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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. I just got back from the vet for the exact same problem. They said that this is the time of year they usually see plenty of dogs start excessive scratching. In my dogs case he developed a hot spot on his lower back so it was becoming a major concern. The vet said the itching was most likely a result of allergies. While his test for fleas came up negative the vet said the most likely cause of his problem was being allergic to flea saliva. I would see a vet, given his medication they should be able to rule out flea saliva and go from their. Perhaps it’s dietary? Bottom-line is it’s probably allergy related and the vet should be able to recommend shampoos, medicine, or food that could help the situation.
  2. It happens at all ages and genetics don’t always play a role. In my case not one family member including my father, dads father, mothers father or anybody else related to me has gone bald. For whatever reason I started thinning slightly around 21 and while I still have a full head of hair you can tell I'm destine for future baldness. One positive for us future baldy’s is the advent of Propecia. While it has some effects on testosterone and some possible sexual side effects these negatives occur in only a small portion of users. It terms of its results I know several people who had way less hair then me and after 6 months of use now have more hair then me. I'm sure I will get on it one day but not until I absolutely have to.
  3. While people do it differently I always heard you combine your middle name and your street name. So for the purpose of this thread use that configuration. Mines James Fitzgerald (sounds more like a president)
  4. The commercial is great; the guy uses nothing but sports analogies to describe his feelings for this chick. The chick is just sitting their with this puzzling stair on her face at the end. I think its one of those "what would the world be like without sports" commercials they have on FSN.
  5. Sports wagering in America is a booming market right now. 15 Billion + was gambled online alone last year and that figure stands to triple this year. With pressure from certain religious groups and politicians congress has attempted and failed to illegalize it across the board. Problems concerning the jurisdiction of the internet, and pressure from outside countries has stalled the process thus far. Currently the legality of online gambling is in a state of limbo. A handful of states have passed specific laws banning it, while the feds have stated it to be illegal. That’s all fine and dandy but the fact is people are doing it more now then ever, and only one American has ever been prosecuted for it. Even if they were to impose penalty’s for gambling online how could they isolate the people that do this? Were talking MILLIONS of people. Personally I say they should just legalize it and make a crap load of taxes in the process. I understand the risks of legalizing it, but as a member of a free country I'm sick of the protectionism going on right now. Just because some people decide to put their mortgage on a game doesn't mean that their aren’t another thousand people that gamble responsibly. Its entertainment, and if done responsibly can be a fun way to invest money. This theory of ruining the moral fabric of our country is the most ridiculous load of crap I have ever heard. Rant Off
  6. In terms of his performance nothing has been proven. I think he meant that drafting Losman gave us flexibility to go a different direction this year. Also this years QB class is a weak one so grabbing Losman in last years draft may not only give us options but value.
  7. Does Terrell have the physical skills to be a great player in this league? Of course he does, but like you say he's been a major flop so far. I guess I just attribute at least part of that flop status to the abysmal QB play of Chicago since he entered the league. To worry that he might become more productive with a great QB, his former QB none the less, is nothing that crazy.
  8. I don't like it. The guy has major skills but for whatever reason has been an NFL flop. With his former QB tossing the ball it may give him atleast a chance at being a good player. If they can get 1,000 yards out of David Terrell I have no doubt Bob Kraft sold his soul 3 years ago.
  9. I'm not here to give my opinion on who we should draft; I just think people have been too quick to assume it will be an OL. If the trade for Shelton is truly laid to rest then yes, OL becomes the most likely selection. But you have to assume TD gets the deal done. It seems like both teams are on the cusp already and I'm pretty confident one will blink. If the deal goes threw we have to accept that CB becomes a distinct possibility. We have very little depth on the roster right now, and no nickleback. In an ideal world both Nate and MaGee can stay healthy the whole year but if that doesn’t happen who do we put in? As of now it will either be Jabari Greer or we will be forced to disrupt our Safety’s by switching TV back. It makes sense this year just because of the lack of depth at that position, but it makes even more sense because NC will be long gone in 2006. Like it or not he will be paid as a top 5 corner after next season. He knows that, and I don’t think he resigns during the year for anything less then those numbers. When draft day rolls around I just hope TD doesn't get blasted if he picks a corner. Everybody knows we need help on the line, and you would have a difficult time arguing against the selection of a G/T/C in round 2. But CB is just as large a concern for this team and considering TD likes to shy away from taking lineman early I think it’s the more likely selection.
  10. While passing is the popular thing in today’s NFL I think teams will eventually go back to what started it all, the single wing. The QB spot has slowly been evolving to a much more athletic position. QB's are being utilized for their running ability, and the pocket passer is turning into a thing of the past. The single wing opens up several more running options per play, and it can also be more balanced and deceptive. Think of how effective this offense could be in Atlanta. Vick in shotgun is the primary runner; he can also throw just as easy. His two backs to the right and left are TJ and Dunn, that’s three VERY dangerous running options off the bat. I just think that more plays/formations in the future will be designed for improve. They will be loosely created to try and force defensive breakdowns. One thing I'm pretty sure about is the NFL is yet to mature in terms of formations and strategy. 20 years from now going for it on 4th down may be the norm, or QB's might take punt like snaps from shotgun. Anything can happen.
