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Everything posted by CincyBillsFan

  1. If the Bills need to play mistake free football to win games then that's a problem and it's not the players, it's the coaches. The difference between the two teams yesterday involved coaching and how they were structured to best utilize their elite franchise QB. In both cases the Eagles clearly came out on top here. If it wasn't apparent to people that the Eagles adjusted to McD's defense and then slaughtered it they were not watching. The Bills offense kept them in the game because no matter how much you adjust to Allen it won't help you if he's playing well.
  2. Again we have no idea whether Allen is or isn't the hardest worker on the team. My guess is based on everything we know is that Allen is among the hardest workers and is by a country mile the most productive and best player on the Bills. BTW in professional sports those attributes are what real leadership is all abut. That Allen talked about not living & breathing football every minute of the off season seems a lot like what I've heard Mahomes say since the birth of his daughter. And given the sheer number of commercials he is in no one can claim that Mahomes doesn't set football aside to make sure he has a viable commercial life after football. The other quote which is also spot on is that Allen has to be perfect for the Bills. Anything less and the Bills struggle and the critics savage Allen. As Simms noted if Allen had played like Hurts did through the first two and a half quarters of yesterday's game the Bills would have been blown out. That's the reality that should get fans pissed off.
  3. This is the money quote: "Nobody on the Bills EVER bails Josh Allen out". If McD is STILL trying to figure out how to take advantage of Allen then he has to go NOW. For crying out loud the template has been clearly established and Bean/Pegula ignore it at their peril. When you have an elite, special talent at QB you must focus the teams resources on that side of the ball including the coaching.
  4. I agree that in hindsight you're right. But the bigger problem with the Miller signing IMO was that it again showed how screwed up the Bill's priorities were in focusing on their D at the expense of their O.
  5. First we have no idea what Allen does or doesn't do with his teammates. You're making an assumption that he doesn't hold teammates accountable behind closed locker room doors. I know one thing for sure, throwing teammates under the bus to the media is NEVER the thing to do and would be piss poor leadership. As for Allen's "lack of a work ethic" how do you know what he does or doesn't do in the off season? So much that is written abut Allen, particularly the negative stuff are distortions or outright lies. No one has convinced me that Allen hasn't worked every bit as hard in the off season as some of the guys you mentioned. And IMO not much that happens in Basketball or Baseball is relatable to the NFL. The NFL is one place where GM & HC make all the difference. So sorry but when looking at what is keeping the Bills from getting over the hump Allen's working harder and improving his game is way down on my list. And if the much bigger and important issues facing the Bills aren't corrected nothing Allen can do will change the teams fortunes.
  6. This is an underappreciated point. I don't blame Bean/McD for Miller's injury. Hell it's not Miller fault either - S### happens. But swinging for the fences in signing Miller was a clear example of the Bills screwed up priotites in favoring the D over the O. If you're going to take a chance take one with an older O lineman or skill player. Get closer to SF's offer for CMAC (even with legit injury concerns) as you know Carolina would have taken a little less to get McCaffrey out of the NFC. In the last 6 seasons the Bills have only taken big swings on offense twice: drafting Allen and signing Diggs. And therein lies the problem.
  7. And in the end Allen has more then played great enough for the Bills to have won at least one Super Bowl in the last few years. And frankly there is nothing I see about Allen's commitment to football that precludes multiple SB wins. What is holding the Bills back is poor coaching and a fatal organizational flaw that has favored the defense over the offense the last few years. IMO everything else is secondary to this. Fix the coaching and reorient the Bills organization priorities from defense to offense and their SB window reopens in a season. Keep focusing on what little improvement you can squeeze out of Allen while ignoring the rest and the Bills will continue to flounder in the playoffs. This is football, not rocket science, and the Bills problems have become crystal clear this season. We saw glimpses previously with "13 seconds" and last seasons uneven 2nd half, but now it's plain for all to see.
  8. I can't fathom this sentiment. Great QB's throw bad interceptions in games yet their elite play still pulls their team through. That was Allen yesterday. The difference is that the truly great QB's are seldom saddled with truly bad coaches who crumble in big game after big game. You claim that Allen's INT cost the Bills the game. Then what do you say about missing 2 FG's or Cooks dropped TD pass? Again Allen is placed under a microscope for a couple of plays in a game where he was flat out spectacular. This includes driving the length of the field to put the Bills up late in the 4th quarter to only see McD's D let the lead slip away again. How any one watching yesterday's game can throw any shade at Allen's play is beyond me.
  9. They were playing in bad weather, on the road against the team with the best record in football. A 17 - 7 lead was a great first half by the offense. Why so many on 2BD are quick to call out the O for minor issues while ignoring the D for major ones is beyond me. The D has received the lions share of resources over the last 7 years and is coached by a supposed defensive guru. The Bills are 9 - 3 today with even competent defensive play.
  10. Nothing in life is but I suspect that there will be 7 or 8 jobs open up and the Bills would be the best one.
  11. And what idiot wouldn't favor Levy or Harbaugh over McD?
  12. The reaction is "intense" because only a troll throws out the INT in the face of Allen's performance today which featured over 400 total yards, 4 TD's, a clutch late 4th quarter drive to retake the lead and even a dropped TD pass.
