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Everything posted by BillsPride12

  1. Cannot believe nobody is mentioning Milano! He was all over the field today and played like a madman.
  2. It had been going downhill for years. Pretty much unwatchable now.
  3. No love for Binford Tools in here?
  4. I used to have that special on VHS when it first came out back in the day. Probably watched it over 100 times back then haha
  5. It's crazy to me that a pic from 2003 could pretty much qualify as a retro pic right now. Time sure is flying by ?
  6. Bills Fan Sabres fan Sports fan in general Playing golf Traveling when I get the opportunity I like watching a lot of movies and tv shows from the 80s and 90s I collect shot glasses from cities I travel to and some sports memorabilia Big music and documentary fan I have a ton of hobbies but I am not sure if any of them would be considered off the beaten path. Have you ever met a coworker or somebody that doesn't seem to have any hobbies? That's the weird one to me. I don't get people who don't have any interests or passions in life, I don't think I could make it through life without having hobbies I love.
  7. While watching the game last night the one thought that kept popping into my head..."We're getting there" We are still at least a year away but you can see the progress and the depth continue to grow.
  8. Did anyone else pay attention to Wyatt Teller last night? I was also very impressed with what I saw from him as well. He was knocking guys around all over the place. It's nice to see the nastiness taking form on our offensive line.
  9. Agree with everybody else....Only guy I haven't seen mentioned yet that I'm really curious about is Milano. Just want to see he looks back to normal form.
  10. Now that's a Bills fan story if I've ever heard one!
  11. Agreed. I think it goes along with the whole culture thing McDermott is preaching. Not just acquiring talent but building a family. I think Oliver's personality is a better fit for both his teammates and Bills fans. I think he is going to bring the electricity when he steps on the field especially the games at New Era. Can't wait!
  12. Ed, Hughes, Tre, Jordan Phillips, Edmunds....I think the intensity level is going to be off the charts with the defense this year and I can't wait to see it.
  13. I don't think they mind being spotted or talked to as long as it's by somebody who knows how to talk to them like they are normal people and have a normal conversation. I've seen some absolute nerds try to approach either athletes or say their significant other/family member and they just have no business approaching them with the way they try to talk to them. That can be cringe worthy.
  14. Serious question here, how good did Aaron Donald look in his rookie season? How big of an impact did he have? I honestly don't remember at this point how good he looked coming right out the gate. In my mind I keep pondering how much of an impact we can realistically expect from Oliver?(I'm also not implying I think he will match Aaron Donald's production in his rookie year although he could be close)
  15. Interesting to see Levy didn't shy away from the Sexual misconduct allegations. I always thought that was unfair to Bennett if that's what is truly keeping him off the Wall because Kelly, Thurman, Bruce, Andre all have skeletons in their closet as well from off the field incidents in their playing days even though they didn't get a record for it. I'm not condoning what Bennett did but as Marv states in his letter he has already paid the price for his actions and has moved on and became a better person. Bills don't go to four Super Bowls in a row without Biscuit's impact. Get it done Pegula's!
  16. These answers are incorrect. Still waiting for the correct answer on this one.
  17. If I'm being honest I never watched NYPD Blue but just by putting together the Wonder Years and Friends connection I knew that had to be the answer
  18. David Schwimmer Which kid on Home Improvement got busted for bringing pot around the house?
  19. I don't see why he wouldn't. He was a McBeane draft pick. I think he has potential to be a serious Mauler on the O-line. Hopefully the next Richie Incognito without all of the off the field issues.
  20. There were some great docs on Woodstock and that era a decade ago as we were approaching the 40 year anniversary of Woodstock. I was expecting to see a similar run this summer as we approach the 50th anniversary but it looks like they are just going to leave it be. I assume they feel like it has already been beaten to death at this point..which is true.
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