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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. And when we release him we can say we cut a FART?
  2. Went to Atlanta to attend my first and only Super Bowl. What a great time that was, despite the outcome. Had a blast.
  3. Someone please post a clip from Pornhub so we can hear how you guys would make her ***.
  4. A poster mentioned the list came about as a request from a listener. Perhaps your issue is with the listener?
  5. I don’t think it’s pathetic in terms of listing who changed the thinking that a black man couldn’t be a starting NFL QB, which is what this list sounds like. “Pathetic” is the fact that it was such a big deal when James Harris was named the Bills starter and there were actually questions about whether a black man had the intelligence to lead a team. OJ’s book “The Education of a Rich Rookie” related some of the crap James had to put up with being a black QB in the late 1960s. Briscoe was a dynamic QB for Denver but Saban didn’t want him to continue playing QB. Doug Williams was the first black QB to lead a team to a Super Bowl victory and that was a very big deal at the time. I think by the time Vick came along, those old prejudices had largely disappeared. But he changed the type of player a QB could be.
  6. I think the “must win” comes from the fact there are certain games that are thought to have a higher probability of being won. For instance, division games against the Jets and Dolphins are must wins because you might not be able to beat NE at all. The must wins are those they can’t afford to lose because it means depending on beating tougher teams down the road, which the Bills haven’t shown any ability to do so far this season, other than maybe Tennessee. The Bills “must win” the gimme games against bottom feeders because they may not be equipped to beat the top teams yet.
  7. About 1-1.5 years. We have hard water so I run some cleaner through it every 6 months or so. Works great.
  8. We also have a Technivorm MoccaMaster. A guy that owns a coffee shop recommended it as it hits the temperature sweet spot. Also have a burr grinder to grind beans immediately before brewing. Found a local roaster and can get beans that were roasted a day or less before. Had been drinking Starbucks Sumatra but this guy’s locally roasted beans make delicious coffee. What a difference!
  9. With 7 playoff teams per conference, the Bills record of 17 years without playoffs will look even more impressive!
  10. Your screen name belies your qualifications to make this judgement
  11. The Bills are broadcast on radio in Syracuse and Rochester, and elsewhere: https://www.buffalobills.com/audio/radio-network
  12. Duke inactive so McKittrick is up with Bob
  13. I understand there are some really good Bills podcasts out there. Not sure about Sabres....
  14. Somewhere on YouTube there’s an audio of her vocal on White Rabbit sans music. It’s beautiful.
  15. It is curious how people get so offended and/or angry about this guy’s opinions.
  16. Fizzers get my vote. Outstanding UK candy. I heard his rant on this McD statement and thought it was very entertaining.
  17. There’s lots of different anomalies. The one I initially described was Mahomes’ instant greatness leading to unrealistic expectations for other young QBs. I believe that to be true and people’s impatience with Josh Allen is in part, I believe, because Mahomes and maybe Watson have excelled very quickly. Their success is still, to me, an anomaly and not the norm. May have to put Lamar in with them as this year progresses. Aaron Rodgers was drafted in the lower part of the first round and sat for a good while behind Farve before getting his shot. His greatness is hard to judge as an anomaly because he had to sit behind a Hall of Famer. I wonder if he would have been instantly great like Mahomes. He was good, not great his first full season after sitting for three years. His second starting season was pretty great. Brees took a while to become great. Eli, Peyton and Rivers all took some time to become great. Those are becoming dated examples, but the fact is until very recently, young QBs took a while to play at a very high level. That’s why I consider Mahomes an anomaly.
  18. And thus my point about the draft being a crap shoot. Minshew wasn’t on anyone’s radar and apparently he can really play. He may be playing better than he did in college. He is another anomaly, albeit one that doesn’t get the press that Mahomes does. Josh Allen is who many described him before the draft - a bit of a raw project who will take some time to develop. And that’s exactly what he has proven to be.
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