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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. It really comes down to what uni they are wearing. Thank God the all red is done this year. White over blue?
  2. Seems like you’re using too much brain power on this. It’s actually simpler to jack the house up and put it on stilts. I’ve seen them at the beach like this. You’re welcome.
  3. Agreed. F her for trying to have a career at the expense of our discomfort.
  4. You sound so strong. I only curl 12 ounces at a time.
  5. If you’re old, there are books about/by OJ (one of my favorites is “Education of a Rich Rookie” with stories of old time Bills players and OJ’s Most Memorable Games by Jim Baker), Chuck Knox, Smerlas, Eddie Abramowski, Tasker, Cookie, Dobler, “Talking Proud” (about the 1980 season), “More Than A Ring” about Don Beebe. I have all these and enjoyed them all. Ron McDole has a new one out that I have on my list to read. If you are a fan of 1960s Green Bay Packers, “Instant Replay” by Jerry Kramer is a great, great classic. There are also some really interesting books on the old AFL (“Going Long”, “Remember the AFL”, “If You Can’t Join ‘Em, Beat ‘Em”, “The Other League”). I also have a couple on Joe Willie Namath who was quite a character and interesting to read about.
  6. I wonder if their instruction manual tells them all about proper feminine hygiene too.
  7. Very sorry for your loss. MY dad passed at age 54 when I was 16 in 1975. My closest tie with him while alive was the Bills. If they ever win the Big One, I will be celebrating with my Dad first and foremost. You will always have that connection to your Dad through the Bills. Enjoy it!
  8. I’m pissed because now I’ll be up all night watching replays and reading about our big win. Mother-effer!!
  9. How about the Bills just win out and win the GD Super Bowl themselves?
  10. The way he was digging in that pile, I figure somebody got a prostate check.
  11. Please don’t include me in your “we” characterization. It causes me great pain.
  12. Thank you for making Jerruh look like his hot blonde girlfriend just left the party with Josh
  13. Show up in force! Enjoy the hell out of this win!
  14. Thankful the Bills game is on CBS so I don’t have to listen to Aikman and Jimmy Johnson talk about the Cowboys all game
  15. FFS - these a-holes just ruined my favorite insult: “stick it where the sun don’t shine “.
  16. End zone ticket holders get screwed again. Like watching on a phone while everyone else gets the ultra-wide screen. ?
  17. Pretty much like now with the bitching and moaning and complaining - except the Bills had better records. ?
  18. I was at that game with my mother. YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU DIRTY BASTARD! TAKE IT BACK!!!!!!!
  19. No, they don’t make them look fat. Did I do that right, dear?
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