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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. That really blows. They've really earned their success and I was looking forward to seeing them challenge the Pats. Just unfortunate to happen at a meaningless point in a meaningless game for them
  2. Nope. Try again. The flea flicker pass to Woods put him over 300.
  3. As a Bills fans, you learn a lot of new phrases. Today's favorite has to be "snatching defeat from the jaws of victory." I'm going to do this recap today in a little different fashion. I may repeat a few points, but because I'm going to try this in story form as the game played out. Thank you for your understanding. 1. Players checking out - The game started like the last few games with many players just sleepwalking through the first quarter. Offense couldn't get anything going and were running some head scratching plays. Lynn calling plays where TT has only one read or it's a loss. Or having 5 of the first 6 passes go to the RB in the flats. Defense missing tackles and giving up long 3rd downs. You just felt early that we were going to give this game away and the players had quit on Rex. 2. TT with Sammy - That was until these two got going. Yes, the running game was going okay, but the way Sammy would step up and make catches seemed to really get TT going. You could feel the confidence growing in both of them. All of TT's throws were not great, but Sammy bailed him out and the rhythm of a great game for both of them began. 3. Confidence spreads to Clay - Not only did Clay get involved, he was breaking tackles and running routes we don't normally see from him. In fact, we finally saw some deep crossing routes from other receivers. I was very happy with how Clay, Sammy, and even Goodwin at times got involved and showed a passing game not confined to deep threats or curl routes. 4. If I were a king If I had everything If I had you and I could give you your dreams If I were giant-sized, on top of it all Then tell me what in the world would I sing for If I had it all 5. Giving it Away - With the offense clicking towards the end of the first half, you would hope for the defense from the first half of the season which would figure things out and shut the other team down. Instead, we got the defense we had against the Raiders but with worse tackling somehow. Defense failed time and time again. The DB's seemed to do okay, but with no pass rush and large runs to the outside, you felt like it was a matter of time until the offense couldn't keep up. 6. THEY KEPT UP! - This had to be the most complete game from our offense. We had a game tying drive at the end of the game. We had a full field drive in OT. TT threw for over 300 yards. He was throwing darts and his receivers were making plays after the catch. We used our TE. I mean, what else could you want to see from these guys. If there were a resume game where people are playing for their jobs, I would hire this offense next year based off this game. I know it's only one game, but potential means something. 7. Eliminated - For all the positives on offense, we still found a way. It was nice for a moment to think that we weren't going to be eliminated from the playoffs until week 17. But in the end, we are a Rex coached team and we did just enough to snatch a loss from the jaws of victory. It was exciting. It was OT. But it was Bills football and we've all been down this road before. 8. Carpenter - I'm sorry, but it's time. Maybe it wouldn't feel as bad if it went both ways. But when the Dolphins second year kickers hits that 55 yarder without a time out or anything to help him, it's just that much worse. Not only did he not win the game for us, he helped us lose it. It just can't keep happening and we have to move on. It's nothing personal, and he's one guy. But this one guy may have lost his job and his coaches. 9. Defense - To lose this many games when you score over 20 points is inexcusable. We've now given up THREE 200 yard rushers. We had 10 men on the field for the game sealing run. We continue to lose contain to the outside. And honestly, you can feel the other teams running plays that take advantage of our over pursuit. And then the tackling. That's just poor discipline and lack of heart. It happened so many times it was comical. I just don't know how we can run this defense next year. Which brings me to.... 10 Rex - Sorry boss, time to go. You can't lose this game when your offense plays like that. You can't punt in OT when a tie also eliminates you. You can't allow players to perform like they are on defense. This is his defense, his mental stamp on the game, and his ownership. The playoffs were more than ours for the taking this year and time and time again, he didn't get the team ready. I don't even think he would be a good defensive coordinator anymore as his system may be just too antiquated. His system has always allowed a lot of rushing yards but now with the total points and the sloppy tackling. It's just time. Overall guys, it did feel nice to be a part of an exciting game. I feel terrible for the offense. TT was amazing today and I hope he gets a chance next year with a new coach. I stand by idea that he plays the game the way the coaches tell him and we really don't know what he's fully capable of. Sammy, stay healthy. Clay, keep doing it. Carp, it's been run. Rex, nothing personal. Lets get 8-8 and win the offseason, Buffalo style. Go Bills!
