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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Sunday 1:00 pm games are vastly superior, better start time, better end time, higher fun ratio cause it’s easier to get up and go to work the next day with all the drinking and eating staring earlier the day before. Even as a retired individual it works better. Prime time and night games are B/S no matter how you slice it. Anyone who disagrees with me is admitting to being wrong just by piping up. Get off my F ing lawn... yah you... Go Bills!!!
  2. Some day STs will have specific members that aren’t bad at their supposed real positions, as made up now STs are primarily 2nd and 3rd tier players at other positions, and frankly not particularly good at STs, but teams have learned to live with mediocre STs since day one of football. It is what it is, the weak link in every team.
  3. He had two really good seasons during his entire career, the deal is that he won the SB and was mvp both times, he gets in.
  4. Quality people make up that organization.... ???‍♂️??
  5. From what I can tell, the correct answer is “Never” at least on this board anyways.... Go Bills!!!
  6. Outside of the LS, one return guy and the kickers, they are almost all backups and they all come cheap pay wise, so why not? Not making fundamental mistakes goes a long way it appears... Go Bills
  7. Ta Da ^^^ If your lines ain’t good, your team ain’t good... Bueler Bueler, anyone....
  8. I think it goes “pasta at the wall to see if it sticks”...?
  9. If “big run” means big money, no. If fair money then yes/maybe. gonna be lots of disappointment at the end of free agency on this board, like every year, it’s like many are not paying any attention to how our FO does business.... me, I think I will be pleasantly surprised by the start of the season, but I’m the layed back sort, you know, sipping Pinot Grigio nibbling on dark chocolate, down in the Islands ????? ? Go Bills!!!
  10. Passing league, running league, blah blah blah, it’s both. The deal is this, You have to win at line of scrimmage with both O & D lines. When the O line dominates the run/pass game works, when the D line dominates, the defensive scheme works, when these two things happen you win the game the vast majority of the time. It’s the core of your team. Fix the right tackle situation, get an edge rusher, and a WR or two after that get a RB. Jmo... Go Bills!!!
  11. It just goes to show that teams league wide happily live with mediocre STs play, that and it shows how little resources teams invest in STs, the red headed step child of every team... Go Bills!!!
  12. I so hope the 49ers win, and JG has a spectacular game, just so the Pats fans sink lower into their miserable future, but hey, that’s just me.... Go Bills!!!
  13. That was I just rumor... No one is saying JG is anything, So get with the program a gloat a little, Geesh people...
  14. There certainly is a difference, but the guys a multi millionaire many many times over, it is not likely a big concern for him. How many millions has he pocketed every year for how many years? Not counting interest on investments... again not a real big concern for the one percenters. This is a family decision, not a financial decision. That and his career is in its tail end, may as well go home, chill, play a little golf, spend some time with the kids, and even let his body heal up completely.
  15. Some folk seem to think making holes in your roster before you have a position filled is a good idea, just don’t get that myself, and like you said, quality depth on O lines is rare in the league. Ya can’t cut people without a REAL PLAN in place. Go Bills!!!
  16. So, on a scale of 1-10, ten being the most likely, how likely is Buffalo his landing spot?
  17. It’s hopeless, it’s Snyderville, resistance is futile, this is likely the beginning of the end of River boat Ron’s career as a NFL head coach, working as a head coach there is a stain on any coaches resume while Snyder has been the owner, jmo.
  18. He will be fed to piranhas at the end of the upcoming season, and we shall no longer have reason to discuss his functionality as a NFL QB. Good, now that’s out of the way... Go Bills!!!
  19. See previous thread on the, shall we say, general meaningfulness of Pffts scoring system. Go Bills!!!
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