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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. “Hard Knox” by Chuck Knox is a good read, but he doesn’t get into the juicy backstories too much.
  2. That game had the most electric atmosphere - even walking around a few hours before the game you could feel it. Gorgeous sunset that evening too. Everything was perfect except for the ending.
  3. The proper BBFS perspective is the season starts, the Bills makes the Super Bowl as a huge favorite AND THEN the game is canceled due to the virus. Apparently you haven’t been a Bills fan very long....
  4. David Johnson must be taking a major ego hit. “Hopkins traded for a ham sandwich” Ouch! That’ll leave a mark.
  5. I remember the arguments about whether Watkins cost 2 or 3 first round picks....
  6. Wasn’t he 5th year option about $10M? If so, makes sense the Bills didn’t resign him for those dollars that the Fins gave him.
  7. I find it hard to believe BOB is capable of connecting those dots.
  8. Seems like a very low price for Hopkins
  9. 1968 was the first year I remember following the team closely. Jack Kemp was injured in preseason after a poor showing resulted in the Bills having a full contact scrimmage. The Bills went through QB starters Tom Flores, Kay Stephenson and Dan Darragh before WR Ed Rutkowski had to step in and play QB the last three games. Two of them were pretty exciting with the Bills losing in the final minutes against Denver and Oakland. The highlight of the season was beating the Super Bowl-bound Jets 37-35 fueled by 5 INTs of Joe Willy, 3 of which went for TDs, including a 100-yard return by Tom Janik. I can remember all kinds of details about the Bills and NFL from 50 years ago but cannot remember where I left my car keys this morning.
  10. I just measured and my hand is 9-1/4”. Unfortunately, I’m a sorry 6” in the “baller” measurement.
  11. Frigging early parachute deployment is also what ruined Evil Knievel’s Snake River Canyon jump. These daredevils must be lousy in bed. And the comments in that Twitter post! The Earth is still round. Mad Mike Hughes is flat. “Rest in Pieces”
  12. This is just for the 17th game. The schedule layout remains as is for the other 16 games.
  13. For the 17th games, make them all inter conference games. On even years, the AFC are all home teams, and on odd years, the NFC are all home teams. That way there’s no advantage within the conferences for home/away on that extra game.
  14. Addiction will make you do crazy things. Getting hummers in the parking lot to keep going to Cheesecake Factory qualifies. ?
  15. This reeks of sex addiction. Recruiting random girls on social media to give you head in a Cheescake Factory parking lot? Yup. If you like getting head that much, just find a good one and put her on the damn payroll. Perhaps he just needs a professional recruiter to set up these “interviews”. ?
  16. “ Search Results Featured snippet from the web Neighborhoods, churches and factories all had discount days at Crystal Beach, and through the years several different grocery store chains, including Loblaws and later Super Duper, gave out free ride tickets for good grades on your report card.Jul 2, 2019
  17. One of the Buffalo supermarkets used to give free ride tickets for every A or B you got on your report card. It was a great incentive to do homework and get good grades!
  18. The only thing good about Syracuse is it’s location. Thousand Island, Adirondacks, Finger Lakes, Canada and Vermont all within a 2-3 hour drive.
  19. I left Buffalo in 1985 for Syracuse. I think I’m doing this wrong.
  20. If I’m “connecting dots” then the stadium is gonna be in Batavia. Dunkirk Don told me.
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