  4. Please update the poll to correctly reflect TT's real cap hit. It's not 27, it between 16-18 I think
  5. 17.5 mil isn't that much and we aren't getting a better option.
  6. The question is, if it's not the dline, if it's not the linebackers, and now it's not the corners....then what is it? All that's left is scheme
  7. Another mid-December game where we aren't mathematically eliminated in the books and a nice reminder that we aren't the Browns kind of bad... 1. Shady - This was the kind of game where you don't have any expectations and just get to sit back and enjoy the show. I almost feel bad for him playing on this team because he would be a real difference maker on a playoff team. His cuts and speed make me believe that he has at least a few more years in him and I really hope we will be able to take advantage of that. Hats off to him and his season so far. It's been a good ride. 2. Offensive Scheme - This game solidified what I believed about this offense, even when everyone was hurt. It doesn't matter who our WR's are out there for the most part. It does on obvious passing plays where we need someone to step up and beat their man, but that's the only time. We are not a passing team by design and today showed that. This gives Tyrod a slight reprieve to me because I really don't think many QB's would look great in this system. Don't get me wrong, he still needs to hit his throws when called upon, but this team wants to run the ball first. Unfortunately, rushing teams don't win enough to merit playoffs much anymore and it's an outdated system. We are winning the rushing games and it's not translating overall. It also hurts us when it comes time to 2 min drills and playing from behind. We just aren't schemed for it. 3. Clay - Sure was nice to see him be the TE we signed in the offseason. They made a point to showcase him today and he did not disappoint. Great adjustment coming back for that TD and overall nice job of TT to throw him open. Like many other things today, while it was fun to watch him catch everything thrown his way, in abundance, it was also frustrating to see the potential wasted. 4. Swing in this tree Oh I am bounce around so well Branch to branch, limb to limb you see All in a day's dream I'm stuck Like the other monkeys here 5. Lorax - Guy just continues to prove he's the defensive MVP, although Kyle is making a run for it. Guy just plays hard all game, unlike a certain Brown, and he never gives up. He's the kinda guy you want to own his jersey and I'm happy to see him finding success at this point in his career. 6. TT - I think it was said somewhere else, but it's amazing to see what he can do with time behind the line of scrimmage. I think he made every throw that people complained he can't make today. He had some low-balls today, but overall was pretty on point. The first drive that ended in a FG where he scrambled out of bounds was just a crap play and makes me think more and more that Lynn is a one trick pony. I was frustrated with TT until I saw the replay. In any case, TT's numbers were exactly what they asked of him today with both passing and rushing. Love him or hate him, this is the game he's being asked to play. I would really like to see him in whatever scheme we have next year, assuming coaching turnover. 7. Secondary - Got to give props to Darby and Gilmore. Both handled their receivers today with a little help with bad passing by RG3. Well timed hits and break ups for both. You never felt like we were going to lose control of this game and I give them a lot of credit for that. 8. The Browns - No matter how bad we feel about our team and the futility of not making the playoffs, it was nice to know we aren't that team. The level of talent out there is rough. We might not be playoff ready, but they aren't even close. I can at least appreciate that we are a slightly below average team and still only a few pieces away. 9. Rex - In a game where I think most players expect him to be gone at the end of the season and we are basically eliminated, I felt like most of the team showed up to day (cough Brown). However, I just didn't really see much passion out of him today and I think today was more of a "we can't let the Browns beat us" more than anything else. Today's game didn't change anything about his job security and, if anything, just showed where exactly he fits as a coach. Average. 10. Refs - Anyone else think these guys are just getting worse. It's nice to see that we aren't the only ones getting hosed on calls, but there are just some big misses. I've never seen a facemask call get reversed with the explanation of saying it was all shoulder. I mean, how did they come to that conclusion. For guys wanting full time jobs, they aren't putting a great resume together. Or maybe this is just the crew you get when the Bills play the Browns. On to next week where maybe we can play spoiler and Squish the Fish!!!
