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Everything posted by C.Biscuit97

  1. I think what is so underrated about Kyle Williams is he’s a fat guy who is a great athlete.
  2. Link? And I loved the pick (Stanford is the best “college” football team in the country). I just worry the expectations are getting a little crazy.
  3. Haha yeah, that’s a goofy haircut. But the hate in Sammy is hilarious. Bitter Bills fans >>>> Andy Reid and Sean McVay
  4. The Raiders need to throw in a couple draft picks and then we can talk.
  5. Our oline is worse, Shady is over/ possibly might get suspended, and Mobile qbs help the running attack. i mean it’s hard to imagine a worse offense but it’s not a given to improve.
  6. Agreed. I think she is really good. And some fans are too sensitive. The Bills, on paper, don’t lol very good. But if they are, the Bills will get so much love. In fact, I’d argue they are the less hated team in the nfl.
  7. Oh, I agree 100%. But of course the media would expect a drop off when you lose a guy like that and replace him with 3 unknowns. I know now the media is evil now but I think this is completely reasonable. I think most “realistic” Billsfans expect a drop off. Now if AJ is Brady Jr or Allen is Big Ben, expectations will change.
  8. I remember that. I get both sides of that. Props to UB a bit because most schools would have just caved.
  9. I’m so not a Tyrod fan but: 1) Tyrod threw 14 ints in 3 years. Peterman threw 5 in a half. 2) Josh Allen averaged less yards than Tyrod did last year in the MWC. 3) There wasn’t exactly a frenzy for AJ McCarron on the open market. 4) Daboll’s passing offense has been some of the worst in the nfl 5) our oline might be worse again, I would like to hope we improve on our passing offense. But it’s not a given. I was very ready to move on from Tyrod but we have 3 question marks at qb. Tyrod isn’t a star but you know what you were getting and he took care of the ball. We have no idea with these guys, good or bad. Allen threw for 64 yards against Oregon and 70 against Air Force (in a win!).
  10. I was never a Tyrod fan but he was a solid game manager. He doesn’t put you over the top but he doesn’t lose you games. It was tome to move on but it’s not hard to see why national people think we might regress without him. Did she say we won’t win a game? Because it’s hard to disagree with the rest.
  11. Dem boys should just be happy they pay a game and get paid for it. Just take your money, shut up, play football for my entertainment, and I will get drunk and yell at you! #MarioforSkeltonneverforget Because Florida sucks except winter time. Bunch of weirdos down there. I don’t know why you even bother. Clearly, it was Mario and the #4 ranked defense’s fault we didn’t win in 2014. What a loser!!! and folks, it doesn’t matter if Mack wants to get out of Oakland and come to the Bills. He doesn’t fit the system! God, the nfl is so stupid.
  12. Not to make light of a serious subject but as if I needed another reason not to!
  13. Ftr, I hope you’re right. I love trading for high round pick guys who struggle with their first team. It it just blows my mind how quickly teams give up on guys. If I was the Browns, I won’t trade him for less than a 3rd or I just keep him. I do think an interesting trade would be a player for player, Shaq for Coleman. Personally, I’d keep Shaq but this would be an interesting deal.
  14. I was guessing with hunting and booze, it won’t have been terribly shocking if he did. It’s kinda amazing how many people do it still. I remember doing it a few times (baseball) and just feeling like I was drooling all over myself.
  15. Not saying you’re wrong but besides being the Browns and they are stupid, why would Clevetdo that for a 1st round pick 2 years ago? It’s kinda like us with Ragland. Why not keep the higher round young player than just settle for a late round pick? Coleman has more “upside” than a 5th.
  16. Wow, not that anyone deserves cancer, but that would have made more sense. The craziest part is my brother, who was an angel most of his life, suddenly started becoming a chewer.
  17. Sadly, Tyrod is not the qb to maximize the wrs talents. And I’m so torn on Mayfield but he could be stepping into a very good situation. I like their 2nd year TE and Duke Johnson a lot too.
  18. Great news. I hope this isn’t insensitive but was Kelly a chewer? Just curious.
  19. Wait, so stealing beer from high schoolers isn’t “normal”? anyone have recommendations to get started? Big IPA.
  20. It’s funny how fans go crazy about nfl players getting arrested when their arrest rate is much lower than “normal” citizens.
  21. Greg Robinson Luke Jieckel RG3 Jason Smith Robert Gallery charles Rodgers Ryan Leaf Leonard Davis Kevin Hardy
  22. That has to be less than 1% but I’m sure they are out there (and I’d love to see them). I think the odds of me dating Yanet Garcia (google her) is probably 60-40 but the likelihood of me meeting her is under 10%. But I guess there’s a chance and now I feel better about Allen’s chances.
  23. Man, I feel like for awhile, he never got the respect he deserved him (lots of Wood is overrated posts). But he was a great leader and good player. I think he was huge reason RI wasn’t as crazy here. It sucks it ended so quickly and abruptly but better to get out to early, than too late. Very good Bill.
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