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Everything posted by Virgil

  1. It's shown me that people hope for bad TT games so they can't get their threads out there about him. Seriously, how many of these do we need?
  2. And that pretty much sums you up as a poster. Wasn't quite sure what to make of you on this board. But name calling, adorable.
  3. He had a bad game. It happens. Doesn't mean he isn't our qb and shouldn't be supported. I don't know what making a thread like this does for you every week? Do you think think Whaley, Rex, or him read this? Just put "Cut TT" in your sig and move on already. We all saw the game. I'm a Bills supporter. I do like TT because, as stated multiple times, he's the best we have, their aren't better options out there, and he's relatively cheap. He still scored over 20 points today btw. He gets credit for that too. That's the most I'm going to feed into this today. I'm sorry this consume you so much. It must make each game really hard for you to watch.
  4. I actually thought it would come down to a final drive by the Raiders and our D would have to hold. They got me
  5. No idea honestly. What has he proven? Now, if he brings his D coordinator friend from Philly with him, I'm listening....
  6. Traveling to the West Coast, playing the 2nd best team in the AFC, didn't give me high hopes for this game. I know we need it and the Bills have found a way to come out hot in some of these games. Both things turned out to be true, but so did the ultimate truth of being the Buffalo Bills. 1. TT - Let's just get this out of the way now. His inconsistency in these games is becoming consistent. The only excuse I can make for him is the playcalling rhythm. We were pass happy in the first quarter, run happy after that. Then we couldn't figure out what we were after that. Not a good excuse, but it's all I got. TT missed more throws today after the first quarter than I can remember seeing him miss in a long time. He was missing deep, missing guys wide open (on replay), and just not able to get out pocket. It's going to be a bash-fest for the TT haters this week, so I'd stay away form the boards for those who support him. Side note, his thumbs up before the rushing TD to Gilly was pretty funny. 2. Mack - Nothing against Sammy, but when we traded up in that draft, I was really hoping he was our pick. We held him in check for 3 quarters and I was really proud of Mills. And then Mack found a way with both the tipped pass and recovering the fumble. Results matter and he effectively killed any chance of a comeback we had. 3. Seymour - Kid got abused today. I don't blame him for the Cooper TD because he had no business being on him. But Crabtree just ate him alive out there. I also blame Rex for knowing his secondary was hurt and still tried covering two 1k receivers in man so much. Just seemed like a poor choice and evident early. I don't know if this is why we dropped so many into coverage (more on that later), but hopefully he will learn from today. 4. Ok at me dreaming of you All I could hope is to have you To have you walking with me Laughing so in love, we two Almost drunkenly I did imbibe of this Fantasy of you and me 7. Red Zone Defense - If I'm not mistaken, we were the best Red Zone defense in the league through the first half of the year. Now? I can't imagine that still being the case. I could be wrong. When I saw Rob Ryan lose it on the sideline after one of the TD's, all I could think was "Oh my god, we have Rob Ryan on our coaching staff." I mean, what did we expect with the guy who got booted out of Dallas and New Orleans. 6. Overall Defense - I'm trying really hard to see the Magic of Rex on defense. 29 second half points, against any team, is just inexcusable. I give a ton of credit to the Raiders offensive line. Probably the second best in the league, after the Cowboys. With Carr in year 3, Cooper in year 2, and Crabtree living up to his potential, I think the Raiders will be the toast of the West and AFC for a solid decade. Even still, we never made Carr uncomfortable, never really got a pass rush. And when dropping 8 into coverage, still got smoked. The second half adjustments ripped us apart. Our defense seems to be getting worse in the second half and I just don't see it getting any better. We definitely don't look like a team that was leading the league in sacks. 