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Everything posted by WotAGuy

  1. If I block you are you gonna come get me? Because I’ve already dialed the 9 and a 1.
  2. I’m willing to start the Go Fund Me for your plane ticket. Who’s with me??
  3. I’m just sitting here thinking if Norwood’s kick would have been 5 feet to the left....man, it’s a kick in the balls.
  4. I take offense at that. There have been far more pathetic looks for this board.
  5. Pretty much women of all denominations. Except the Universalists. They are whores.
  6. Walk up to her and get about two inches from her face and call her the c-word. Women generally hate that. She won’t be back.
  7. This has a tone of familiarity - perhaps to the extent that one possesses knowledge of which Wendy’s have the bathrooms most amenable to such endeavors.
  8. Thanks I appreciate that. If you don’t mind my asking, who are the other two? Because I can’t think of any.
  9. This move was a no brainer because of one thing - coeds. Bills have no cheerleaders. It will continue to cost us.
  10. I can’t blame him for trying to make something happen. I mean, Watson probably should have just taken the sack when he had two guys coming onto him, but he made the play of the season out of it. I really feel Allen wasn’t all there mentally in the late stages, possibly from a concussion. But it’s his nature to try and make a play in that situation. Sometimes it turns to crap and sometimes it turns to gold, like Watson made happen.
  11. I thought he looked concussed for most of the latter part of the 4th quarter. He had a strange expression during that time and played far differently than he usually does in late game situations. Many strange decisions that seemed to indicate he just wanted the game to end one way or another. When it kept going, he just looked more and more confused.
  12. Clearly, Josh Allen is the tall, physical receiver this team needs.
  13. Exactly. Playing for field goals is usually losing football.
  14. What’s the record for closed threads after a game?
  15. Score some points and take her clothes shopping instead. You’ll have about as much fun. ?
  16. I was there. That is the first game I remember attending as well. I remember George Atkinson having a great game. That, and the colors! After watching games on a B&W TV and seeing the green field and royal blue jerseys was stunning, especially after walking through that neighborhood and that stadium.
  17. I started following them in 1968 when they were 1-12-1. I figured they were on their way up! Drafted OJ in ‘69 and it was an exciting time. Been a lot of heartbreak and disappointments. Attendance highlights have been the 1980 opener beating the Dolphins for the first time in 10 years, the first and fourth AFC Championship games and the fourth Super Bowl. Still waiting for them to win the Big One.
  18. Even if JJ Watt knocks out all of Allen’s teeth with his chest brace the NFL won’t do anything. Now, if Brady’s hair was to get messed up, braces will be outlawed the next season.
  19. Players have been wielding arm/wrist casts as weapons for decades. It’s always been acceptable to have a brace or cast. Go back to the 70s and see how they would put a little foam pad on a cast and them use it like a club. The NFL has never had a problem with it. It’s just the way it’s always been. Nothing new here. I see your point.
  20. How is complaining to the refs before something even happens a “competitive advantage”?
  21. Why would you wanna take a nap during the game? Sheesh.
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