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Everything posted by Bruffalo

  1. I don't know what's going on with the offense, but they really need to find some more identity other than "Screw, Diggs down there somewhere" or "First down, time for another shotgun draw run up the middle". Allen feels like he's being held back. We have half the number of Allen rushes as we did last season, and teams are adjusting to it. Dorsey is the most schizophrenic playcaller I might have ever seen. Guy calls a fantastic game against Miami, and then also calls this slop. Dominating in the run during the first and then we just go away from it (and then go back to it, and surprise, it works) . I don't know what's going on there. Be better. Allen doesn't seem to trust anybody but Diggs and it shows. It's too bad too. I'm not a Shakir truther or anything, but Harty and Shakir had a single target and made big plays, partially because they had good matchups. You'd like to see more of that.
  2. You should really post all scrimmage yards in today's day and age. Cook broke off a huge catch and run.
  3. I mean McD is pretty universally praised as a top defensive mind. Dorsey is more live or die by Josh but he's critically acclaimed.
  4. The crazy thing is that the Chiefs don't even need to be bailed out. It's a fairly even game otherwise.
  5. I have seriously never seen the refs blatantly bail out a team so badly. Can't have the Swifties and golden boy Mahomes lose to the Jets.
  6. lol, because the refs can't call holding twice in a row... absurd.
  7. Jets need Rodgers to smoke some more of that good stuff so he can keep astral projecting into Wilson's body.
  8. Ouch. Live by the Wilson, die by the Wilson. Not a great space to be in.
  9. lol, Wilson has almost turfed so many throws.
  10. Yeah, and I get the argument that "it happens every play" but it feels blatant sometimes when you see a QB like Mahomes with happy feet in the backfield.
  11. The holding the Chiefs get away with is unreal. Good on the Jets to force the FG.
  12. Kind of, so much of it relies on Tua's pre-snap reads on the defense. McD just happens to be the best in the biz at disguising coverage.
  13. I don't know why you would call that many passing plays in a row with Wilson as your QB and you have Breece Hall. Hackett is garbage, I have no idea how he's stayed around the league.
  14. This season is nutty. Go Jets? Any way that the Chiefs can get knocked down a peg. Also, probably don't want to trust Wilson on first and second down when you have an excellent run game...
  15. Truth. The game is going to be a coinflip assuming we don't get Shellshocked Allen, and it'll probably come down to some turnover or goofy special teams shenanigans.
  16. He's looked fine but (in my opinion, anyways) you need to get more than 1-2 catches a game, even if it's a TD, to be a reliable #2 wideout.
  17. Airline travel in general just sucks. I would fly Hawaii to NY a few times a year and it was never a smooth or enjoyable experience.
  18. It was a good win but I think it's suspect to ignore that the only consistent WR on the field was Diggs yet again. I'm not going to pretend that I know for sure if it's Dorsey or the other WRs not executing, but I think Dorsey needs to do more to get guys involved like Kincaid. Davis can't only be getting 1 catch a game and be your #2 WR.
  19. I'm not in panic mode, but the Bills offense is Allen & Diggs (with Cook sprinkled in) while Miami has all of their offensive depth not only getting touches, but major contributions. The Bills offense can be fantastic and they're well coached, but I think it's not unreasonable to call it much more one dimensional.
  20. Good win but I think Dorsey is keeping the offense from firing on a level that they theoretically can reach. Some of the playcalls were baffling, first down was rough, and I still don't see the motion, the play action, or much creativity. Allen & Diggs are still the offense, and Cook is doing well but I think we're in the same position as we were in last season (with a better offensive line).
  21. Dorsey is fine, but he's not great. I'd call him competent, but he's getting bailed out too often by Allen doing Allen things and Diggs just being a top 3 WR in football. The first and second downs yesterday were mostly abysmal execution. I could kind of see what he was going for, but 1/10 plays had me questioning reality. The 4th down and 1 particularly, but there a bunch of other examples. I don't see the motion, I don't see Allen audible nearly as much as he used to with Daboll either. At least Cook looks pretty solid, having a bit more of a run game is a positive.
  22. He had one WR screen that should have been DOA where he ended up getting around ~8 yards. I like him a lot more than McKenzie the last two games.
  23. It's a lotto ticket. You spend a buck, 1/1,000,000 shot you get a huge return. 1/100,000 shot you get a nice return. 1/10,000 you get your money back.
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