you could say I'm all in since I got my season tickets back this year after swearing off never getting them again It still might take a couple more years but I'm 95% sure this will be the regime to finally end the playoff drought
  3. I had taken a few years off, but me and some buddies decided to get back on board after they put together the front office they did. I'm expecting another rough season ahead, maybe two but for the first time in forever I see light at the end of the tunnel. We decided we wanted to be there for the start of the McDermott era because we are pretty confident this is gonna be the regime that will finally end the drought.
  4. Dazed and Confused Fast Times At Ridgemont High Can't Buy Me Love(such an underrated movie)
  5. When the Bills finally win a Super Bowl it's going to be EUPHORIC!
  6. Jack Arnold Wasn't sure who I was going to select for best tv Mom but the more I thought about it I am also going to go with Norma Arnold
  7. Could be our ticket to a Professional Championship finally....Terry Git-R-Done
  8. I wish they'd fire him simply for the fact I'm so sick of always hearing about the guy
  9. I loved going to parties in high school and college because I loved to party. Now as an adult it really depends on what type of party we are talking about and what the environment is going to be like. I would much prefer a night in watching tv or movies than most social gatherings these days. But Bills tailgating or golf tournaments or a good concert can still be a lot of fun.
  10. Oh yeah I definitely remember that I didn't realize that's what you were referring to, that was at the peak of the Bickering Bills stuff. In fact they even showed that in the 30 for 30 about the Bills Thurman was very cocky in his playing years no doubt about it and I would assume the younger Bills fans don't realize it because all they know is the fan friendly Thurman Thomas on Twitter these days but the helmet thing wasn't his fault and I always felt bad that it got the kind of attention that it did and how its one of those things that unfortunately always stuck with him.
  11. I'm not sure exactly when the quotes were made but I 100% remember him making the statement about being the Michael Jordan of the offense. I don't really recall him making the statement about being the Quarterback but i'm not saying you are wrong about it. That was many moons ago my friend
  12. I think the actual quote was I am the Michael Jordan of this offense
  13. I'm referring to the Marv Levy GM years where it seemed they made an emphasis on drafting choir boys who were not very talented.
  14. These are valid points as well. The Foster thing was weird to me, he seemed like such an awesome prospect but then he slid so far that I thought for sure there was something seriously wrong with him that wasn't out to the general public yet but then the 49ers draft him and all we heard about once again was how awesome this guy is gonna be. I have a buddy who is a 49ers fan who is absolutely thrilled that they were able to grab him.
  15. I agree with the OP somewhat in the sense that I really thought we could have had the steal of the draft with Reuben Foster at 27, I know the kid had some off the field problems but I also saw a sincere love and passion for football from the kid and he looked so humbled when he was finally drafted by the Niners. I think he could turn out to be the second coming of Patrick Willis. I do like the kid we drafted to play corner and I just hope that McD was dead set on taking him and wasn't afraid of taking a shot at Foster because of some "character concerns". It's too early to tell I just hope this isn't like the Marv Levy/Dick Jauron era all over again.
  16. Glad there's some fellow Chester's fans on this board I'm a northtowns guy so I'm not out that way frequently but I will make it a must stop during golf season after we go out for 19th hole suds and grub
  17. Although not off the beaten path by any means since it's located on Transit but a restaurant that I think is awesome in WNY that I NEVER hear anybody else ever talk about is Chester's...a Cajun/New Orleans style restaurant which holds a unique place in the WNY restaurant scene.
  18. Yes Heading downtown shortly to soak in the experience Never been a huge UFC fan but It's another great thing for the city to get the opportunity to host one and I'm looking forward to a different sporting experience than what I'm normally accustomed to. I'm hearing rumors that alot of former and current Bills players will be attending tonight so that will be pretty cool
  19. No problem, glad you liked it, I really enjoyed reading it as well.
  20. In honor of WrestleMania day I wanted to share this retrospective look back at WM 3 I came across the other day, this was a very well done look back at the one that put professional wrestling on the map. If you are a fan of nostalgia and grew up watching WWF then you should enjoy this http://www.detroitnews.com/story/entertainment/2017/03/29/wrestlemania-iii-oral-history-30-years/99729286/?curator=SportsREDEF
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