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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. I think you are talking about me, and I’m 60. If I’m the younger generation, you must be like 80.
  2. God bless you Mom! Thanks for sharing your grief with us. Take care, Limeade.
  3. Well, from a revenue-producing standpoint, this makes perfect sense. These billionaires didn’t get to where they are by keeping the status quo for the good of the existing customer. It’s all about finding new customers. They will get higher ratings after this, no doubt.
  4. Some Bills featured prominently https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Y2vS8dPMR2U&feature=youtu.be
  5. Hard to pick someone as one of the Top 10 coaches in the history of the NFL who never won a league championship, regardless of how many league championship games he lost.
  6. You sure she wasn’t just explaining the concept to Tasker? ?
  7. How do you feel about NFL teams hiring female coaches? ?
  8. WEO and I are getting them done “back to back” so to speak.
  9. Fasting and purging on Super Sunday. Should have checked the calendar when I scheduled that colonoscopy ??‍♂️
  10. He requested the letter be written. There was no requirement or need for it. Clearly they were not going to exercise the clause to terminate. I don’t feel I am cynical; that’s just how the whole thing came off given how Poloncarz worded his message.
  11. “....and both tables of diners stood and applauded.”
  12. Sounds like Poloncarz just wants people to think he had something to do with the lease not being terminated early.
  13. If it means getting that damn tracker off his leg, I’m sure he’d go pick up trash along the side of the road. Which is probably in his future anyway. ?
  14. It would be more entertaining watching them play Madden. Or bocce.
  15. 28 is the only one I may eventually watch. I was at the game and would be interested in seeing it played out from a broadcast perspective. But probably only after they have actually won one. Apparently went the way of VCRs.
  16. I wonder if I’ll ever be able to watch any of the Bills’ Super Bowl clips. Nah.
  17. Plus we have crappy hotels. I heard that from an NFL player. ?
  18. I think the real crime here is naming a child “Joejuan”.
  19. I would probably use an agent again if I went but I think that was my one and only Super Bowl. Just not into it that much any more. We went to Switzerland this past year and I would much rather invest in those kinds of trips. Absolutely beautiful experience.
  20. That happened to us via Small World Travel. They told us before we went down the broker fell through and said we could go down anyway and they would try to get us tickets. The travel agents bailed on us once we got down there and only a few of us were able to scalp seats. We paid $2000 a piece. Got them off some car dealers who had gotten them free as a sales award. We filed a class action suit against the travel agency and they went bankrupt after refunding about $300 of our $1300 package. Got a CNN interview out of it!
  21. The NFL Draft has a red carpet event? Is Joan River’s kid going to identify the suit makers of each player?? Can’t wait!
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