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Everything posted by Bruffalo

  1. He doesn't have to be fired now, but what recourse do they have? How many times does he need to crumble before we realize that he can't function in high pressure situations. He's a good DC, maybe even great, but he can't juggle the responsibilities.
  2. Don't worry, we got 30 more years of it coming in our shiny new stadium. Pegula isn't going to hold the right people accountable, he's been checked out since Kim's health issues (which is understandable).
  3. THANK YOU. I'm on a text thread with a lot of my friends from growing up in Buffalo about the Bills. Everyone was blowing up with "Allen what are you doing!?" and things of that manner. I said essentially the same thing you just did "Why are they calling that play? Josh has been picked on that spot like 4 times this season and you have the shortest guy on the team running that route." I don't give a damn if there are built in "answers" or if the 3rd/4th guy in the progression is open on that play, when your QB can't execute it and has shown that it confuses him into making the wrong decision, STOP CALLING THE FREAKING PLAY DORSEY. Ugh.
  4. I think the season is shot, so honestly whatever they do is just to stop the bleeding. Dorsey should have been gone before the Bengals game, but absolutely needed to be canned after. Last night was just more of the same disappointment. Dumb people will blame Allen, but it's a scheme issue and smarter people than me have shown it. Get him out of here before he breaks Allen's confidence any more. McD can stick around for the rest of the season and lead the tank, I don't care. After the season though he needs to be shown the door and we need to bring in an offensive HC who maximize Allen. Hell I'd be fine with bringing back Daboll if he gets canned, not my first choice but better than whatever the hell this is.
  5. Yeah. If I'm dealing out blame it's like 40% offense (So Dorsey, I think most of Allen's woes are scheme issues), 50% McD (letting the offense get this bad without adjustments), and 10% the defense not holding up in the last moments.
  6. I went to bed mad and disappointed, and I woke up mad and disappointed. I truly think Dorsey is the #1 problem with this team, and he should absolutely have been fired weeks ago. The #2 issue is almost just as bad though. Our HC is distracted running the defense and has been in no way "buttoned up" or "disciplined" like they preach. If he doesn't bring those qualities, arguably his only great qualities, then what good is he? I'm tired of rooting for a joke. There are so many teams doing more with less.
  7. I misunderstood your post then, thank you for correcting me.
  8. And yet in the second to last possession the offense did what it needed to and put the game squarely on the back of our defensive head coach cap it off. He failed. He failed so bad he actually had to fail twice just to lose.
  9. Sounds like McDermott isn't bringing anything to the table then. You hear all the time about players who check out after their big payday. McD got his and he's coaching like he actively wants to be fired and cash out.
  10. Without Kim I doubt there's anyone in the captain's seat. I'm not sure I'd trust Terry with my lunch, much less an NFL team.
  11. Josh and most of the team did not look ready to play out there. You can say "he can't control that" but it's his job to prepare them to play and have the team in the right headspace.
  12. I've been shaking my head at the people who kept saying we should have promoted Daboll and walked away from McD, but this loss cements it, frankly. I'm still in disbelief even though I called it as soon as we scored with ~2 minutes left.
  13. McDermott choking on the final drive is a constant, like gravity. He was literally gifted a win and snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. I wasn't 100% behind the fire McDermott train, but this is the end of an era. Get him the hell out of here, what a joke.
  14. It sounds like it is super complex because every receiver has a ton of option routes. So nobody knows where anybody is going.
  15. To me, it would not insignificant amount of the game where the offense just goes dormant again.
  16. Your Opinion On This Team Will Change Tonight If: They beat Denver so senselessly that Sean Payton visibly cries on the sideline and Netflix removes that horrible movie about him from their library. Then Kevin James has to come out and publicly apologize for starring in it. And this all needs to occur before half time. That's probably the only scenario where I see my opinion shifting.
  17. Why stop at the sidelines, he should go lower. Is there a basement or something at OBD he could hang out in or something? Preferably something with poor radio signal so he can't call in plays?
  18. My game prediction: Bills will win something like 24-17, and statistically it's going to look like a great game for the offense but it won't pass the eye test. Then the chronically positive Bills fans and radio/podcast personalities will point to the stats and say "LOOK GUYS EVERYTHING IS FINE. CHECK OUT THE EPA, THE PASS OFFENSE IS ACTUALLY COMPLEX, NOT NEEDLESSLY CONFUSING TO THE PLAYERS". A lot of the criticism will calm down (undeservingly). The over/under on showing Josh Allen on the bench staring into the void is 3.5. I would take the over. (I really hope I'm wrong, and that the Bills wow everyone and this is the mid season turning point that we all want. I'm just pessimistic about this coaching staff.)
  19. I don't recall ever seeing McDermott looking like he was having fun. Allen had fun for one play during the Bengals game and got a flag for it.
  20. Well that's the sign of a well adjusted, fully functional team. They can turn it around, but the cracks are widening and I'm not full of faith.
  21. What changed after 2021 I wonder? Maybe the rookie OC who looks like he's calling plays out of a hat with no rhythm except for consistently calling a shotgun run that works 15% of the time? That tracks to me. Dorsey got figured out in the middle of last season and cannot or will not pivot in an effective way.
  22. It's been this way since McD got here. It seems like a scheme/coaching issue. Eric Washington is constantly failing upwards and it is baffling to me.
  23. I'm very down on the team right now but the notion that you could help fix the team by trading Allen might be the dumbest thing I've heard all week, and I listened to McD's press conference. Allen IS the team. There's no Bills of this era without Allen. He's the single greatest asset this team has had in the last 30 years.
  24. Not against it, but realistically that won't happen this year, or next if we're being honest.
  25. No reason to fire him now, and it's probably in the Patriots' best interest to tank anyways. They need a lot of help, particularly on offense. No matter what though I can't see Bill being allowed to coach for another season. The game has passed him and as a GM he's arguably one of the worst.
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