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Don Otreply

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Everything posted by Don Otreply

  1. And a great New year to all you crazy Bills fans!
  2. The patriots always conduct themselves in an unsportsmanlike fashion, they can never be given the benefit of the doubt.
  3. The keys are ball security, line play, and executing. Or in short, take care of business fellas. And remember what Zo said about playing in New England!! Go Bills!!!
  4. Why would you feel negatively about the Buffalo Bills getting recognition and a positive vibe and a bigger following? Makes no sense, its like cutting your nose off to spite your face. Go Bills!!!
  5. Boston is a cool city, lots of national history it that city, feel good about the pats dumping the Boston name and down playing the city when they became the New England patriots, I do and I remind Boston fans from time to time ?
  6. Oh, we all trust Sean, he just happens to be wrong on this specific issue ?? Go Bills!!!
  7. The truth is powerful, and Zo described the circumstances they will face very well, you can be damn sure in team meetings and practices this was heavily covered, and for good reason. The guys can’t those things “highjack” their concentration. Go Bills!!!
  8. There was some of the we are gonna lose this game mentality, but I think it’s not like it was in toms heyday, the Bills still have to play as mistake free football as they can to win, and that is within their abilities, in that way it’s really not to much different than the other games they were supposed to lose, Steelers, Cowboys, Titans, etc. if they keep their combined sh-t together they will win. Go Bills!!!
  9. Oh, I agree, imo Kraft should be forced to sell the team, and all non football players in the organization be banned from the NFL for a minimum of five years. But that won’t ever happen...
  10. Well not that good, they keep getting caught... hence my post. It is a given that they cheat, that, and everyone has known about rain-man for some time. That’s why the asterisk.
  11. I too am a big McDermott fan, but It certainly is odd that they won’t use him, even though he has proved more useful than guys they are putting on the field every game... Oh well, guess I will have to live with Sean’s failing on this issue, ? Go Bills!!!
  12. Everyone will be on our wagon this weekend, the whole bloody nation wants the pats to lose.
  13. Looking at each teams record it is an easy question to answer, just sayin, Go Bills!!!
  14. They have been shown to be cheaters on more than one occasion in the past, and yet again, shown to be cheating presently, one can no longer afford them the benefit of doubt on any suspected behavior, they long ago lost that consideration. There will always be an asterisk, marking that team.
  15. So in other words you got nothing, when presented with player production numbers. Just sayin...? 10-4 baby! Go Bills!!!
  16. I think we can help with that... Go Bills!!! I think we can help with that... Go Bills!!!
  17. Well ya, certainly not scouting mouth breathers... Go Bills!!!
  18. Don’t take the bait! Don’t take the Bait!! Just because a moron says something doesn’t mean you are required to respond. Go Bills!!!
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