8. 3rd down defense - Another week, another game of penalties and 3rd and longs giving the opposing team a first down. It's a real problem, if not our biggest one. This is a discipline thing to me. Knowing when to buckle down, not make the dumb mistakes, and make the opposing team press and come to you. It's not happening and a microcosm of our teams problems. 9. Wide Receivers - Sammy wasn't on the field for the second to last drive and disappearing more in the second half. I want him out there, but if we can't keep him out there and changing out our Wr's and effecting the offensive rhythm, it might be better to sit him. Goodwin showed flashes in the second half, which makes his disappearances that much more frustrating. Hunter's been with the team long enough where I would think he should be more of a weapon, but what do I know. Maybe it's all TT's fault. Who knows? 10. Schmidt - I don't know what's going on with him, but this is another game where he killed us. His ability to boom one can easily offset a 3 and out. Didn't happen today and he helped the Raiders momentum with good starting field position. I think I'm about back on the FireRex campaign. I don't see us winning at home next week against the Steelers. I have no reason to believe the Jets or Dolphins are gimme's. More importantly, I don't see the team improving as the season goes on. I blame him for the Shaq pick. I've never hid that. No matter what you think of him, you can't say he's making an impact. He made a terrible decision to get caught inside on a long Murray run. He's not responsible for anything on offense and the defense is lackluster to say the least. I've said it each week, we make 2 good plays, and then 1 bad play to undo it all. We are not a mentally strong, fundamental team. This team is 100% what Rex wants out there, from players to coaches. It's not a playoff team and no off-season draft is going to change that. Even if we get a solid, healthy #2 WR, RT, and S. I can't say that it will be enough for us to be better. I hate changing coaches. I hate the idea of losing Lynn as OC, because I do want to see a healthy offense, a full off-season for him, and TT for one more year. A new coach will blow that up. But long term, Rex hasn't proven anything in almost 6 years and that doesn't appear to be changing. As Bills fans say in December, we aren't mathematically eliminated yet, so I'll see you next week in December. Don't let the loss get you down, Raiders are good and it was always going to be tough. Enjoy Bills football while you can, only 4 more games. Go Bills!
  7. Does this mean we aren't going to be in the top 10 overall defense category anymore?
  8. 28 second half points. Ouch. And yes, the Pegulas need to go grab a franchise QB. I'm pretty sure they are just laying around everywhere
  9. The only team I like is any team playing Bama. I can't stand them. I think Michigan had the best chance at beating them, based off how they play. Two bad throws by their QB against Ohio State killed their chances. Honestly, I think Oklahoma had a legit argument to get in as well. I just don't know what it says when you are Penn State when you win arguably the best conference and Ohio State and are left out. They would be the #2 in the BCS, but isn't the point of all of this to get away from that? I just wish there was a clear understanding of what gets you in the playoffs and that didn't dimish conference play or the regular season setup.
  10. Well, they've proven that giving yourself an easy schedule or winning your conference means nothing. Good job guys. With how Penn St has been playing and as good as Michigan is, I don't see these as the best 4 teams. Ultimately, they need a 6-8 team playoff
  11. You'd think that they'd be tired of blowing calls in prime time.
  12. Ref has one job on that last play, watch the QB. How does he miss that?
  13. Raiders 31 Bills 28 Bills have the lead, but raiders make final drive to win it. Other Wild Card teams lose, so all hope is not lost
  14. One thing I forgot to call out was the TD pass to Hunter. I've been waiting for that throw all year. Saw single coverage and just threw it up for him to make a play. Maybe it's a lack of height with Sammy being gone, but that's what makes good QB become great. Giving the WR a chance
