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Ethan in Cleveland

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Everything posted by Ethan in Cleveland

  1. Just to be clear. Edmunds sucks. He is a bust. He's not even a capable starter. First round pick that they traded up for. Bust.
  2. Next time they have that bunch formation play, they should just give it to motor
  3. Yup another missed call. This crew is terrible both ways though.
  4. Yup. Refs missing calls all over the place today for both sides
  5. Johnson looks 20 pounds heavier than last year. If he can continue to develop he will be nice depth for a 7th round pick
  6. Yup. Slight little draw means he is following through on his kick nicely
  7. Jerry sticking with it made Russ have to throw. Great effort. Great team coverage.
  8. Josh has been amazing. Seattle has taken away first read often and Josh is being patient and working the play. Great start. Keep it up D!
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