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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Let's pump the brakes a little. Seattle has the worst defense in the league and was down to their third RB. Rams, Raiders, and Dolphins wins continue to look good. But Titans and Chiefs games were not even close. I was most encouraged by the attacking style of defense played against Seattle. I hope McD keeps that up
  2. Klein did get robbed. Hell you could make an argument Klein’s performance was better than Allen’s given how bad Seattle’s defense is and how impactful Klein’s plays were. I will need to eat a lot of crow if Klein even has one more game playing at that level
  3. Perhaps this thread should wait until the current regime wins at least one playoff game
  4. They will have plenty of money. There are a number of contracts that will expire or they can rework. Star and Hughes can be reworked if they even keep Star. Murphy will be gone. Klein will be gone. They will draft 3 front 7 defenders next year and get younger. Alot will depend on what they think of Epenesa and Johnson as DEs. I would not but they could part with Hyde and get a high draft pick safety to replace him. If they keep Hyde I still think they will still get a safety in the first three rounds.
  5. Can't sign everyone. Have to pick and choose. You let a small LB walk and keep Williams and Feliciano. They can find a LB on the cheap in the draft and/or free agency. The biggest question will be is if they pick up Edmunds fifth year option.
  6. With the lack of holding calls, almost no team is able to generate enough pressure with just their front four. Combine that with quick passing game and the only way to stop NFL offenses, is to keep bring extra rushers and odd man rushes. On the strip sack by Klein, Hughes was standing up over the center and backed into coverage. Teams need to be creative with their rushes. Adams blew up the Bills a few times. Also teams are getting better at timing their rushes based off the play clock winding down
  7. I was more confident about Seattle than Arizona mainly due to Seattle traveling east and no run game. If Tre can’t go I doubt the Bills can win this week. They can still go 3-1 during this third quarter of the season and be set for a division title
  8. Whoever was holding the mike? Is that a joke? Cmon man.... Deion Sanders - the best pure CB in the history of the NFL.
  9. How do explain the PI call at the end of the Rams game then? Did the refs get paid off during the game to switch from the Rams to the Bills?
  10. I'd say it was more about Brown and Knox being out than the shoulder. No doubt the shoulder injury may have played a role, but without Brown they lost a lot of speed on offense.
  11. I've long been a proponent of a dome. Retractable roof is just too expensive. Build a great place like they have in Minnesota. That said, you have to throw the ball in weather. Both teams are playing in it. Josh has the arm strength to play in weather. Missing a wide open Diggs on a deep sideline throw by 5 yards was not the elements it was a bad throw by Allen who had a clean pocket. That is a throw he just has to make. I also think what people are forgetting is can Daboll adjust his playcalling to the weather? Can he feature more throws to the tight ends? Can he dink and dunk with safe passes. Yesterday Josh threw a lot of deep outs to the sidelines. In wind those become very dangerous. Also have to add in the slippery element of snow. Hitting a guy coming out a break is harder if they are slipping.
  12. Almost certain it was by design. Florida and Tebow ran that play all the time around the goal line. With Allen's threat to run the ball it is a great play call
  13. 2nd year Medical school watching John Cooper screwup another season with an insane talented Ohio State team Glenn, Galloway, George, big Daddy Wilkinson and many more
  14. Kittle hurt early and returned but did not play well. Murray had 90 yards rushing. If Bills can keep him in the pocket, they don't have a great running game to fall back to. Difficult game but certainly winnable.
  15. Tough spot for McD on that one. Ref was right there and Davis was angling out of bounds. They tried to catch them with a quick snap with linemen that would have to pass rush then jog 20 + yards and get in position to defend the goal line. I have no problem with the hurry up there. Not sure why he didn't challenge the spot on the 3rd down catch by Diggs. Probably would not have been overturned but why burn a timeout instead of the challenge. Either way the worst that happens is a lost timeout and down to one challenge with minimal clock left before the 2 min warning when you can't use challenges anyways.
  16. He has been perfect for this team. Great hands. Great run after catch. Great route running. Great teammate. Great contract. I wouldn't even mind if they gave him a little bump in salary after this year even though they don't have to.
  17. I love the fact that they kept throwing the ball. They knew the weakness and kept exploiting it. Even after a good game running the ball last week, they didn't even try to stay balanced. They just attacked the weakest part of their defense. Keep in mind Seattle is one dimensional on offense. They have a terrible run game right now and it made it easier to play defense. Let's hope they learned the lesson that it's ok to give up a few chunk plays if you get negative plays too.
  18. Phillips only played last week because Butler was nicked up. He probably won't see the field again unless someone else gets hurt. He was never a 1 technique guy in college and they are asking him to play the nose only 1 year after ACL. Wrong player for the wrong defense. He may be a solid DT rotation guy but not likely be a quality starter at NT
  19. Here is props to a guy I have not liked since he was drafted. Just watched all the highlights. Ed Oliver had a solid game. Double teamed on about 80% of the plays I saw and was still able to get decent pressure on most plays. I don't think the announcers called his name once but he was moving the pocket and created opportunities for others. Solid game!
  20. Whoever the OL coach is. He has guys prepared to play multiple positions and ready to go at a moments notice. Nsekhe came in cold and first play he stoned a free rusher and let Allen complete the pass.
  21. Allen A+ Diggs A Brown A Daboll A Knox D White B+ Hughes A Klein B+ Poyer A Edmunds C
  22. Worst in the league. A time when the stats actually match the real story
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