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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. Sometime next season, around playoff time they will get something mutual worked out. Go Bills!!!
  2. You foreigners are tryin to steal our precious American football, aren’t you satisfied with your own Soccer football, Christ is nothing sacred on this planet ? next thing ya know you will be pushing warm beer down our throats, ( better than no beer I guess) you all lost this country fair and square ages ago, so don’t come sneaking around here anymore. Go Bills!!
  3. All your write positional write ups are very well done, thanks for your time and effort on these, good reads. Go Bills!!!
  4. Do you really think Beane would draft a running back in the first round? Seems damn unlikely imo. Go Bills!!!
  5. This^^^, it’s like last years free agency period, TC & preseason, bring in everyone you want and let them fight for their spot, no gimies any more, keep good depth, trade or cut those that don’t perform the way you need them to. Never make holes in your roster, if you do you are not operating from a position of power when replacing/upgrading those positions. Go Bills!!!
  6. As already stated, the answer is, YES. Along with a stream of untimely dropped passes by others throughout the season. Jmo.
  7. PFF is a mix, the English language mixed with large measures of gibberish and jabberwocky, with then, predictable meanings and outcomes, that only those who know the secret handshake get the translation back into English so as to get any meaningful information from their years of selfless professional investigation and study. Gee guys you ought to know this already... Go Bills!!!
  8. I think the “ leaving the door open” is strictly for outward appearances, so Drew appears professional to other potential clients, being that everyone with a brain attached to a working nervous system knows AB is a potato with a fork stuck in it. like it or not Drew is a damn good agent, and makes his clients big money, that’s his job. As it were, Player agents really don’t exist in my corner of football fandom, so no dog in that fight...??
  9. Well, being Drew ain’t makin another nickel with that loser, so he dumped his worthless azs, what else would anyone expect him to do?
  10. Agree with to much Gore and not enough Williams and Yeldon, for me Josh is on the cusp of being really good or not getting much better, I so want this kid to become “The Franchise”, and make so much money he has to weigh it to find out how much he’s got, we will all know at the end of this upcoming season which path he travels, not counting outliers such as injury and other oddities... Go Bills!!!
  11. Yes like the French did at the Tour de France when Armstrong was busted for cheating, they revoked all his tour wins, and took back the money awards, and the record books show no winners in those years, in this case every one he beat were all doping as well, so it’s always more complicated and a bit of a rabbit hole, as it were, but ya gotta start somewhere...
  12. From a sixty year old boomer ? you stated the issue beautifully, and concisely, thank you.
  13. If I’m MLB, no way in hell do these guys come back into the game, people who cheat always cheat, it’s a major character flaw with those sorts. I’m certain they can learn to say, “do you want fries with that”.. look at Kraft and Co. they are continuous cheaters, cheaters gonna cheat, always kick them to the curb when opportunity presents itself, otherwise you condone the act and the taint. The world needs ditch diggers too...
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