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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. I listed Welcome to the Jungle as my GNR song but like you said a few of those GNR songs are almost interchangeable for their rocking ability. Its difficult to single out just one of those songs as rocking more then the others. The same goes for Metallica and many of the other bands being thrown around.
  2. To many to single out just one, here is a short list of my favs Welcome to the Jungle- GNR Thunderstruck- AC/DC Fat bottom girls- Queen Baba O' Riley- The Who Free Bird- Skynard Battery- Metallica
  3. A year or two? Why cut him so much slack? He should be great already. I mean he clearly has that elusive intangible that guarantees greatness. Since he has that why not just expect a hall of fame performance in week 1 next year? Sarcasm On
  4. 12" last night, 6" more today...big lakes suck
  5. Bottom line is your up sh-- creek without a paddle. Whether they do it consciously or sub consciously women like the one you described value attention more then any other thing. Any attempt at trying to rationalize her actions without attention as the main variable will only make you more confused. This girl has low self esteem, she probably hides it well but deep down she doesn't like herself. As a result she craves attention constantly as a way to help her manage her low self image. She gave you the impression that she likes you by probably throwing in the occasional flirt and spending so much time with you. The reason she did so was to keep your interest in her sparked and keep the attention meter flowing. What really makes the hole thing even more confusing is the thing that she craves the most is being offered up on a big silver platter by you, yet she passes. The reason is not because she doesn't love your attention, its because she knows she can have it whenever she wants it. As to why she is attracted to a-holes it is also pretty confusing, but then again what about women isn't? It basically revolves around two main things, first women love project men, especially women with low self esteem. They think they can change bad men to good men, good men to better men... etc. Simply put, guys that treat them badly are the biggest projects of all so naturally they appeal to them. For point number two we revert back to the attention thing again. A-hole type guys give this girl a constant flow of attention, its just not of the positive variety. What else screams look at me more then a girl being able to constantly talk about how bad her boyfriend is. How he calls her names, treats her like dirt, and has left her emotionally destroyed. Everybody else simply wonders why she wont break up with him, but why would she? He is giving her exactly what she wants.
  6. Lindell is clutch, he would be telling the offense to lose yardage just to make the kick more challenging Lindell I hate you.
  7. After last week I think laughing at someone else's misery would be very therapeutic. www.theganggreen.com
  8. If the Jets lose all were going to hear all off-season is how the Jets got robed.... Barton is one dumb SOB....
  9. Good Luck to you to man. I have a couple more match ups going on in the Jets game. Besides Bolts -7 I also have the Jets under 18, and a parlay with the Rams straight up and the Chargers -7. Cross the Fingers
  10. It is very annoying when he says that
  11. He could be all three of those things, I know I am right now.
  12. LOL....Seahawks score.... I've officially pissed off the karma gods.
  13. I've gotten slammed late in games numerous times so I usually don't get excited until its over. That said I really felt strong about this pick so thats the reason for the early excitement. Go Rams!!
  14. Oh ya....my bad Marty doesn't seem very risky when compared to the Jets right now. The New York media is all over Pennington, the Jets haven't won a playoff game in forever, and they have been on a big slide lately. Combine that with the strong Charger run defense and I think the Bolts win by 10.
  15. Shocking I know but Seattle's team is on the verge of implosion. Its about a 50/50 play which is pretty good odds when laying 100$ to win 165$.
  16. I like St Louis straight up and the Chargers -7 for todays game.
  17. Pace has been in contract debates for a couple years with the Rams. I think they franchised him this year and he wasn't very happy with the move. Its possible for Pace to threaten a hold out if they franchise him again, so thats still up in the air. As for Jones the Seahawks also have Shaun Alexander as a FA. Early indications are they wont tag him but who knows how that will play out down the road. Remember Alexander was the second leading rusher in the NFL so if they franchise him don't be surprised. Point is a ton can still happen with those players, or any of the other guys. If nothing else we lucked out this year with such a strong OT market. It will drive JJ's price down and IMO we will retain him.
  18. I agree 100%. We get plenty of Big Ten games in Michigan so I saw a lot of Nugent over the years. The guy is flat out the best kicker I have seen in awhile, I worry that he wont even see round two let alone the later part of it.
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