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Everything posted by C.Biscuit97

  1. The Bengals sucked last year. And that’s fine, it’s his right. But the nfl is so far superior over everything that of course it will drop at some point. the owners don’t want to lose a penny. But they also risk isolating people who think they are forcing their own beliefs down other people’s throats.
  2. Jimmy G’s stock completely sunk in my eyes. At least “date” an attractive porn whore.
  3. Most overhyped player ever??? Hahahahaha. dude, just be honest. You don’t like the things Rosen said about his politics and Alabama. Just be upfront about it. I don’t like Allen because I think he has a lot of the traits of a bust. I want to be wrong though.
  4. Oh please. That point is so overblown. Ratings went down in nascar. Im sure ratings really down last year in Buffalo.
  5. The funniest part is there probsbly wont have been many problems this year. A lot of players, Kaepernick included, said they weren’t going to protest. but nfl owners want to keep pushing their weight around.
  6. Of course if the majority of a nfl team refuses to play, the owner will fold real quick. If you did this at you job, you’re completely replaceable. for the millionth time, your job isn’t the same as a pro athlete’s.
  7. Haha, anyone would pipe McVay’s girlfriend. That porn “Star” with Jimmy G is gross and talk about a desperate move. Russ Wilson is a weirdo.
  8. You bring up Rosen all the time because he knocked the education Alabama football players get. But it bigger picture, the Allen vs Rosen debate will be a big debate for this team going forward. And yup, I could be wrong on Allen but I’m guessing a guy from rural California has a different political than a guy who grew up in a diverse north Buffalo neighborhood.
  9. John, you’re the man but have you ever not thought the Bills weren’t making the playoffs? and it’s easier to steal games when you have Tom Brady
  10. Here’s why I said that. In a thread about Allen, you felt the need to knock Rosen. I agree on I don’t think Allen is a racist. But: 1) I get that people are excited but so much stuff is fluff pieces. Which Bills Qb didn’t work hard or try to embrace the city? I’m sick of fluff and want results. 2). Allen had some real issues in college. Sub 60% college passers (in the last 10 years, I’m sure someone will bring up Otto Graham’s stats in college as counter) fail at a tremendous rate in the nfl. Folks make a lot of excuses for his performance. But a sub 60% passer, sub 2,000 yard passer in the MWC going 7th overall worries me. 3) besides perhaps Dawkins, their offensive evaluations have been terrible. Fully on board with the defense but this is the problem with an offensive coach. 4) I think we should have taken Rosen. It bothers me that the Bills seem like they didn’t evaluate him as much as other qbs. I thought Allen was the worst” but you still completely evaluate him. 5) i feel like Rosen “fell” because a) fans/ coaches didn’t think he was totally devoted to football (I get that to an extent) or b) disagrees with his politics or things he said (which is pathetic). I’m guessing I’m not on the same page with Allen politically but that would have no factor in my view of him as a prospect. ive been on this board for a long time. I’ve been called a homer many, many times. I love this team much more than I should. I hate feeling like the Bills blew one of the most important picks in franchise history on a flawed qb, which is a pattern for this team. But as I’ve said many times, I’d rather have the Bills succeed but than be right. I hate this feeling.
  11. Yup! Who cares how a qb performed in college??? I only want good guys who clean the city of Buffalo! He was too busy tweeting racist stuff!
  12. I might in the minority but I hate that saying. 1) it’s not close to original 2). If they are 5-11 and 4-12 the next 2 years, they can keep repeating trust the process. 3). The 76ers, who have been trusting the process way before us, had to seat through 5 years of awful basketball.
  13. Given the Bills history, it seems impossible for them to win less than 6 games no matter who is on the team. but “on paper,” this offense looks awful. McDermott will need to complete his PhD in Jauron ball to match last year.
  14. If you weren’t a Bills fan, what record would you predict for them?
  15. I mean that’s like your opinion dude. Teams also had Blaine Gabbert rated higher the Cam Newton. Nfl teams/ draft experts do stupid things all the time. i have zero doubt EJ is a better player under Chip Kelly than Nate Hackett. I hope you’re right but I was completely underwhelmed watching Bama’s offense. Hurts has his issues but he regressed under Daboll. Nothing in Daboll’s past shows an innovative offensive mind. I will be very happy to be wrong on this. But rushing out to hire Brian Daboll and targeting Allen, literally the only qb I didn’t want in the first round, seem like The type of moves bad teams make. Hopefully this is the new K Gun and not the next Losman/ Mularkey.
  16. Trade you a young stud Josh Allen for old and falling apart Aaron Rodgers. Deal?
  17. As a reformer homer, instead of address the article, you act the author. We we all want the Bills to be good but on paper, this offense looks really bad. Defense could be very good though.
  18. Good original joke. But certainly EJ’s NFl career hasn’t lived up to the standards of Sims, Parker, Wilson, Coker, McElroy, & Croyle. But I’m sure their challenging degrees from Bama is much important to them than millions of dollars.
  19. And his resume kinda sucks. But he’s experienced I guess. The Bills go 6-10 to 9-7 every year ?
  20. And definitely agree with this. EJ play like a robot and seemed afraid to make mistakes. His best throws where we he just bombed the ball. and I agree with letting young qbs make mistakes. But we also live in a hot pocket society where the media and fans love to call for young qbs to get benched. Most fans don’t have the patience to sit through the development of a qb.
  21. If Mahomes doesn’t succeed, he has no excuses. He might be in the best situation in the entire nfl. and that’s why Allen shouldn’t play. This might be one of the worst offensive groups in the entire nfl. His best trait is a cannon and we have the slowest wrs in the nfl.
  22. I don’t think so either but this new regime seems to have an outdated view of football given the 8 fullbacks, 20 rbs, and 65 slot receivers they have brought on (hyperbole!).
  23. I just don’t get how you can draft a qb with no one with a reputation of developing qbs on staff. Andrew Luck, the best prospect since Peyton, had Bruce Arians. This is is why I think Mahomes will be good. And this is what worries me about Allen.
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