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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. It did. Ankles are funny. Can look bad but not be a big deal or it could be high ankle 6 week injury
  2. If this is Edmund's best game then he is still a bust. Hope that isn't a concussion for White
  3. Hope McD and Frazier copy this game plan. They have blitzed more this year than ever before but I think they have played more man coverage today instead of soft zone. See they gave up a few big plays but they have forced turnovers. That's how you play defense
  4. No issue with the punt but just take delay or challenge the spot instead of using a timeout
  5. McD is so dumb. Why waste a timeout? Could have just challenged instead. He is so terrible.
  6. Wow that was just terrible. Hope Bills don't get too conservative here
  7. Can't keep DK and this offense down all game. DBs will give up yards in this league
  8. Pressure and turnovers. Been saying it all year. Would be nice to see Dunlap in a Bills uniform.
  9. That is just an amazing play by White dropping off his guy and picking that ball
  10. Amazing grown men can get so excited spiking a ball. Good job kid handing it to the lineman.
  11. No he didn't. It was a good sack. Refs didn't call two personal fouls on Bills in first half
  12. Is it just coincidence or is this coaching staff this incompetent at third quarter adjustments???
  13. I like the max protect idea there. Bills WR should be able to get open if they can pick up the blitz. Good call. Terrible execution. TE on a safety blitz should be a win for the offense.
  14. All boundary calls should be a booth review to make sure they get the call right. No way the ref can get that call right all the time at that speed.
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