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Everything posted by Nephilim17

  1. Some are complaining that calling McKenzie "Lil' Dummy" is mean spirited. Yet McKenzie made fun of Hyde's season-ending and potentially career-threatening neck injury (Hyde couldn't believe it and, funnily enough, did not find it funny). So do we really need to watch what we say about a mistake-prone player who likes to dish out the worst kind of humor himself? 🤔
  2. If trying to win a second Super Bowl and salvage his diminishing legacy as a player who can win doesn't motivate Rodgers, I doubt that some bon mots from a guy called Tim Harmston will.
  3. I normally don't trust middle-aged men with haircuts like that but it was an entertaining read. "Rodgers leads the league in frumpy expressions and negative body language on the sideline, which makes him, like Josh Allen, a unique double threat." We don't have beat writers who can do that.
  4. I like your options 1 & 3: getting safety help and David Montgomery — a proven back who's over 220 lbs (our heaviest back, Moss, is listed at just 207). Shakir and Crowder are more than fine at slot, IMHO.
  5. Great vid and breakdown. Appreciate both McCown's insight and self-deprecating humor as he said multiple times he'd take the easy throw (where our Josh takes the challenging throw and succeeds. That throw to Diggs up the middle with 2:05 left and a safety just over top a few yards, ball in the air almost 25 yards, was crazy for it's timing and accuracy into coverage with safety help. As McCown says, the best moments in sports have an element of trust and Josh trusts Stephon. Wow.
  6. SIngletary is 203 lb. Moss is 205 lb. I'd feel better about having a guy who can push the pile on 3rd and inches who isn't outweighed by many safeties. Singletary is doing much better this year than I expected — he's decisive and more explosive. But he's not a pile pusher. Adding a guard I'm fully on board with but trading a 5th or 6th for veteran running back who is at least 220 lb and can get short yardage would be nice. Or we can keep giving it to Josh on third and short and pray for no wear and tear, let alone major injuries.
  7. Dorsey almost half agrees with you. Against the Chiefs Diggs played in the slot 46% of his snaps.
  8. Good to hear KC fans are decent and hospitable folk who are kind to the fans of their mortal enemies. I still fu***** hate the Chiefs.
  9. I don't have the exact numbers for an average but here are the top players in the league "win" rates: https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/34536376/2022-nfl-pass-rushing-run-stopping-blocking-leaderboard-win-rate-rankings-top-players-teams Top 10 guards have a pass block win rate from 95% to 98%. Thus even a the 10th-best guard "loses"(or perhaps has a neutral outcome; not sure what a non "win" is here) on one out of every 20 plays or maybe 3 times a game. Top 10 guards have a run block win rate from 74% to 83%. Thus the 10th-best guard loses (or perhaps has as neutral outcome) on one out of every 4 plays or 15 or 16 times out of 60 snaps. Perhaps this (or stats that are more robust beyond top-10) can start to give us an idea of how often a good guard "wins" and "loses." I think it's folly to expect perfection over 60 snaps.
  10. This is worth the price of admission alone. Thanks for doing all that. Most people thought Saffold was a waste the first few games so he either got better last game or a lot of folks were really wrong in their estimation of him.
  11. I know records are fun but if we have home fields wrapped up I'd like to see Josh not play full games at the end of the year and risk injury. That will diminish his numbers. I'd rather have a healthy Josh to start the playoffs rather than chasing records and getting more wear and tear on him for the playoffs.
  12. You don't believe an owner performing due diligence on a potential coaching hire wants to know what that coach's former players and leaders of the team thought about that coach? I think it would be grossly negligent for an owner not to take that into account. And to be clear, I'm not condoning constant outbursts by a coach; but I believe that every once in a long while such a thing like what Dorsey did on camera is not harmful and can actually send a good message. But I'm not an NFL team owner or an NFL football player. And I don't see any difference from "clearing" the table and throwing down the play iPad on the side of the field. They're both pretty much the same thing.
  13. Great numbers indeed. Dane, Tre, Taron, Kaiir and Christian. And then Poyer as safety. What a group. Even with Hyde gone, our secondary has emerged as a strength and will only get better.
  14. More eyes on the Bills means a more attractive team to free agents and players with expiring contracts who may not want to chase more money elsewhere. It means more in endorsements as well. This is great news. A few years back Buffalo was the Siberia of the league; now it may usurp Green Bay's throne as the small market that everyone loves and wants to play for.
  15. Another thing we did differently this game versus the past: We blitzed Mahomes 10 times. The old narrative was you can't do that to Mahomes and survive. Well, in 2022, post Tyreek Hill and perhaps post new Bills additions, it's working: "This time the Bills sent five or more rushers at Mahomes on 10 of 52 dropbacks (19%). He completed just 3 of 9 for 26 yards on those plays. The Bills blitzed Mahomes five times on first down and five on second down. They never blitzed him on third down. That's probably close to the maximum the Bills want to show blitz against the Chiefs." https://buffalonews.com/sports/bills/analysis-bills-defense-pulled-out-blitz-dime-3-man-rush-wrinkles-vs-chiefs/article_05357caa-4e48-11ed-9bd2-1b5694eaa7f8.html Note: this a paywall Buffalo News article.
  16. Remember when some here were asking, "would you take Josh and Tre over Mahomes?" and many laughed? (Even if you don't see the trade quite that way, seeing how attitudes have changed is remarkable).
  17. I was thinking about this today after listening to some WGR talk about the new Nashville stadium... I thought, yes, Josh will be a bit worse in the snow but other QBs and WRs will be far, far worse because they don't practice in it or play in it multiple times a year (potentially). So an open stadium will hurt Josh's stats but it might not hurt our win total, and may, as 716 says, actually improve our win rate in the winter.
  18. I love that after the Pittsburgh game, even though we won and he got an INT, Kaiir graded himself an F minus (not saying I agree with that grade, btw). Personal accountability and a striving to improve are key to great athletes becoming great players.
  19. I appreciate your POV but me, personally, I don't give a flying f*** about meltdowns if the man is producing. Many great ones have been angry during losses. I'll take that over composure and losing. Dick Jauron was a master at being calm.
  20. Excellent video breakdown. I had no idea (drinks were involved) that Diggs played the slot almost half of the KC game. Other takeaways: Dorsey's imagination (like using a 21 personnel, 2 RB 2WR 1TE, against 3 linebackers then splitting out everyone wide) and gathering intel and using that to his advantage. Regarding Diggs, I always knew he was a great route runner but this vid reminds me how I've never seen a receiver literally STOP and then move like Diggs. He does it so often and so well. And he's tough as nails. I'm guessing he's not much more than 180 lb soaking wet but, man is he one tough SOB. And I love him.
  21. In past years, I'd be worried. But this Bills team has shown it can rise above the loss of multiple great players for extended stretches. Losing an inconsistent and young right tackle for four games won't make much of a difference to the results we'll see.
  22. Romo called the exact final score and was super praiseworthy about Josh and the Bills. And I think he offers great insight from someone who played the game for a while at a fairly high level. Yet some people have for a while now dumped on him. Now that we have a great team I think some Bills fans are just conditioned to find something to bit** about.
  23. This guy is a Bills fan just being stupid for kicks. I love it.
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