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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. You are correct, the problem is that Sean and or Brian don’t understand why this would be a good thing. They have been wrong all season when it comes to activating Williams and then actually using him. Wouldn’t it be great to see Brown, Beasley, and Williams starting on offense...in the playoffs... nah who in their right mind would want that...? Go Bills!!!
  2. I have been saying Duke should be active all season, and ya know what, I have been right all season. He out performs his competition at WR hands down every time he is on the field and used. Coach has been wrong on this all season. 10-6 baby! Playoff bound!! Go Bills!!!
  3. For some damn reason special teams players holds higher importance than play makers for our offense. On this specific issue I disagree with our coaches decisions weekly. 10-6 baby! Playoff bound!!! Go Bills!!!
  4. You, like our coaches are wrong on this specific issue, no your wrong, so are they, no you’re still wrong. They don’t bring jack to the table, look at their production, their combined production equals jack, no you’re still wrong, and so are the coaches on this specific issue. What we all want is production that reflects in wins, and those guys are not taken seriously by opposing teams, you know why? because they don’t produce. Yah I don’t care what others say on this specific issue, they are wrong. ?? yes this specific issue. ?? damn I need a beer now... how about you? ?? 10-5 baby! Playoff bound!! Go Bills!!!
  5. Nice read you old fart, ? could not have said it better my self. You are so right, great football is what you described, that blend of defense, running, and passing is what creates excitement. Go Bills!!!
  6. I’m not sure you’re fully expressing yourself, tell us what you really think. Go Bills!!! ?
  7. It is a shame that wage earning Americans will so readily drop to their knees in “support” of a corporate monopoly, Its like they have no sense of shame, or sense of self at all, these same people think that corporations are some how honest and benevolent,, they are neither, and always look first to their own benefit at your and my expense, all corporations are inherently corrupt, that is why they incorporate to begin with, it is done to deflect personal responsibility/liability for their actions. Wake up America, he said fruitlessly... Go Bills!!!
  8. Oh, I think he would... ? The most misery ridden 10-5 Playoff team ever... ?? Go Bills!!!
  9. Wrong price, wrong timing, imo, that’s why the biggest names won’t be here this upcoming season, Beane will get good players, but at a better price, again, jmo. Go Bills!!!
  10. Like I said in my first retort, we would all love these guy on the team, but right now, and into the near future it is/was never gonna happen, the timing is wrong , the dollars are wrong, but mostly the timing, should the Bills continue to be a playoff team for another year, maybe two, then those types of players will want to come here, it’s a “process “ ? Go Bills!!!
  11. Many people just do not have the skills to critique and not slobber on themselves at the same time, just sayin, ? I was trying to be nice.... 10-5 baby! Playoff bound!! Go Bills!!!
  12. My apologies to you, I then am the azs, 10-5 baby! Playoff bound!! Go Bills!!!
  13. The sporting press is only gonna talk about stuff that gets clicks, that’s the top to bottom of it. Oh, and Football player are notorious users of Peds in the past and in the now... some fans like to lie to themselves about it but Peds use is rampant in football, and other sports. Go Bills!!!
  14. You good Sir, make yourself the azs with statements as such. Good Boxing Day... Go Bills!!!
  15. Your still on KB & AB? the team has since moved on, AB is likely done In the league, so move on. What you seem to be missing is the Steelers are an established team with a good reputation, the Bills aren’t there quite yet, it will be harder than you think to draw the big name talent here, and still resign those that we should money wise, I don’t think you have grasp on The Bills new management teams intentions. You seem to think one or to high dollar players will put us over the top, that ain’t the case at this moment. Go Bills!!!
  16. True only to a point, those teams have been keeping their salary cap under control for many years, during which time the developed the team reputations, the Bills are only just starting to go down that road, but like all things to much sugar causes a cavity, LB & AB, muderous tight end, when the personalities go rouge they are then disposable. Personalities are fine, azsholes are not. It’s like no one understands that the Buffalo Bills started essentially from zero, reputation wise, when SM & BB got here, becoming a team like the Steelers etc, doesn’t happen in two and 3/4ths seasons, just repairing the teams image within the league is going to take more time than the typical whiny fan wants to endure, I say F those fans, it’s going to take time to lure the stars fans want and they are just gonna have to wait all pouty till it happens. Merry Christmas ? Go Bills!!!
  17. I think you might be missing part of the general thought process of many here, 1st, everyone would want those players on the team, 2nd, only if contracts fall in line with other upgrades Beane no doubt already has in the works. 3Rd, Beane will not undo all his previous work, ( cap control/ type of players wanted) to sign any player who does not buy in and run their career the Buffalo way while they are part of the organization. That’s the thinking many here have imo. BB & SM have a long term plan, like it or not they are following it, imo they envision Buffalo becoming a Steelers/ pats type of very stable wining/ profitable professional football organization. Thats what I got, many may very well think I’m a couple bottles short of a six pack in my thinking, and that’s okay, but I am right, ? Go Bills!!!
  18. From what I read/heard, Fairburn spoke openly about some plays/ trick play the Bills were working on, so Sean explained to him in no uncertain terms he was never to do that again. Frankly Fairburn F up and deserved what he got, imo. 10-5 baby! Playoff bound!! Go Bills!!!
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