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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. Guess he won’t be dropping passes this week.
  2. Do you fear your franchise packing it in and moving to mexico city?
  3. I can understand this take as well. Engram hasn’t been reliable with injuries.
  4. Not sure he’s still on his rookie deal though I believe so not outrageous edit: yeah he’s cheap for 1 more year after this.
  5. As a random thought thread it’s not terrible. I love Engram I’d take him in a second.
  6. Why would it? There’s nothing more to say about it except yes, the OP is right there is an advantage and no, the league will not address it because it’s no longer in their control because they passed the buck before the season started. The league is the bad guy here as Hap said. No need to wallow around in political dirt this time around.
  7. riiight it’s always a “temper tantrum” by the player - no chance that the coaches and Spain sat down and had an adult discussion about his current and future role on the team. 🙄
  8. Moss has been hurt basically all year. Not sure what kind of jump you’re expecting him to make injured. The OL can’t run block for Singletary. Knox has been supremely average and trending towards bad; expecting him to improve at this point is folly. All that said, the Bills have more than enough very good weapons in the passing game. Diggs/Beasley/Davis/Brown (who’s not healthy). Even Kroft is playing better. You can point and look at what CEH did against buffalo and say “elite weapon” but in reality CEH has been pretty pedestrian outside of week 1 and playing against our non-existent defense. sorry I’ve been hearing this same excuse for Allen’s play for 2+ seasons now and I just can’t entertain it anymore.
  9. Wow we digging up THIS excuse this year too? My goodness.
  10. Talking about trading (2 weeks left) - there’s still a window to do that. I agree with u teams may be hesitant to do it this year but the time is still there to work something out. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  11. I suspect Beane will be examining all possible upgrade options for the defense in the next couple weeks. They can’t only count on immediate improvement and development from any of the young guys on D to carry them forward, not with their record and Allen and Diggs basically keeping them in games on their own.
  12. this is how I am leaning too. Yes it doesn’t look that good from a PR standpoint, but Del’s “creation” is directly derived from the Bills’ IP, isn’t it? I mean, “Bills” is right there in the name and the team owns that. Hope they try to work a deal with Del at least.
  13. I think we need MORE hosts belittling these moronic callers on air, not less. Half of them sound blitzed at 7-8 in the morning.
  14. C+ sounds about right to me. Although he did have some absolutely fantastic throws, even in this debacle. Main things for me that takes the grade down were the bad INT and the fact that he seemed to be more than occasionally throwing behind his targets tonight, which he hasn’t done in a while. Allen is the best player on the team though, along with Diggs and White. We’ll need some more guys to step up.
  15. Gunners should have been down there on the first one though
  16. We had this thread last week - it’s still mahomes. If Allen and/or White win MVP or the Bills win a superbowl then we’ll talk.
  17. Yeah i agree. AJ brown apparently got a practice in yesterday, but he’s nowhere near 100%. A one-legged levi wallace could probably cover him. Milano is already ruled out though, so I share some of your concern
  18. I mean not really they can cover the guys quarantined with their PS and pickups but I am very curious to see the punishment for this. If player suspensions are involved they are in a world of trouble.
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