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Everything posted by Lurker

  1. Fat chance of that with all the TSW business mavens with too much time on their hands, now that there are no high profile meetings to attend...
  2. Possibly. There are no revenue streams coming out of the Sabres right now--or for the next six months-- meaning they have to cover all costs from other sources. If those sources are already pledged or illiquid, as the oil and gas assets would be, then they may have a liquidity crunch. The bloodletting seemed more about finances and less about hockey to me. Which is more than a little troubling...
  3. I would put it more in Krueger's own terms. Ralph's more of a conductor, chosing muscians who can give him the sound he's looking for, then driving them to give their best possible performance. Botts, OTOH, is more like a drummer for Spinal Tap...
  4. IIRC, I seem to remember a story that after Sexy Rexy was fired, the league office gave the Pegula's help in crafting a list of potential HC candidates to choose from. McD was the first candidate on that list interviewed and subsequently hired. In turn, Sean's recommendation of Beane probably carried a lot of weight on the GM hire. If so, the Pegula's really did benefit from the NFL's subtle prod, rather than prove they were astute judges of talent. Sadly, without help like that, the Sabres are probably going to continue spinning their wheels...
  5. Colin Powell Warren Buffett Tim Berners-Lee Queen Elizabeth Betty White
  6. So good to see CSNY when they were young, healthy and having a good time. And bittersweet, recognizing the passage of time and knowing they (and most fans like us) are closer to the end than the beginning. As to Tom Jones, happy birthday! I think I'll go and dig out a pair of my wife's panties to throw at the monitor... (Love the first guy's comment on this video)...
  7. It is about race. That was the "...Especially if the perpetrator is poor, non-white and "not like us" line was about. But it's also is about unequal justice, justice for some and abuse of public trust / responsibility. Which is why the marches have taken on such a widespread and international tone. In any event, nobody's changing any hearts and minds in this thread. That's both the problem and the reason why it will never be solved. OAO...
  8. Whataboutism at its finest. The protest is not about crime or violence. Its about the near universality of instances where public servants sworn to protect and serve--who, when they break that faith and do clearly illegal things--invariably are protected by the same justice system that would, under similar circumstances, send a "civilian" away for life. Especially if the perpetrator is poor, non-white and "not like us." Crime is always going to be a part of the human condition. It's a false equivalence to say there is no difference between those who commit crimes--when clearly the one whose oath is to "protect" is a world away in responsibility and duty from the common thug who shot David Dorn. Or to not acknowledge that the way justice for those crimes is administered is different if you wear a uniform. This is the sad, frustrating and ultimately intractable reality that America is confronting...
  9. In memory of Jon Stewart in the post above...this was SIX F'n years ago. And here we are again, with virtually the same cast of jamokes mouthing off about things. This is what so many protesters are angery about...
  10. "Evans said the PBA stands "behind those officers 100%" and that the union would pay for any defense costs for the two officers, Evans said." https://buffalonews.com/2020/06/05/57-members-of-buffalo-police-riot-response-team-resign/
  11. Goodell is a mouthpiece for the owners. If anything changes in how the league views player protests, he'll be the first to hear about it...
  12. Another very useful thread. Very sad, but also very useful...
  13. That doesn't have to be mutually exclusive with what Brees said about never wanting to disrespect the flag or anthem. Kap's kneeling is just a symbol, not the end unto itself. In today's binary world, it seems there's little ability to hold more than one belief, which is pretty sad, actually...
  14. Should we also repost Josh's high school tweets here as well? Asking for a friend...
  15. https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2020/06/03/world-restaurants-coronavirus-adaptation/ Robots, lampshades and mannequins: How restaurants around the world are adapting to the coronavirus Wow! CONTROL was way ahead of their time. Just spooky...
  16. To be honest, I could care less about them running routes and catching balls against air. What I do care a great deal about is them getting together, building personal bonds and friendships on their own dime. As others have said, there is a whole lot more to team success than Xs and Os. Culture, comradery and common goals are a significant part of it as well...
  17. Interesting tidbit from today's column by Peter King: https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/06/01/nfl-power-rankings-fmia-peter-king-2/ "I do not account for the unprecedented offseason. Too many variables, and there’s really no way of knowing how seriously teams are taking the virtual learning. But I did get an interesting view of it from Peyton Manning the other day. I wondered what advice he’d have for players—quarterbacks in particular—in such a lonely offseason. Manning had a good story about his brother, Eli, pertaining to this. “I did a Zoom call with Eli for a buddy, an investment banker,” Peyton Manning said. “It was a Q&A. Someone asked your question—how would you handle this situation as a quarterback? Eli talked about during the NFL lockout—nobody makes any comparisons to what’s going on right now—but, the NFL lockout was somewhat similar in the fact that it was truly a lockdown. Couldn’t talk to the coaches. Couldn’t go into the facilities. Maybe even tougher because you couldn’t have communication with the coaches. Eli talked about organizing their own workouts and taking some ownership. Eli got practice scripts, like blitz walk-through drawings, diagrams, he got practice jerseys, he organized workouts at a high school. He was kind of the head coach/coordinator and they were doing full routes and doing 7 on 7 and blitzes at practice. He was really thorough. “Sure enough, they were in the Super Bowl that year. They beat the Patriots. “So I’ve done a few Zoom calls. I did the Buffalo Bills quarterback room meeting. Did the Los Angeles Rams full team meeting. Did the Bears quarterbacks. That was kinda my message, sort of, you know, follow Eli’s lead. Quarterbacks, take ownership. All these Zoom meetings, right now, the coaches are leading them. My message was to the quarterbacks. ‘Hey, organize your own Zoom meetings without the coaches, just get you and the tight ends, you and the receivers.’ It’s actually an opportunity to even have better communication. Because there’s nothing else to do, right?..."
  18. Only #2, sadly... https://www.ranker.com/list/famous-people-named-walt/reference
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