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Everything posted by Mikie2times

  1. I agree but only if its an upgrade. Last thing we need is a kicking carousel like we had in the 3-13 season a few years back. Funny thing is one of those carousel members turned out to be a hell of a kicker in Shayne Graham. Personally I would love to see the Bills resign Christie, no way it ever happens though.
  2. Its TKO's bling....he stole it from a MR T photo
  3. I'm depressed we need dedicate so much time to discuss the position at all.
  4. Jesus.... I would rather drink a 5th of Jack and go to Disney World the next morning then be the Moderator of that colostomy bag forum.
  5. The debates about Bledsoe have turned into the biggest dividing issue on the board. While it is a very important issue I find it hard to believe that their is anything left we haven't already discussed. Every stat, issue, and theory has been discussed and then rediscussed over the last two years. Many of us are ready to move on not from our beliefs on the subject but the simple redundancy of the issue. My suggestion is to give the people who still want to debate about Drew their own forum to do so. This will give the crusaders of both sides their area to crusade. It will also give the rest of us a clean Bledsoe free area to discuss the other important issues surrounding our team. Just a thought
  6. I'm sure PP is real pissed off at the deal he got..... As long as players receive the cash they could give two ***** about how the deal is created. While location is a factor for most players their ultimate destination will be decided more by the amount of jack they receive then anything else. Considering TD has only done this once with PP, and PP got a hell of a deal, I don't see why it would be a major issue with players. That said their is no chance in hell TD tags JJ. The main reason is simply a matter of value. JJ's value in this years Free Agent market is not nearly as high as PP's was a few years go. This year their are several top notch OT's available meaning the demand for JJ will be much less. Personally I think the demand for him will be low enough that he will return to the Bills. If your another team why would you give up a pick and a huge salary for JJ when you can get a better player without giving up the pick....Doesn't make much sense.
  7. A couple of responses to some questions being asked 1. A college football has the same dimensions as a NFL football, it also the same dimensions as a high school football. 2. College kickers no longer use tees, and for those wondering Nugent kicks off grass at the horseshoe. 3. The width of college goal posts is now the same as pro (they used to be wider) 4. The hash marks in college are a couple yards outside the goal posts. In pro they are on the goal posts. One last thing, I have watched Nugent plenty of times over the last three years. I have never seen a better college kicker and would be shocked if he makes it to the second round.
  8. 15 ft high? Makes that 56 yarder even more impressive.
  9. My thing is more angle related to. I can lift things fine as long as its not at certain angles. For example if I picked up a 50LB dumbbell straight up and down it wont hurt. I lift up a pen from a weird angle and its instant pain. As long as I don't get arthritis I can live with angle pain, lets hope we both avoid that road. Good luck on the recovery...
  10. It's doing pretty good. Still not as strong as it once was and certain angles still bother me, but its improving. Sounds like you still have a ways to go, full recovery can be a long process so hopefully things go well for you. By the way, how did you break yours again? Been awhile since the original thread.
  11. Rams 28 Hawks 24 Jets 10 Chargers 27 Broncos 17 Colts 34 Vikings 17 Packers 24
  12. I always loved that play, teams run it from time to time in high school. Like you said you usually dont see much of it in college or the pros.
  13. I'm giving them a chance, point is I think they got caught up in the hype this week. Moulds talking to Harrison etc... I still think they pull it out but I wish they would have focused more at the task at hand. You cant tell me after watching the first half that they came to play. The Steelers have owned the LOS, and 3rd down. We need to turn it on in the second, play with some urgency.
  14. We really have played like the first 4 games in the first half. Defense on the field a long time, offense doing nothing. We need to get a drive going if nothing else to let the defense rest. I think they have a playoff fever hangover right now, no intensity in the biggest game in the past 5 years.
