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First Round Bust

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Everything posted by First Round Bust

  1. with alll these Why-OH-Ming claims...gotta wonder if Josh is playing armchair GM like Rodgers wants to play so badly in GB...I hope Josh busts his balls this weekend and tells Rodgers that he ordered the Kumerow plckup and his golf buddy says...sure thing bro...
  2. I think the 90s team would work the middle-of-the-field quite well with the TEs (Metz and McKeller) and short-timing routes to HOF-ers Lofton and Reed also would be run-heavy tween the tackles....even tho not mobile, that was a big O-line to try and get behind but Kelly would take some hits but keep on ticking.... Athleticism-conditioning-nutrition-etc but coaching would be the biggest diffferentiator, the 90s coaches, once they figured what worked they kept it up and thus have to question the lack of creativity, diversity and adjustments, etc that todays coaching demands and rewards moreso than before..Walsh, Gibbs for example, were ahead of their times....so todays team would win big, but the 90s team would likley be more vaccinated and not miss the game, cant say that about todays group...and yes that is an on-going issue...
  3. ode to the Duke, walks off into the sunset like he had a load in his pants or is it PS ?
  4. the blue look needs work, maybe make most of the helmet the same shade of blue and work in some red and white for boundry lines and contrast...
  5. getting ahead of myself..but if another good season "passes"... and the usual 3-4-5-6 HC openings..and Daboll deservedly gets one...Dorsey likely to get OC consideration either externally or internally..he would become the qb coach and heir apparent OC if-when Dorsey would move on ???
  6. while I would love to see it, esp with the additional regular season game making it more obtainable, I would prefer to see the O evolve and diversify; produce a better run game, use the middle of the field more with the TEs and Sanders, throw more to the RBs with a one-one LB coverage, if that produces more points, fine...
  7. espn and NFLN mention that he is having an MRI on his left achilles tendon...
  8. yeah esp compared to table-crashing which is so PhD dissertation worthy
  9. gotta wonder how much longer Gruden has over there esp if he has another subpar season, but the overpay likely keeps him around past a nomal shelf life...
  10. yeah if you listen closely it started off as a debate over micro-economics versus Keynesian theory application in pre-20th century agrarian cultures...economists..SMH..sigh
  11. the unbiased peter king article from the camp visit summed it well... in both games last season, the bills played the chiefs competetively for the first half, but were outscored and really outclassed in the second half of each, so lets see if we closed the gap as the chiefs worked as well to improve their O line and like most teams had a good draft...who improved more, who is avoiding injuries, etc
  12. happy that it is the usual Beane good deal all around..now wondering what or when Josh does something big on the charity front for WNY ? Hospital and kids or something new and different...
  13. good learning lesson to likely need to hydrate more the nite before practice or esp the early-season Miami game...
  14. right now I see our next number 1 pick being a CB - likely a pick in the late first -so if you want to trade that for a guy who checks ALL their boxes - maybe ? but Jax likely wants more - but if so - why is he avail ?
  15. its been incremental...McD...Beane...blowing it up...ending the drought..drafting Josh and Edmunds in first round, teh very same draft without giving up a future numero uno..more drafting White and Oliver and mid-late gems like Davis and Bass...replacing coaches and O coord...Diggs...watching Josh develop into franchise qb with all those comeback wins (quality comeback example: LA Rams at home last year)..so to pinpoint one thing is the confidence the team, fans and franchise has in believing in Josh and when you came aboard with that I guess.
  16. darn right...but part one of that trade was pre-Beane...really done by McD rook coach with Whaley looking over his shoulder and more likely his watch.but give Beane credit for getting all the up to # 7 to get Josh, without giving a future #1 pick, while still getting another #1 that same draft (Edmunds)...that was complicated and masterful
  17. rolex presidential watch..prestige..either or a ticket to joy-ride in space with a billionaire https://www.rolex.com/watches/day-date.html
  18. 400+ pages - awesome - love the stats, the bios and the personal stuff - favs, cars. foods, interests, etc- thanks much
  19. being a resident of the DC area am glad the former Redskins and Dan Snyder are graded the worst, not surprised that Hunt-Rooney-Kraft families won the bronze-silver-gold
  20. not cheating until caught, when caught deny and influence on social media aka "fake news" and fight in court, if loosing in court have Kraft contact NFL office for "consultations" then request evidence to be "legally" destroyed...so what was the question about the alleged cheating...right next question pls...
  21. well its either McK returning punts-kicks or a rook or journeyman Powell who is not looking all that good..McK has had game experience and all off-season to prep so lets see how good he looks doing it in pre-see games...saves a roster spot as McK can still be that gadget WR, the rook to the PS and Powell to waiver wire...
  22. went to a pre-season game three years ago, which was Josh Allen debut against Panthers, he started and played entire second half and showed everybody that great arm and moves while running for his life against 3-4-5th stringers. so that was entertaining as well as seeing and hearing his passes hit his receivers... I bought the best tickets as low as I could by the tunnel where the team enter-exit the field and the kids loved it when we moved down to the wall by the first row and field and saw all the players up close, you wont get better seats at the lowest prices, this is the value of preseason esp good for the kids to see things up close as compared to regular season esp higher prices this season
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