  11. Some of the FA's that we could not sign may have been in the plans but those plans are constantly evolving. If TD's past is any indication to his future then he probably has several solutions to the OL problem. So lets not hit the panic button yet as we still have many options across the offensive line. Here are a just a few thoughts on what we might do heading into the 2005 season. 1. Package our #2 + Henry to creep up to the top of round #2 or the bottom of round #1. At this point I don't see Henry getting us a #2 or #3, however if we package him and a pick we will be in position to draft a NFL ready G/C. Like many I like Baas and feel that he will still be around in these draft slots. 2. Just because the LJ Shelton trade is considered dead in the media does not mean it won't happen. Remember the Bledsoe trade? It was on and off about 20 times before it actually went threw. The demands of both party’s (Henry/Arizona) will subside as the season approaches making a late trade a much larger possibility. 3. Teague can play T if need be. While he wouldn't be my first choice at Tackle he could fill in for a couple years and do a decent job. 4. Cap causality’s and remaining FA's. If we need one more player to complete this line then we should have some option with this route. I'm guessing one of options one and two will occur, and options three and four will also occur. So my 2005 offensive line would look like this for options one and two. Option 1 LT- Teague LG-FA C- Baas/R RG- Villarrial RT Williams Option 2 LT-Shelton LG-FA C-Teague RG-Villarrial RT- Williams
  12. Burn it....But before you do kick it in the nuts a few times.
  13. He probably just assumed that most fans remember how many players they signed to make one last go at it. But since you don't remember here are a few players that picked up that season. Norton Jr Plummer Dent Sanders So I would say that the 94-95 49ers would be a good example of a team spending big and it paying off. As for the history of the NFL, Free Agency is just a blip on the map. So to say bringing in big time players won't work is false. It has helped close teams push over the hump (49ers, Ravens) and very good teams sustain success (Pats, Dallas).
  14. You sold our house Tyrone? What did you do with the money? I threw 300,000$ crack party
  15. I'm partial to Shepard’s but they been genetically craped on the last few decades so the traits that make them great family dogs have diminished. If you have the time to exercise them, and the $ to be selective in who you get them from they are incredible animals. My Shepard is protective, intelligent, loyal, and does great with small children. If Shepard’s aren’t your thing then a cheap alternative to costly pure breeds is a mixed breed. Usually with mix breeds you don't see the excessive inbreeding and gene manipulation that can plague many pure breeds. Mix breeds tend to make great family pets and cost a fraction of the price. Good luck on the search and just remember to really look at the puppy’s temperament before you pull the trigger. Sometimes nurture can't fix nature with these puppy mill dogs.
  16. I couldn't agree more about the stadium being the biggest obstacle. I think we overcome Ralph's estate tax and a new owner. But I just can't see the county paying enough cash to help with a new stadium. As for Vegas getting a team I think that will also happen. The city is expanding so rapidly and you know the cash will be there. When it comes down to it the NFL is a business and they would be missing out on a lot of money by not throwing a team in Vegas.
  17. I'm not freaked out that the Bills will move, that said I would be lying if I did not have some concern over their future. Like most here I love the Bills, and the thought of them not existing is something that’s difficult take. While the short term future (5-10 years) is nothing I'm concerned with yet the long-term future is. So here is the question I'm posing... Since the majority of posters stand a decent chance at being around in 30 years do you think the Bills will share the same fate? 30 years is a long time thus a good measuring stick to see how people really feel. It's easy to mock a panic stricken post that guarantees the Bills will leave in the next two years. But it seems much more reasonable that they could leave over such a long time frame. My guess would be that in 30 years they won't be around. I'm a glass half full person but 30 years is such a long time. Given the obstacles they would have to overcome during that time frame I just see them leaving as the more likely scenario. I don't like my answer so opposing views are encouraged. No flaming please
  18. I agree, and for that reason I think it might have been premature to announce JP as the starter. What if Holcomb does much better then JP in camp? I don't think a proven veteran outperforming a first year starter is a big stretch. It’s been to long since we last made the playoffs and the best player needs to be on the field. Whether that’s Holcomb or JP it doesn't matter to me, best player should play.
  19. I don't think he will next year either which is why I don't see the harm in having an open competition in camp. I don't know whether Holcombe would win, but why treat the position differently then every other position on your team. I highly doubt the Bills would anoint any other starting spot on the roster to a player with no game experience. Why do it with JP? Make the kid earn it
  20. First off I just said I will be looking for these situations next year, never even implied that TD or MM gave a rats ass about me. Secondly as you said the coaches are in a much better position to evaluate JP then I am. But what along the lines of NFL game experience do they have on JP? A couple of preseason games? A couple passes and a bunch of hand-offs? Why tie your hands by making such an announcement? They would have been better off even having a skewed QB competition in the preseason. At least that way it appears to the team that he won the job. You would also have the benefit of a full roster to make the decision. I just don't understand why the "best players start" theory was only in effect for last season.
  21. Winning the tournament, or an at large bid (very small chance)
  22. Last year all we hear is that the starter is going to be the player that gives us the best chance to win. Now Fast forward to present time with the way they handled JP's promotion. How does their stance with Bledsoe all last year apply in anyway to the way they gave JP the job? I'm not saying getting rid of Bledsoe was not the correct move, IMO it was. What I'm saying is they're being inconsistent with the players and that his a huge mistake. Watch the NFL network and one of the main things coaches stress in interviews is the importance of consistency. Many go as far as saying it is the most important factor in coaching success. Not only was it inconsistent for the players it was also extremely premature. How can you give the starting position away when you don't even have the roster finalized? Is Holcomb a savior? No he's not. But he does have enough ability and experience to push Losman in a open QB competition. We also are now stuck permanently with Losman no matter how he performs. You think a coach would bench a first round, first year starter at QB after he was anointed the starting roll? Thats how QB's psyches are destroyed so it's not gonna happen. One quick fix to these problems is Losman playing well, if he does that will prove he deserved the starting position. I just don't think a first year QB playing poorly is that out of the question. I for one will be following these situations closely next season if JP starts slow.
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