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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Oh, didn’t hear about that, just heard they were stashing him on IR, hope he healed up well,
  2. So true, the O needs should come before the D needs this upcoming season, I would think that would be pretty darn obvious, need to turn field goals into touchdowns, and do it real soon, jmo. Go Bills!!!
  3. You beat me to it, but just to make certain, Fuh K Tom Brady
  4. He was a little raw coming out of college, hits like a Mack truck, check his highlights on U tube
  5. I think this convo is ignoring the glaringly needs on the offense, ya know, the squad that has trouble scoring TDs... just sayin, I would “assume” that Beane would invest on that side of the ball in a considerable way, maybe that’s just me... Go Bills!!!
  6. Because they play fantasy football, and believe it or not, they don’t Know how to build a football team. I’m just guessing here.., ??? Go Bills!!! We
  7. For me it’s 10 or more wins, and the AFCE crown, will that actually happen... Go Bills!!!
  8. This question is a point of social behavior/prevalent attitudes nation wide. It’s called racism. As we all know, It was started as a means to be fair to all candidates, and of course it isn’t working, as said up a few posts, the good ole boys club that runs the show is what it is, the rule is mostly employed as lip service, we live in a country were this sort of thing happens daily, Beuller? Bueller? Anyone? Is that coffee I smell?? Go Bills!!!
  9. It is fun to watch some of the Bills clan Nash their teeth at a season that turned out to be good, when many never thought we would win 7 games, the “process “ continues, and the team is in a good position to get noticeably better for 2020, enjoy the ride fellas, Go Bills!!!
  10. By the photo, it is PI, the defender is not making a play on the ball, but instead “interfering” by grabbing the offensive players torso/arm. Classic non enforcement of the rules.
  11. The Bills are the NFL, the NFL is 32 groups of billionaires, to include the Pegulas, so if you are bringing a law suit against the NFL you are bringing it against all the owners groups, to include the Bills. That monopoly really needs to be broken up.
  12. Most people won’t vote, for no other reader than they are lazy good for nuthins, the rich have very successfully divided and conquered the entire country, so now the one percent, controls the ninety nine percent, the once formidable middle class is so in debt that they have no political clout, yes money is power, and if you are busy spending yourself into debt owed to the one percent you are are a peasant, and have no societal power at all. Except the vote, which most are to F ing lazy to exercise, American citizens are dooming themselves into a subservient existence, and most are to stupid to understand that this is the case. I’m done for a now... Go Bills!!!
  13. If he started the year off with four sold to very good WRs and a TE or two that “catch the Fuh king ball” he would have been pushing 4K plus in pass yards with six or more TDs and likely three to four more wins, throw in a better RB to go with motor and we would still be playing this season, but, that didn’t happen.... oh well... on to next season... Go Bills!!!
  14. Not taking that bet, ? , I likes me some bush, it’s odd that women will have their pubs yanked out, as painful as it is, and do it over and over, trying desperately to look prepubescent as a style statement, kinda F’ed up if you ask me.. Go Bills!!!
  15. Yup, well stated, our offense could stand some upgrades at several positions. Beane will take care of that for us. Go Bills!!!
  16. We can all sit back and wait for the PC when Brady retires and comes out, and then realize a girly man was the dominant football player for the last two decades, it’ll be great ? G Bills!!!
  17. I just want the team to be successful, and frankly the team was successful this past season. ( not as much as I would like) Me, I don’t dwell on stuff like, wish we shoulda done this or that... smh, to many variables in play to think a given choice in the past would change outcomes in a way one thinks it will is a vain endeavor. Go Bills!!!
  18. Disappointed, pissed at the time when we lost, but I’m not wired in such a way as to be all whimpery for days, like some are. Ya just gotta man up, put on your big boy pants and move on, they have next season for a reason ya know... Go Bills!!!
  19. This season will have turned out to be a great learning experience for the coaches and players, especially our QB. I believe that this experience will create the no mercy/killer instinct attitude in our team that has been missing this season. The team is indeed in a very good position going forward. Go Bills!!!
  20. Yup, the real truth is that any team knows damn well you need a TD every quarter to come close to guaranteeing a win. You gotta be putting up a minimum of 3 TDs and a field goal to be dominant. Yes easier said than done, if your not close, you need to change your strategy/game plan. All that said, this season will end up having been a very good lesson for the coaches and our QB. Me I’m confident that our players will have a no mercy attitude because of this experience. Go Bills!!! AFC 2020 Champions.
  21. Do the rules say you have to kneel it down to close of the play as it were or not? If so we had a TD taken from us that should have counted, jungle rule don’t count. Can’t be making stuff up, rules are the rules.
  22. I think that our OC doesn’t always know how to use his receivers as a unit to attempt to overwhelm our opponents, it is like one on one basketball sometimes, he puts them out there without context of what is happening on the field, not always mind you, but frequently. As I said in a previous post, this game is an ample opportunity to learn and teach what not to do when you have the lead in a playoff game, or any game for that matter. Sean, never take your foot off the gas, Brian, stop going away from what is working until they stop you. Decision making from the coaches on down was lacking in the second half. Go Bills!!!
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