  8. I'm not for or against the 4-3. I just used it as an example to show the opposite of what we does.
  9. For the sake of continuity, would you keep Rex if he was willing to abandon his defense and bringing a new defensive coordinator? Someone who runs a 4-3, or something where it's their show. Basically, he would be just the head coach. I don't know how often this happens, where the head coach has no major influence or either side of the ball, but it's the only thing I can think of that would possibly allow him to stay.
  10. What's the deal with the Franchise Tag these years? This will be the second year they put it on him. Can other teams sign him and give up two, 1st round picks?
  11. I'll be honest, I'm good sitting him then. This doesn't mean that I don't think we should pick up his option. But I think Rex goes and the next coach can make that decision. Also, maybe EJ shows something
  12. Why am I not surprised. It's always to say you want better without giving examples.
  13. What's infuriating is how often they practiced them in training camp
  14. Agreed on all his points. He's still a thin skinned little B word though
  15. The Steelers offense is fantastic as was the Cardinals under his watch. He's been with a consistent winning franchise and can see how it's done. I think he's worth another chance and he definitely won't be friends with the players. His performance is as proven as you could want. I'm also okay with Josh McDaniels.
  16. 2 and 3 are going to be real questions. Based off of today, I think #1 is too.
  17. I really believe we need to go offensive minded for our next coach. I think an average, simple scheme coach will improve our defense.
  18. 1 - Todd Haley. Can work with out offense as is without skipping much of a beat. Doesn't matter to me who he bring in as defensive coordinator. A simpler defense would make this team better, IMO. 2 - Tyrod Taylor. I think he's cheap enough and better than other options. It's the head coach's call though. I don't personally see a good QB to draft and Romo is too brittle. I think TT is our best option, doesn't mean I'm sold on him. 3 - Alshon Jeffrey. I resperve the right to change my mind, but I don't want to wait for a rookie WR to develope and we need someone opposite Sammy and a backup for his foot.
  19. With another season in the books, it's hard to not sit back and wonder what makes the factory of sadness in Buffalo worse than any other franchise in sports? I'm going to take a shot here and I'm warning you now, I'm going to be all over the place Patriots - I genuinely believe that having the bad luck of being in the Pats division with Brady and the Hoodies is the biggest reason for our failure. I never want to luck into the playoffs, but we never get a season where 9-7 gets you in. We get 2 losses from them more often than not and it's always a battle for the wildcard. The City/Facilities/Culture - Winning inspires winning. Confidence inspires more confidence. I think the Bills as a franchise are missing something at a fundamental level and I don't know what it is. Is it the acceptance in knowing we will find a way to lose? When you KNOW you are capable of doing something, you rarely make a mistake doing it. When you are unsure, you might overthink or hesitate. Maybe we have a subpar facility and everything operational on this team just doesn't compare to other teams. I really don't know. This years offense - I got on the bandwagon about our 20+ points per game, leading rushing attack, and yards/attempt. But then I looked at time of possession and total plays. We are home run or nothing team. We did it great against Oakland in the first half last week. 6 minute drives that turned into points. But other than that, we are either a 3 and out or a TD. Our long runs offset the fact that we can't grind first downs, 3 yards at a time. We don't have passing identity of any kind. I think this season has proven that being a running based team just doesn't work anymore in the NFL. I know the defense was poor this year. I know there were all kinds of other issues with the team. But when I think about all of it and where we are after 17 years, I can't help but think these 3 things are our biggest, current issue.