  15. A tie? At least one wild card is coming out of the West. So pick one to win out and beat the rest.
  16. Sorry for the lateness, busy weekend and watched the game with the family out of town. 2 ugly wins are still two wins and we aren't mathmatically eliminated going into December. We truly control our destiny if we can win these next two weeks and that's more hope than we've had in a while. I'll take it. Happy Thanksgiving everyone! 1. Gilmore - Got to give the man credit for not allowing a single pass his way the entire game. He may have gotten away with one with some contact, but no flag is no flag. He's taken a lot of heat this year, much of it deserved, so now he should get the props for his work. Still not on board with paying him, but I don't think he's going to command the money he was going into the season. 2. TT - This game seemed to be the epitome of him as our quarterback. Some moments he held the ball to long, trying to make the deep ball work primarily. Some times he took off too soon when guys were breaking free. Some passes were way off. But then some passes were brilliant, some plays on his feet are unparalleled to any other QB, and he still found a way to get his 200 all purpose yards. Here's the thing to me, he's got to get credit both ways. This team leads the league in so many rushing categories and we haven scored more points than any team since the early 90's. You can't exclude the qb from that. It's a give and take out there. 28 points is 28 points and he did put the game away with the final drive. We won by 7, but would've been at least 10 if we needed more points. Game ended in their red zone. 3. Sammy! - When you see 14 out there running routes and catching balls, you just can see the difference between an elite WR and what we've been dealing with. How he catches with his hands, adjusts to routes but still uses his speed, and just leaves the DB's guessing. What I wouldn't give to have a healthy Watkins, Woods, and Goodwin together with Shady out there. 3 catches was a good start on the road back to getting into game shape. He was never going to be out there for much more than he was and I understand it. We need him these next two games. 4 - He wakes up in the morning Does his teeth bite to eat and he's rolling Never changes a thing The week ends the week begins She thinks, we look at each other Wondering what the other is thinking But we never say a thing These crimes between us grow deeper 5. Offensive Line - RT has become the second biggest need for me on this team. Mills just gets manhandled out there. However, the whole line struggled today. TT didn't help by holding onto the ball too long in the beginning. He's got to get it out quicker and build some confidence. But the line just got manhandled throughout the first half. They shored it up more in the second half, but it's alarming what we saw overall. Take Shady's 75 yard run out of the equation (which was due to a beautiful cutback on his part) and the rushing totals aren't that great. 6. Refs - This getting a bit ridiculous to anyone else? Both teams just got hosed throughout this game. Granted, there were a lot of close calls in regards to breaking the 1st down marker, but there were just too many missed calls and questions throughout the game. I feel like it's getting worse. Maybe we don't get the best refs because it's the Jags/Bills, but c'mon. 7. Jags Defense - I know it's not normal to talk about the other team here, but man did their defense impress me. They are FAST!. They swarm to the ball. Their HC is probably going to get the boot at the end of the year and I feel bad for him because the next guy is going to look like a genius fast if he can make some tweaks. 8. Bills Defense - I feel like we are getting worse here and I'm very nervous about facing the Raiders and Steelers offense these next few weeks. Our inability to get off the field on 3rd down is alarming. I said this last week, but we seem to have two great plays, but then one bad play that offsets it all. Our pass rush is hit or miss. Hughes and Lorax have disappeared these past few weeks. We are only rushing 3 a lot. We aren't creating the turnovers and we are starting to become susceptible to the rushing qb. 9. Rex - We needed two wins coming off the bye and we are 2-0. These next two games will say a lot to me about Rex as our Head Coach. His trademark defense is average and looks more like the Jets defense in his final years there. Leads the league in sacks, but gives up too many big plays. Relies so much on certain positions that if they mess up, it's a big play for the defense. I know that can happen anywhere, but it seems more predominant here. Look at how bad our safety play is and the impact it's having. I don't know if he expects too much of them or not, but Safety has become the biggest need on our team to me. I've never felt that way about our team before. Rex did his job today, but he needs to get these guys firing out the gate like he did in Seattle while getting the defense we saw the first few weeks. 10. McCoy - Another week, another wow. That man was fighting out there on every play. His cutback on the 75 yarder to make both of those defenders miss...just beautiful. Haven't seen a breakaway like that in a long time. It's great to have part of his history in a Bills uniform. He has proven to be the heart of this team with his emotion and how he fights for every yard. He's special and it becomes more and more apparent. Good game everyone and lets make it 3-0 off the bye week. Go Bills!
  17. If John's against it, then I'm on board. His retirement from broadcasting was the best thing to happen to sports commentary.
  18. 10-6 would be an improvement. I wouldn't be happy, but it's something
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