  13. I doubt very many head coaches factor weather into the consideration. The income tax is a problem that can easily be solved by paying above rate for the coach. An emotional small media city can be seen as a positive to. It's almost college like. Any guy good enough for us to want to be the Bills coach is going to have a healthy sized ego - it comes with the job. And that ego will convince them that THEY are the one to turn around this notorious choking franchise.
  14. I don't know but I buy into the idea that you don't blame this kind of stuff on malice or conspiracy when pure incompetence will usually suffice. And NFL officiating is getting worse and worse.
  15. It blows my mind that McD treats some of his players so unprofessionally. And what makes it worse is that McD is not consistent with who and for what he "punishes" his players.
  16. And I would prefer the chokes to occur in the Super Bowl then divisional playoff games and now during the regular season. Give me FIVE straight Super Bowl losses over just ONE "13 seconds".
  17. Well if that's the criteria then Levy's "chokes" were way more heartbreaking then both of them. And man what I wouldn't give to go through four more years of SB chokes versus this crap.
  18. Yea but I'm also talking about practice, game planning and the selection of talent to surround Allen with. Bean/McD had a plan for Allen that fell apart by halftime of the Ravens game. That entire summer I couldn't understand what Bean/McD were trying to do. Living here in Cincinnati I knew what McCarron was - a back up QB that wasn't exactly a grizzled vet wanting to mentor a young QB. McCarron went to Buffalo to start, not babysit a 1st round draft pick. Why McD/Bean thought he was the guy to mentor Allen is beyond me. And don't get me started on the decision to start Peterman. At the very least how could ANY coach or GM think this guy could be a starting QB in the NFL? It tells me nether of these guys has a clue about QB's and the Allen pick was blind luck. But worse, Peterman who snagged most of the 1st team reps over the summer and then was so bad in the opener Bean/McD had to throw the rookie QB they wanted to sit his rookie year to the wolves. And considering that assembly of offensive backup practice squad level players that Bean had assembled they really did throw Allen to the wolves.
  19. I agree. One of the great lies told by the local Buffalo/Rochester media and some in the national football media is the one where Bean & McD did a great job in getting Allen up to speed. But those of us who were watching this team in 2018 know for a fact that McD totally screwed it up. From not naming Allen the starter and giving him the lions share of 1st team training camp & preseason snaps to the failure to bring a veteran QB in to act as Allen's mentor to Bean's decision to dismantle the offense in the expectation that Allen would sit his rookie year only to see that plan blown up in the first half of game one when the Bills under Peterman couldn't get a single 1st down! Daboll and Allen himself are responsible for Allen surviving his rookie year and then making a great leap going forward.
  20. Anyone that mentions Allen's pick in the face of over 400 total yards and 4 TD's is a troll. They're a drooling goblin gnawing on pigeon bones under a bridge. Only a moron of the first degree would throw out Allen's INT. Only a complete fool would act as f that one mistake diminishes Allen's spectacular game. Only an ignorant football illiterate would throw the INT out there.
  21. * Solid owner * Facilities and organizational infrastructure rated by the players in a poll as among the top 10 in the NFL * A brand new kick a$$ stadium * A REAL home field advantage * An elite QB whose upside might be beyond anything we fans could possibly imagine. What do you think a truly innovative offensive minded coach could do with Allen after surrounding him with top tier offensive talent? So yes this would be the most attractive job opening of the possible 10 or so openings that might happen this off season.
  22. If Allen does believe this and I suspect he may then McD will be gone after the season which would be a good thing. Over the last 6 weeks the Allen/Diggs situation seemed to clear up for me and it seemed like maybe Diggs was saying things Allen wanted to, but couldn't say as a franchise QB? I can't believe Pegula isn't on top of this.
  23. All Brady has done is let Allen play like the Allen of the last 4 seasons. And yes as he's shown over the last 2 games against 2 of the better defenses in the NFL he is indeed a special, generational talent. It's clear from the comments starting in the off season and coming out during the last few weeks that McD and I suspect Bean, deliberately tried to remake Allen into a a very different QB. Whether they had Allen's full investment here or he just gave it that old college try we may never know. They did have their useful puppet in Dorsey who tried to turn McD/Beans vision for Allen into realty. But the sad realty is that they failed spectacularly, Dorsey took the fall and the Bills will miss the playoffs for the first time in 5 seasons. This failure, which should be laid at the feet of McD & Bean is a fireable offense IMO. Hopefully the elevation of Brady and more importantly the decision to let Allen go back and play like the Allen of old came directly from Pegula. If it did then there is hope that we can be rid of Bean & McD at the end of this season. I know that everything I've written here is pure speculation. But I've followed this team for well over 50 years and the evidence supports my take on events. Bean & McD messed with the magic sauce that made Allen a special talent at QB. They did this while also continuing to over value the D and undervalue the O. That's a recipe for failure and we're seeing it play out on the field.
  24. And if we won that game today then we would have won almost entirely because of Allen.
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