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Everything posted by JoPoy88

  1. all that was asked of you was to provide some examples of Hyde’s deteriorating play, since you’re being so critical of it and claiming Poyer is constantly bailing him out. If you can’t do that (and the Baltimore play sure didn’t look like his fault, so you’re 0/1 great job) then I suppose you deserve “jerky” replies. Personally I think you don’t know what you’re looking at.
  2. no you’re spot on actually. The coaches and front office brought these guys on it is partially on them for being pretty terrible out there.
  3. Thread should be titled “don’t pay QBs...except in the case of W, X, Y or Z” really. Pretty big hedging going on for such a spicy take of a title.
  4. Not too excited about the signing but hey maybe it keeps Klein off the field on defense. He’s...not been good.
  5. Bills fans lead the league in persecution and inferiority complexes, and it’s not even a close race. The cringeworthy crap that gets posted here almost daily is evidence enough to that fact.
  6. Just saw this news here 8 hours ago. Check the board before you post and if you post news provide a link
  7. I’ll take Poe but Worley is more likely to hurt than help.
  8. So dwell on it now and make excuses. That’ll certainly prevent the league from doing it again in the future. 🙄
  9. I mean, that’s nice I am not a fan of murphy but I doubt they get anything of immediate value for him.
  10. I wouldn’t rush to judgment against the jets without crowder. He’s earned a shot to keep the job though.
  11. “whatever” - the exact reply I expected. When facts don’t work, just call the other guy a hater. Pathetic.
  12. doesn’t seem like I am one with my head lodged somewhere since based on this reply you obviously didn’t read and/or understand anything I wrote. I can root for the team and be realistic about certain rostered players at the same time. It is possible you can try it someday.
  13. i don’t hate Duke. I dislike the subset of posters here who have latched on to him as some sort of savior. I wish Duke well but recognize what he is - a bottom 5 roster player at best. i mean look the OP is saying now that duke can play tight end? Seriously? What else can Duke do should we throw him in at linebacker as well?
  14. I hope you butchered “psycho” on purpose. Good lord.
  15. Guess he won’t be dropping passes this week.
  16. Do you fear your franchise packing it in and moving to mexico city?
  17. I can understand this take as well. Engram hasn’t been reliable with injuries.
  18. Not sure he’s still on his rookie deal though I believe so not outrageous edit: yeah he’s cheap for 1 more year after this.
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