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Everything posted by C.Biscuit97

  1. Let’s all post shirtless pics and make them our avatars!!! Probably keep some people from being so cocky (not me, I’m still in playing shape ?).
  2. In the last 5-10 years, under 60% is a good indicator of not being successful in the nfl. Stafford was under 60% for his career but was 61.4% his last year in college. In the SEC. If Allen turns into a franchise qb, I will doubt nothing about this regime and start working on their statues. If he is a bust, they deserve to be fired for ignoring huge red flags. I don’t think there are any other options. Genius or moron.
  3. You personally called me out, wrongly, twice. Ive PMed you and I know we will settle this there. and I do apologize for trying to crush anyone’s optimism. I’ve made my feelings clear and I do want to be wrong. Have a good weekend, go Bills & Allen haha!
  4. And Tyrod had his faults but he did get another starting job and help a team get to the playoffs. Both of them certainly deserve to be in the nfl instead of Brandon Weeden, who just got a contract.
  5. I don’t know if you’re trying to be funny here but to be clear: I hated Jimmy Clausen. I hated Johnny Manziel . I hated Hackenberg. I hated Blaine Gabbert. I never got the hype around sam Bradford. I loved Newton, Watson, and Matt Ryan. They are all in the archives here so since you called me out, feel free to check them out. So if you are going the opposite, your track record is terrible. as a reformed homer, I freely admit that I let my feelings about players be influenced by them. I hoped EJ would be good because he had the tools and seemed like a great guy. Same with Trent. I defend Losman until I heard that all his teammates but Lee Evans hated him. I basically feel like Some fans are doing the same thing I did with EJ with Allen. At the same point, I get it. What can you do but hope for the best.
  6. Eh, Kaepernick was 10 yards away from winning a SB and threw for 16 tds to 4 ints in his last, “terrible” season in the nfl. ive been hard on the Allen pick and obviously I want a HOF but if Allen has a stretch where he was dominate nfl qb and we go to a SB, I will consider him a success.
  7. I don’t agree with everything you posted (our 4.4 guys aren’t good wrs) but I respect you John. in my perfect world, a GM hires McDermott and they hire a prove OC or young upcoming one with a history of nfl success. We did the opposite of this. Ultimately, McBean will be judged on Allen panning out. If he does, I look like an idiot but I will be very happy because the Bills are set for 10 years.
  8. How can be sure where Allen is on any team’s draft board? Maybe the Bills were the only one who thought of him as 1st rounder. Maybe every other team did. i think a lot of how we evaluate players is based on where draft “experts” have them ranked. Or Darnold. Or Mayfield. Or Jackson to a less extent (because I saw him dominate a very good college conference but I have worries of the Bills developing him). I think Rosen is the most complete nfl passer in the draft. But I thought the rest were also more finished products who have a higher chance at succeeding than Allen. We will see. Yup or none do. I and some others think you should eliminate as much risk as possible. Allen has the traits that a lot of other bust 1st round QBs have (lower completion %, overvalue because of their arm, shaky competition). Hopefully, he is an outliner.
  9. 1) Carolina kinda sucked at wr and was willing to trade KB in the middle of a playoff hunt. His knees are terrible, he always struggled to get separation, and has gotten worse statistically every year. 2) mike tolbert 3) Rick Dennison 4) zero speed at receiver 5) I wanted JuJu, they traded up for Zay. And I’m certainly not giving up on Zay but man, it was a tough start and that was before he fought for Jesus. Also, it feels like a favor to his former college coach (as does the Proehl pick). 6) the Peterman start is one of the worst decisions in a long time. Obviously, McDermott isn’t going anywhere. He brought the drought. Personally, I think it was Jauronball with better luck. I think he is a fine coach and with a good qb will be good. But I don’t like how much power he has and I wish we had a more proven offensive guy to help this pick such an important pick. but I’m begging to be horribly wrong. I have once before! This is such a BS post but I’ll leave it alone. No one wants Allen to fail. That’s why I hate how guys move up and down in the draft process months after their seasons ended. It blows my mind how many prospects rise/ fall because of their work in shorts. And this isn’t just Allen.
  10. Eball, you’ve always been a good guy, but what is the point of this? It’s an opinion message board. And just because you’re an nfl coach, your opinion is 100% correct? Sam Wyche, who had a much better resume than Brian Daboll, thought he could work with JP Losman. Also, who is the pro QB prospect Daboll has ever developed? What have McBeane done to show us they know how to identify offensive players? I’m glad so many Bills fans are positive about Allen. But it’s also ok to dubious of the pick, especially after some of the offensive moves so far and the general history of the Bills picking the wrong qb. Because Rosen was a better qb in a better conference. It’s so hard to evaluate qbs but inaccuracy is the one deficiency that is the hardest to overcome. It just blows my mind that people think because a person holds a position they are infallible. The President of the US is always right because he’s the President!
  11. Mike Tolbert The best part is some Bills fans bashed Fletcher because he made too many tackles down field! Mario was a great signing. Rex helped it but it was crazy how fast he fell off. He was possibly the best DE in 2014
  12. Haha. We both are bigger than you Lil’ Rico.
  13. You make no sense. The games Rosen missed but obviously, the game Allen missed doesn’t count. How in the world does that make sense?
  14. Oh please. Whaley put together the #4 defense in the nfl that beat Aaron Rodgers with a scrub like Kyle Orton not scoring an offensive td. Whaley’s biggest failing was trying to make it work with a moron like Rex. And i I don’t have high hopes for Shaq, but at worst, he’s a serviceable rotation guy. But this regime will trade another starting caliber player because they didn’t draft him.
  15. Rex sucks. There are fewer bigger frauds than that guy. I loved him telling viewers how to stop Tom Brady after Brady scored almost 50 points against him. Total joke.
  16. Well the vast majority of cops are heroes, the majority would have played pro football if they had the ability. In fact, some of the worst cops are the power hungry former high school player.
  17. Yeah. I think McDermott has all the power on this team. I fully trust him on defensive. Besides Dawkins, their offensive player evaluations have been really bad. It’s only been a year but we’re asking a guy who has been on defense his whole career to make a major call on a qb. That’s a huge risk imo.
  18. That fact that Kiper likes him makes me feel worse. He is terrible. He said the same things about Jimmy Clausen. I want to feel like this. I watched Allen this year because I wanted to see what the hype was about. Dude barely looked draftable in the Oregon and Iowa. I know people will come up with a million excuses but I saw a mid round prospect at best. I watched a ton of Rosen. I saw a guy who played with a defense that gave up 35 points/ game. I saw a guy who had one of the greatest comebacks next to Reich that I’ve ever seen. I saw a guy outplay Darnold head to head. For all the excuses people made for Allen, Rosen played on a crappy UCLA team. But he produced. Im not fake. I can’t pretend I like a pick because my team made him. I would have been happy if the Jets took him. I will root for him because I’m sure he will work hard and do the right things. But man, I hope they are right because if hey aren’t, they are morons for ignoring overwhelming evidence.
  19. And if Tom Brady, Todd Gurley, Cam Newton, Aaron Rodgers decided they didn’t want to follow those rules, the owners would crumble so fast.
  20. Haha. Love the double standards!!! i call talk all the crap I want to a player but they better not respond!!!
  21. I’m Roman Catholic and would never think to have God removed from the pledge. But it is funny that a country that was settled by people trying to escape religious prosecution is forcing religion down people’s throats
  22. When will the fad of pretending that you are a better American going to stop? dear lord, this got ramped up again by a guy who used bone spurs as excuse not to fight for the country and made fun of a war hero for being a POW. Talk about false patriotism and trying to cater to a base.
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