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Bob in STL

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Everything posted by Bob in STL

  1. ^ This could be the dumbest statement I have ever read on these boards. Yes, I think it is.
  2. I agree that they should draft a top qb prospect this year if they can do it, no one knows what McCarron will do.
  3. Don't forget the job he did with expansion Carolina ... I don't understand the Polian hate, some people just do not respect age and wisdom. Polian has a opinion, he is clearly on the entertainment side of the business now and he might be wrong, so what. The phrase "the game has passed him by" is nonsense.
  4. I think we picked up two good players. Let them play and see. A lot lot depends on Star’s contract in years 4 and 5. Otherwise we have filled two big needs.
  5. We should only do this if a guy we really like is the one that slides. I don’t want to chase. As for McCarron, he will be our starting qb unless he has a poor performance in camp.
  6. Hard to say for sure but it looks like the Jets want a QB, and they will be happy with any in their top 3 ranking. Bills would be be best to wait until draft day and see how it plays out. The Cleveland pick at 4 could be in play if the guy they like is still there.
  7. We don’t know. It appears he has a better arm but I doubt he can make plays with his feet like Tyrod. He actually has more game experience than TT had as a back up but that is still not much. I He has won in college on the big stage, he seems like a character guy like Tyrod, but whether he is a step up is a question mark.
  8. I would like to keep Gaines for the right price. Preston Brown can leave and he will not stay for back up money. He clearly wants to cash in and his idiotic talk about joining the Pats* turned me off. Worse than that, he did nothing but jump up and down and whine like a baby when Gronk pummeled our rookie CB. The type of MLB that I want would have had a totally different response. I would like like to see the Bills address OL, especially RT, with a quality free agent. Losing Henderson hurts, he was a good swing tackle when healthy. Our OL depth is poor and we will likely be drafting a C/OG in the first 3 rounds.
  9. No tanking at all. We just need to replace the players that leave with better players. In the case of Glenn, we already have. In the case if Dareus, well we won without him. Same with Watkins, Darby, I think Preston Brown goes on that list. Lets see see who they bring in from free agency and who they draft. The key is who replaces Tyrod. Like him or not he gave us a chance to win in most games.
  10. Cleveland could take Barkley 1 and a qb at 4. We we could trade up to 2. I hope we don’t give up too many picks, whatever we do.
  11. I’m torn between moving way up get a top qb prospect or keeping the picks and adding lots more talent. We we need a talent infusion at OL, DL, AND LB. We need help at WR and CB, we need depth in other places. Free agency can help if played smartly.
  12. Considering we signed him as an afterthought and he left with a winning’ish (more like .500) record and one playoff appearance you can say he had success. On on the other hand our teams had quite a bit of talent, much of wasted by Rex and Rob, during the Tyrod era. I always thought we could have been better. Tyrod was was much better than the other drought years QBs ... which is an abysmal reflection on the Bills front office/ organization.
  13. Tyrod will help the Browns. His ability to run and his ability to protect the ball will translate into a few more wins. We all know his limitations throwing but he has positive aspects to his game that the Browns will benefit from. He is a good transition guy for them. Good trade for both teams, I wish him well.
  14. Should he give good trade deals to the Ravens too? He is from Maryland after all. You should be getting it soon. No one agrees with you.
  15. Seriously, you think he is the reason they lost? Without Brady this game is a blow out. I dont like like him and yes, he should have made some effort to talk to Foles. He is a first rate jerk but even with the fumble and the dropped pass he was the reason the Pats* were still in the game right up until the last play of the game.
  16. I do not see Philly fans and Buffalo fans having much in common at all. Yes, both are diehard and both are crazy about their teams and get wild to demonstrate it. It ends there. I have ave a friend and coworker from Philly and he is amazed at the loyalty of Bills fans. The turnout after losing SB XXV was his example. He said Norwood would have been run out of town. The fans at the airport after the playoff loss to Jax had him shaking his head. In Philly you win or you suck! Philly fans can be mean spirited and have a reputation for ganging up on visitors when on their turf. I go to Bills and Sabres games every year and there lots of fans safely cheering for the other team. Sure, sometimes Bills fans get out of control but Philly has another level or two or three of hostility. Just ask Viking fans. https://www.si.com/nfl/2018/02/02/minnesota-vikings-fans-super-bowl-52-eagles-abusive
  17. Did you listen? Collinsworth should have just put a Pats* jersey on. He is just horrible and his constant whining and complaining about what is a catch is making the whole league look bad. To him the Pats* should get every call. If I was an official I would be complaining to the league about him.
  18. Just a few seconds later Gronk throws an elbow. Good of hit on Hogan buy yes, it was beyond 5 yards. Oh well, just give it them.
  19. Pass interference on Hogan? Didn’t see that. I saw Gronk throw a big elbow while running to the end zone 50 yards down the field. I would love to shove the elbow pad up his as@@@!
  20. I do business in Nashua, New Hampshire and I go there monthly. I am so tired of their fans and the expectation that they get every call and win every game. Listening to sports radio there is torture. I am so happy to see them lose and to see Brady fumble on the pivotal drive. Now, did anyone else want to choke Chris Collinsworth? I swear he starts so much controversy with him premature calls. He made a lot of drama out of the Eagles TD’s. Both calls were made correctly on the field and thankfully replay did not change them. But there is Collinsworth stoking the flames and putting the NFL in a tough situation as we know the interpretation concerning a reception have been blurred in past games. I have had enough of Collinsworth and his diarrhea of the mouth.
  21. Agree that his leadership alone is worth having another season. Especially with Eric Woods and likely Tyrod Taylor gone. I also want want to keep Lorenzo Alexander on the team. He brings a lot of leadership too.
  22. Foles may have peaked versus Vikes. Pats* had 1 penalty versus Jags. You know they will not get a holding, hands to face, or pass interference call on them. Brady is the key. Can the Eagles put continuous pressure on him? i hate to say it and I hope I’m wrong: Pats* - 31 Eagles - 17
  23. Really, you need this explained to you. By spouting off that he was “being treated like a Nobody”. The guy is the highest paid player on the team and he can’t stay healthy or in shape. He has a history of off-field mishaps and suspensions, making him unreliable. The coach has a rule on how injured players will travel with the team for a game. He breaks the rule, in effect testing the coach. The coach invokes the punishment, the same one others would get. I guess when you make $100M and have a few Pro Bowls you are entitled? Apparently that makes you a somebody? That makes you special? Instead he feels like he was treated like a Nobody. That is childish. The reality is the Bills paid an unmotivated guy with no leadership ability the biggest contract on the team. The new regime expects more. Heck, even Rex expected more. They really needed to clear that contract, even though Dareus is a good guy and a decent player. Dareus is in a good place for him. He can make big money while being the 5th best DL on the team. He can play 40% of the plays and he will only be used to do what he is best at. He won’t be called upon for leadership. He willl make some plays and be in an environment where the pressure is off of him. His Pro Bowl days are most likely in the past. I can still see him pissing off Marrone but maybe he has decided to grow up? We shall see.
  24. He is still behaving like a child. I’m betting that before Camp starts he will be in trouble and in Doug’s dog house once again.
  25. Not that I even hated Vito Babe Parelli, just never liked the team or the Bahhston Fans
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