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Everything posted by CincyBillsFan

  1. And maybe it will take Allen making waves that gets us the change we need. I'm not sure what Allen's relationship with McD is. It doesn't seem great to me and it's clear from the comments of all involved that it was Bean & McD that tried to remake Allen into a different, less effective QB in the off season. I suspect that Allen has a clause in his contract that won't let the Bills restructure it without his permission. If he does then he has leverage. If Allen wants to succeed at the highest level and compete in and win Super Bowls, it will NEVER happen with McD as coach or Bean as GM. Allen will need to get out of Buffalo before all the tread is off the tire. Pegula absolutely will be sensitive to Allen's feelings here.
  2. I agree about Floyd and don't care. Bean is a defensive minded GM and you're not winning a Super Bowl with a defensive minded GM & Head Coach. Both Bean & McD must go. They're wasting the talents of a uniquely gifted QB in Allen. This alone is a firable offense.
  3. I think Bean & McD are part of the same problem: a defensive minded organization is at a real disadvantage in the NFL. And when you have one of the best QB's of the past 20 years fall into your lap and you don't focus the organizations resources on surrounding the guy with the best tools possible you're committing NFL malpractice in the 2020's. And now Bean/McD have tried to change how Allen plays the position of QB. The result is tat we're likley to miss the playoffs for the first time in 5 years. And folks don't doubt me that Bean/McD NOT Dorsey are responsible for screwing with Allen this season. They were forced by circumstances and hopefully by Pegula to unleash Allen and let him play QB the way he has the last 4 seasons. Against 2 of the better D's in the NFL Allen had been almost unstoppable and the Bills have put up 32 & 34 points. Bean and McD must go.
  4. Wow, now this is both a weird and original take on Allen's TO's. I don't buy it though. IMO most of Allen's TO's result from two broad things: 1) Allen can be reckless with the ball and he pushes the limits in pursuit of the big play. 2) Allen's supporting cast, from a problematic O line allowing immediate pressure situations to pass catchers that struggle winning 50/50 balls and/or let passes slip through their hands into those of the opponent.
  5. This thread is loaded with the same disgusting mental masturbatory posting by the usual suspects on 2BD throwing shade at Allen. These fools are simply regurgitating the fake QB narratives circulating throughout the NFL. Take today's Miami/Jets game. After 11 games Tua has 13 total TO's, including TWO pick 6's, against 22 total TD's. And the narrative is that he's the point man of a state of the art offense that is both explosive and careful with the ball. I bet Mickie boy has an Excel Spread Sheet chart to prove it! Meanwhile after 11 games Allen has 15 total TO's against 29 total TD's. And the Allen narrative is that he's a TO machine, careless with protecting the ball on an inconsistent struggling offense. Oh and Allen doesn't read defenses well and doesn't work out in the off season. And we let these trolls get under our skin.
  6. Tua had 3 more TO's today (2 INT's & lost Fumble) bringing his season total to 13 against 22 total TD's (and TWO pick 6's) in 11 games. And the narrative is that he's the point man of a state of the art offense that is both explosive and careful with the ball. Meanwhile after 11 games Allen has 15 total TO's against 29 total TD's. And the Allen narrative is that he's a TO machine, careless with protecting the ball on an inconsistent struggling offense. Why does any thinking NFL fan believe much of anything that comes out of the mouths of these so called NFL expert talking heads?
  7. Yep, that is worthy of a magic mushroom in the New Mexico desert celebration.
  8. Except that Allen hasn't thrown a Red Zone INT this season.
  9. But the reason Shanahans is better is that CMAC is running the play. LB's overcompensate trying to keep track of the guy.
  10. Kincaid is blocking a lot better them most of us thought he would. There were a couple of great examples in yesterday's game.
  11. That was great watching the highlights with comments from a foul mouthed Horshack!
  12. The fake punt was very predictable. I was in a room with 3 other Bills fans and we said that they needed to watch for it because if the Jets gave the ball back to Allen it was game over. None of us were shocked when they attempted the fake. What shocked us was that it worked so well. Sure it worked out in the end thanks to Allen but please, this is exactly the failure of imagination on the part of McD that bites us in the butt several times per year.
  13. Yes there were and in one brutally incompetent coaching decision from McD and his staff and this game is one TO away from turning into a disaster. McD is good for this crap at least once in most games.
  14. 16 - 6 and dude, that coaching decision by McD and his staff not to be on the look out for a trick play there is all I need to see. Romo was incredulous that the gunner had only had one guy covering him.
  15. McD is a menace. Everything thing bad coming after that fake punt is on the head coaches inability to have instructed his ST coach to be on the lookout for that kind of play. The Jets are desperate with the season going down the toilet. McD simply can't think out of the box. His game time tactical decisions are incredibly bad.
  16. This is the kind of thing that factors into whether a coach & GM keep their job.
  17. In 2019/2020 the Bills made a choice about how they would build their team with a superb franchise QB at the helm. They chose the path that would have worked in the 1990's through 2010: let your QB elevate a pedestrian group of offensive players and focus your resources on creating an elite, shutdown defense. And for a couple of season's it sort of worked with a 2020 trip to the AFC championship and if not for "13 seconds" a likley SB trip in 2021. Both of these were on the back of great play by Allen. Though concern had to be expressed that the defense was not rising to the occasion in the playoffs with only one dominant performance in 6 playoff games to that point. But now we can see that this choice, which has potentially squandered a generational talent at QB, has failed utterly. While the Bills were following one script the teams that have been going to and winning SB's have following another script. One that involved concentrating as much skill player talent and the best O line possible around their elite QB's: The Rams, the Chiefs (who set the template), the Bengals, the Eagles and Tampa Bay. Hell, even in our division we've apparently been eclipsed by Miami which has followed the correct script with a lesser QB. We can argue about Allen, or Davis, or the play calls or whatever but it's like arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic as it goes down and ignoring the role of the iceberg.
  18. The Bills have no real vertical threat and no big bodied WR that can turn 50/50 balls into 90/10 balls like D Hop can. For some reason that remains more mysterious then the birth of the universe the Bills can not execute a screen pass. Which of their RB's over the last 5 seasons could take a game over? How many sacks would this O line have given up if Joe Burrow was back there in shot gun? Is it any wonder that Allen is down after watching the Bills stand still relative to their biggest AFC rivals in the conferences offensive arms race? At what point does relying on lower draft picks and other teams cast offs & back up players to build the Offense just get depressing? Sure they took Kincaid in the 1st round this year and it's about freaking time. And guess what that may be one of the few positives we take out of this season.
  19. I agree with much of this. You know that in the off season Allen talks to his dad, brother and maybe some other close confidants about how things are going in Buffalo. I can't believe that the conversion doesn't steer into the territory that you call out: the Bills not committing enough resources to the offense. Particularly the O line. How can Allen not look at what the other top contending franchises are doing to equip their franchise QB's with the tools to have a highly effective offense and wonder why not in Buffalo? Consider division & AFC rivals Miami & Baltimore over the last 2 seasons. Both have made comprehensive efforts to deliver to their QB's the best possible complimentary coaching & offensive talent. Sure KC is struggling with inferior skill players like Buffalo but no one doubts that the Chiefs have a better O line and offensive coaching. And is there any doubt that during the off season the Chiefs will move heaven & earth to resupply Mahomes with top end play makers? Honestly, I can see why Allen looking at where the Bills have prioritized their resources since 2020 and not be a little depressed.
  20. The Cowboys don't seem to be nearly as formidable on the road as they are at home.
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