  15. Several offensive players have stepped up over the last few weeks. When people cite their reasons for the turnaround Willis and Lee are generally pretty high up on the list. Then you can go into better o-line play, improved field position etc... One of the most overlooked aspects of the turnaround has been the improved play of Drew Bledsoe. Over the last 6 wins Drew has posted a QB rating of 87.9. While the statistics indicate improved play they don't tell the whole story. Drew is making smart throws, avoiding sacks, and managing games better then he ever has. Yes he has had the occasional mental lapse but overall he is playing like the old Drew lately. The point folks is the guy takes a lot of crap when he is playing poorly, the least we could do as fans is give him credit when things are going well. BILLS PLAYOFFS 05'
  16. Whats shocking about that quote is how awful Aaron Brooks actually is, he isn't in the same league as Delhome. Talent wise yes but he makes critical mistakes and costly turnovers in every game he plays. He is inconsistent at best and when he's on he is only above average, certainly not great. I agree that the Saints play with no cohesiveness but those comments were still way off base. What a tool
  17. I'm going to be annoying now but it needs to be said. Vegas is not saying that simply by having the two teams favored in the spread. Individually the two teams are favored, but collectively it is about 50%. In order to find the collective odds Vegas has of both those teams winning you must look at the money line. For those unfamiliar with the money line it simply shows how much you need to bet in order to win 100$. The outcome is a win/loss proposition and doesn't involve any spread. The money line on the two games is Denver -460 or betting 460$ to win 100$ or Jets -165 or betting 165$ to win 100$ In order to find the Vegas odds on both these events occurring you must convert these money lines into decimals and multiply the decimals together. You convert to decimals using the European betting decimal format. Denver's Game scores a 1.22 and the Jets game scores a 1.63. Multiply together and you get 1.988. In other words if you bet 100$ on a 2 team parlay involving Denver and the Jets you win 100$*1.988 or 198$. So if you wanted to put down a 2 team parlay on the money line for the Jets and Broncos you would get almost 2 to 1 odds. In other words Vegas thinks the odds of both Jets and Broncos winning are the same as beating the spread in any individual bet, about 50-50.
  18. I'm not a 100% either way, but if I had the choice of a uninspired Colts team or sub .500 team to play Denver I would rather it be the Colts. Denver will be rocking, and the Broncos should be playing with a lot of fire. In my mind a sub .500 team would not have the talent/intensity to win under those conditions. Now the Colts won't have much intensity of their own and for that reason Denver is a huge favorite. What separates it all and gives the Colts a shot is the huge amount of talent on their team. With the exception of a couple of teams in week 17 (Buffalo being one) Denver has more at stake then any of the other teams. They also have a home game which will increase the motivation. While few teams can match that motivation a couple can neutralize it with talent, the Colts being one of them. Our best shot in the Denver game is that the Colt talent neutralizes the Broncos intensity/crowd by having a big first half. Big plays can do this and the Colts usually get plenty of them.
  19. I hate the way some opposing fans are using the Bills schedule to downplay their run. You could almost take half the playoff teams and do the same thing with their schedule. They’re a lot of weak teams this year and a lot of dominant teams, as a result the big boys have knocked of the little guys almost every time. What you have left is the little guys fighting for the scraps amongst each other, and many of the playoff teams or teams in contention simply beating up the little guys. Just take a look at some of these teams and their schedules Colts If you want to call wins over Green Bay, Minnesota, Jacksonville, and Baltimore quality wins then I would also think the Bills wins over Jets, Seattle, Rams, and Cincinnati meet that criteria. The only game the Colts have over the Bills is the Charger win and that took place in the closing seconds. Chargers The Chargers good wins have come against powerhouses like Jacksonville, Carolina (during losing streak), Kansas City, and Denver. Again the Bills quality wins more then match up against the Chargers. Jets Don’t need to elaborate on this one. Denver The Denver quality wins include Kansas City, Panthers (during losing streak), and San Diego. Again a our wins look good against those teams. Bottom line is the only teams that can make a claim to having more quality wins then Buffalo is Pittsburgh and New England. So the next time opposing fans give you that BS line that we haven't beaten anybody simply ask them to share all their teams stellar victories. A :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: might also be warranted.
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