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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. I would take 10-6 solely because we haven't been there in a long time
  2. I live in the D.C. area and listen to their local sports radio. They can franchise tag him two more times apparently. Don't know how, but whatever. He was unhappy about being tagged and is looking for as much, if not more guaranteed money than Luck got. With that, if anyone wants him, they will need to give up the two 1st round picks and then sign him to a deal. Considering his age and performance, I think someone will do it.
  3. Um, which team doesn't? I also would like a WR that catches everything thrown his way, can get deep, and not get hurt. Maybe a HC that wins the Superbowl while we're at it. I wish I knew it was this easy
  4. 10-6 maybe gets us a tie, but our conference record will cause us to lose that. We are two games back of the wild card teams right now, would probably need to go 5-1 and have them go 2-4. That's asking a lot
  5. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/draft/news/2017-nfl-mock-draft-packers-bolster-running-game-with-playmaker-fournette/ I could see a lot of these picks falling this way, especially for us with our history. Pick 32 scares the crap out of me because that means they won it all and I think the Hoodie would do great things with him. The QB's going in the top 10 is interesting, and plausible in my opinion
  6. Penalties are always on the Head coach when it's a consistent issue, which it is. I made reference to Shaq and the overall lack of pass rush. We were healthy on our line for the first time in a while, but couldn't see the benefit outside of Kyle. With Lorax drawing double teams, the excuses for Shaq, Dareus, and Hughes are limited. These guys should be causing havoc by themselves and simply aren't getting it done.
  7. You're not wrong. This game just lulled me to sleep and it was hard to put this recap together. On paper, there were a lot of positives, especially our history on the road against these guys lately and the 0 points scored against in the second half. But watching the game felt VERY different.
  8. For every good 2 plays/drives, we have 1 very bad play/drive. This seems to sum up the play of this team to me, especially on defense. They give you so many glimpses of hope, get teams in 3rd and long, get a sack, something good, and then they find a way to give it away. This was a game of who wanted it the least and was just tough to watch at time. Seems to be a theme when we play these guys 1. Rex – I'm starting in a place that I've tried to avoid for a while here, partially because of my old screen name. This was a very poor showing following a bye week and for a team who is grasping at playoff hopes. Going for it on 4th down on the last scoring drive said a lot to me about how Rex viewed this game. What bothered me the most about this game was the total lack of identity. We didn't seem to have any specific type of gameplan on both the offensive and defensive side of the ball. I know Rex is letting his coaches do their job, but I really don't know what I was looking at out there. Overall, at this point, I don't really know what Rex brings to the table. This was a very misleading 12 points given up. A win is a win and this was needed, but I'm overall losing any argument besides continuity and other better options, for retaining him. 2. Defense - communication looks and pressure early, but that's about it. Pass rush was non-existent. So many players just didn't seem to show up. Lorax got double teamed a lot. I can't find our 1st round pick's impact anywhere. Dareus disappeared after the first drive. I know, 12 points. I have to keep reminding myself of this. Most of that was the Bengals being bad, not us being good 3. Hughes – Before, he would have great plays to offset his mistakes. Today, and overall lately, not so much. His personal fouls, offsides, and other fun mistakes really hurt the team at times when they should have been walking off the field. For the money he makes and as bad as this defense can be at times, we can't afford this from him. 4. I've grown tired of love You are the trouble with me I watch you walk right by I smile, you do not notice me Treat me recklessly All you do is toss me pennies out But the silence in me is screaming Won't you come and get me? 5. Kyle Willams - My defensive MVP of the game. He got good push up the middle, great jumps off the snap, and continues to be a solid player. He lost containment on Dalton, but he shouldn't be spying him in the first place. He also knocked the Bengals out of FG range on one of the drives in the 2nd half. 6. Offense - Groy is a BIG boy and held up well. Overall happy with how the line played. However, where was Goodwin? Especially on the INT. Are we a passing team or rushing team? Do we trust our RBs or is it meant to be the TT rushing show? I ask these questions because it didn't seem obvious out there. I don't understand the lack of McCoy carries. His vision was great today. You could see them wanting to go deep early, but still needed to run the ball. It's who we are. Very disappointed with Lynn today. Also, all of this speed with Goodwin and Percy and I don't see us trying to hit these guys on crossing routes. It was either deep our hitch routes. 