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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Not activating DW was and is a point of failure by Sean, and or Brian, the guy delivers the goods every time they use him. Saying this does not mean I don’t think SM is a good Head coach, because he is a very good HC, it is just this specific point of failure. It is what it is fellas, Go Bills!!!
  2. Yeldon has a total of six (6) fumbles for his entire career in the NFL. Ya need to rethink your notions on this.
  3. Nooooo, keep both the HC & GM ya I know they dumped the K sink,
  4. Agree that we can not have a new system on Offense if Daboll leaves, that would likely have a negative effect on the progress of Josh and the entire O. I think Sean already has candidates for OC on his desk as we speak, along with every other coaching position for that matter. Go Bills!!!
  5. How is it that STs is a higher priority than the offense scoring points? Our STs is bad presently so inserting DW for instance isn’t gonna change things to any great degree, and at the same time help a struggling offense, just sayin... yes, they are doing it wrong, Go Bills!!!
  6. One could use that to ones advantage, it comes back to using players to your advantage, there are times when a DW type receiver is the better option, one also might find that if DW was active for more than four games he would show even better...just sayin Go Bills!!!
  7. Really? He is a “backup QB” who played with a lot of back ups, nothin to see here, move along.., Go Bills!!!
  8. Well in hind sight it wasn’t good, but really, who would have thought KB would be the mega sloth of NFL receivers? I mean that level of worthless is pretty damn hard to achieve... But we are past that now, no need to rehash that and other questionable personnel decisions that were over before our last draft, gotta let it go. Go Bills!!!
  9. Frankly, I wouldn’t want Daboll to leave unless there was a clearly better option waiting to step in. To have him leave without a seriously good replacement would be a big negative for Allen and the team. This is coming from one of those “ he should be playing Duke guys”.
  10. Damn, I should have been playing Duke Williams all bloody season!
  11. I’m not looking at just one game, and that’s kinda my point, with Williams on the field with Brown and Beasley, they would compliment each other better than with Mckenzie, it is a more threatening line up, use McKenzie for the short pass run plays, he is good on those, but he is a lesser receiver, he isn’t going to out physical any dB after a catch or for a catch for that matter. I guess I’m sayin we are not using our current players to our best advantage, Sean and/or Brian are missing the boat on this, and its frustrating as hell to watch them not use what we have more effectively. I don’t think we are particularly far apart in our overall view of this. Go Bills!!!
  12. Understand that and it certainly has merit, but Snyder still owns the team...
  13. One can only hope so, if they don’t play fearlessly it will be a short post season, not advocating for silly sloppy play, but rather aggressive quality play calling and high level execution of those plays. No Fear! Go Bills!!!
  14. I here ya, but that does not seem to be the accurate, Coach has shown himself to be a bit stubborn concerning player preference, we have all seen that to be the case, that and Williams has proved my point every time coach has used him, his stats say he gets the job done better than any other #3 WR on the team, Just sayin , he has out performed his competition at the #3 spot, Hell he has played in only four games, and has more yards and points than his competition, likely combined this season, ( could be off by a small amount) ? just think if Williams was active with Brown and Beasley all season, we would likely have won a game or two more, and won the others more comfortably, yeah, yeah, jmo, ?? Go Bills!!!
  15. Now we wait and see if SM takes advantage of the opportunity to actually play guys who show they can block, catch the ball and put up yards on offense. Fingers crossed ? Go Bills!!!
  16. Every good HC candidate says no to the jests... they are right up there with the skins and browns as places you don’t want to be as a head coach.
  17. RR better insist on a huge salary all guaranteed, with and opt out clause so he can jump ship at his need. The skins HC position is battling with the Browns for the least desirable in the league. Taking either position is likely a large stain on ones coaching resume, it does not show good decision making skill.
  18. Compared to his competition at the #3 WR spot he’s filet mignon, its just “inconceivable” that he has been inactive for the majority of the season, the decision to designate him in that fashion has cost us games this past regular season, and will again in the post season. 10-6 baby! Playoffs!! Go Bills!!!
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