  20. Finally got a snowy game in December with the chance to keep our slim playoff hopes alive as well as save some jobs, but the Bills didn't seem to show up and we are in typical end of season question mode. 1. Attitude - With what was on the line, you would hope to have seen the same Bills team that came out against the Seahawks on Monday night. Instead, the same Bills that played the second half against the Raiders. Even Shady, who is normally our biggest sparkplug, just didn't have his mojo. I'm not going to pretend to know what happens in the locker room and at the front office, but this was a very dejected team from the opening snap. Even if we win out, I think the tone has been set about this for the season and Rex's tenure. They didn't show up today and played like they could see the writing on the wall. 2. Carpenter - I have to get this out of the way early because I'm just over it and don't want to think about it anymore. The missed extra point showed up again and ever worst, the worst onside kick attempt I've ever seen. That kick was the perfect example of the overall game. When it was all on the line, the execution was beyond horrible. I'm completely fine with bringing real competition in for kicker next year. 3. Tyrod - I could go at TT from a bunch of different angles today. Depending on the drive, either he was horrible with his inability to run the ball, overthrow WR's, or holding the ball too long. On the flip side, you could also point out the drives where he had absolutely no time to throw the ball or his WR's just dropped catchable passes. This is another feast game for the TT haters and deservedly so. I'm still on the bandwagon of picking up his option because it's cheap and I think our new coach (more on that later) could have success with him. It's not that I'm in love with TT, I just don't know what better options will present themselves. 4. Lately I've been feeling low A remedy is what I'm seeking I take a taste of what's below Come away to something better What I want is what I've not got And what I need Is all around me Reaching searching never stop And I'll say... 5. Brown - I'll be honest, I get confused sometimes as to which Brown was which, but Preston seemed to just absolutely give up out there. I saw him give up on so many plays that I don't know how he didn't get benched. He was just jogging, not fighting through blocks of inferior opponents. It was disgraceful. 6. Gilmore - Looks like Gilmore played this season like a chess game. He's making all the right moves at the right time and will have a nice little statline by the end of the season. But in all fairness, he played a great game and his INT wouldn't made more of a difference in a competitive game. I think he's all but gone after the season as he will get the contract we are unwilling to pay. 7. Defensive Line - I don't know if they gameplan is to rush 3 or 4 and drop everyone into coverage, but the lack of defensive pressure we are getting is alarming. I could make excuses last week with the quality of Oakland's line, but this week was terrible. Big Ben had all day to pick us apart, especially on 3rd down, and that's what he did. How we led the league in sacks is beyond me and I want to know where all that money spent on these guys is going. 8. Offensive Scheme and WR's - Finally looking forward to a somewhat healthy wide receiver team and we saw drops, 5 yard hitch routes, and very little deep shots. It was incredibly frustrating to watch the Steelers offense come on the field after ours and show us how it can be done. I think Lynn has done a decent job, but I'm starting to think that he doesn't know how to make a complete gameplan. It's either short or long balls. Home runs or strike outs. 9. Bell - 300 all purpose yards and the 2nd 200 yard rusher against the Bills this season (a record btw). His patience and field vision was great to see. He's a very smart runner and doesn't look like he's got a big gain, and then he does. All of his yard were calculated and the type of game that I think Shady is capable of. Either way, the one positive thing today was being able to watch an athlete of his caliber. 10. Rex - Sorry Rex, but it's time to go. This team has given you all it can and you've shown all you can do. Maybe it's the curse of the Ralph, who knows. But there is absolutely no signs of this getting any better. Your only strength is our biggest weakness and your coaches are all products of Rex. Only a full house cleaning will get it done. With that, I'm officially on the Todd Haley bandwagon. I think Haley can do good things with our offense as it is. If he wants to bring in another QB, I'd shut up and trust his judgement. On defense, I don't think he can do much worse. I think he is an obtainable target and would give me hope immediately going into the next season. That's it guys. This was a tough one as it was an ugly loss with a score that didn't come close to reflecting how the game actually was. Just no effort across the board and you would think they got eliminated weeks ago and weren't getting paid.
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