7. Gilmore – credit where credit is due – quick eyes on that INT. However, as Gilmore does, gave up the Bengals 2nd TD. It was a tough play, but still his assignment. Second INT was right place at right time. This is the kind of game where the stats will make him look like a better player than he is and I'm sure he'll use it at contract time. 8. TT – I had high hopes for him coming off the bye week and based on how he played at Seattle. His first drive was great. Found the middle of the field. Found the open guy on busted plays. Looked deep, then checked down. After that, just a rough day. I'm giving him 50% of the blame for our offense because the playcalling was crap to me and didn't help get things going. There were also quite a few plays where the WR's let him down. Goodwin didn't even try for that INT. Harvin was very slow on that late 3rd down out route. Clay's drop in the endzone was inexcusable. Overall, like the game itself, a very forgettable Sunday for TT. However, because this arguments keep being made, Dalton couldn't make the game winning drive against us today, so I guess that means he sucks too. Brady couldn’t do it against the Seahawks last week either from the 1 yard line. I get needing to see that final drive to win a game from TT, but it's never a give-in with any QB. 9. 1st down/3rd down comparisons – Our inability to get off the field on 3rd down, regardless of yardage was horrific today. They were over 50% on offense against us. It was a combination of soft defense and penalties. We were very lucky to be playing against a Bengals without AJ Green. 10. Tate – I think he had his best game as a Bill today. Didn't have any huge returns, but played each one smart and gave us good position every chance he had to run. I've been hit or miss on him, but he earned it today and deserves the shout out. Sorry if this was too negative for a win. Back to .500 after a win that I had circled as a loss to start this season is reason for positivity. It's just hard to get excited about this team doing what they need to for the rest of the season with how they played today. Go Bills!!!
  9. Bills give out hope to those still clinging to playoff chances. 25-17.
  10. Awesome. Now if only they'd cut Tyrod and Mills too. Sorry, couldn't help myself
  11. 8-8 not a total failure? You should call the spousal abuse hotline. You don't even realize what they've done to you.
  12. Brady couldn't punch it in from the 1 against the Seahawks to win the game. Does that mean they have to cut him like we do with Tyrod?
  13. Edelman fumbling made me happier than it should. Sherman recovering it made it less pleasant, but it was the lesser of two evils.
  14. You should say Mack, since we actually passed on him and never had a chance at Von. When we traded up, I was hoping it would be Mack.
  15. As I'm enjoying my stress free Sunday and watching other teams slug it out, I hear the announcers talking about division standings. How these teams with a .500 record can move into second or first place with a win today. It just pisses me off to think about every season where we know we have to probably go 12-4 if we want to win our division. How the wild card conversation is the only one we can usually have. We don't get the benefits/luck/parity that all of the other divisions get. We get the Pats every single year and easily the biggest contributor to our playoff drought. I'm not saying anything new here. And yes, if you want to win then you need to be better. Yadda Yadda Yadda. But teams get in many times due to poor competition or just off years. We never seem to get that benefit and it blows.
  16. To the whole "who are you going to replace him with crowd".... Usually it's the next up and coming coordinator or whatever head coach got fired for not getting their team over the jump. There's hardly ever a super bowl winning coach just hanging out without a job. It's always a risk. I know he's not looking great right now, but IF they do fire him, here's my number one Jim Schwartz, under the condition of keeping Lynn. I think he would be a good fit and the easiest transition. Has the background and players liked him.
  17. I remember reading the D&C in home room when these guys were acquired. Rob was supposed to be the guy and Flutie just wouldn't go away. When Flutie won, there was just a spark out there and they found a way. The problem was, it wasn't very conventional and I personally believe it drove the coaches nuts. It was like the Tebow and Vince Young runs, it worked but it was thought to not be sustainable. Rob Johnson had all the tools and when he was on, looked like a Hall of Famer. But he was rarely on. His best game was the season ender against the Colts, where he stole the starting job on the last game and took it into the Titans game. He left that field a winner, but the team didn't. End result, neither guys played how you wanted them too and because Rob was supposed to be the guy, even though Flutie won, the chip on Flutie's shoulder that followed him from the CFL apparently led to some bad blood in the locker room. No one really knows what happened there, but there was enough smoke to insinuate fire. Those were some tough years because we still expected the playoffs and didn't know what laid ahead of us.
  18. If he wants us to trade him to the Pats, just do it then. We will be better off
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