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Everything posted by Spiderweb

  1. Yards gained after contact doesn't support your opinion. Just stop.
  2. Not this past Sunday. He simply played well.
  3. It was never his disagreement with covid vax, it was his childish manner in which he displayed his opinion. Many people had varying opinions on the subject and they didn'take a spectacle of themselves in the process. Beasley did. As a player, I liked him too ...
  4. I was not impressed with Sherfield (couldn't get off the line when pressed).
  5. During Hacket's time as the Bills OC, many posters here felt that he was a pitiful OC .. l Would this still be true today or has our animosity for him waned?
  6. No one is questioning his running ability. It was his pitiful passing that we all recall and he was barely a single-threat at best anyway.
  7. Fake news is what the deny everything admit nothing, make counter accusation folks foster.
  8. Willie has destroyed his future and I hope he's not another CTE tragedy.. Funny, I was just wondering about him.
  9. Cook did torch us last year.
  10. While I can understand uniform changes may rile some, these are trivial. What concerns me far more is who is wearing the jersey for the Bills.
  11. Absolutely pass on Bennett. Shame to all who even mention his name and the Bills in the same breath.. 😁
  12. Jeez... This is not a good look at all! very curious signing indeed... First blush: Poor.
  13. Let's see where Tre is this coming year. I believe he will be back on good form. As the the year progressed last year, Tre played better. No one expected him to play up to his past performance right away, did they?
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