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Everything posted by ProcessTruster

  1. totally. either gear up to pass or gear up to stop the pass. either one is good for me.
  2. just roster building, this is what mcbeanes do. 24 x 7 . trust the process
  3. Just keep playing hard week to week. That is the NFL. Every week is a new week with an opportunity to win a football game. In today's NFL, unless one of the teams has one of the 6 or 7 unicorn franchise QB guys, every game is winnable by either side on any given Sunday. So go and get it . The offseason is going to be great, so lets go into it with a bang. Not sure we are playing any unicorns for the rest of the season, other than Brady, who looks like father time is coming to get him anyway..
  4. Well.. as we all know, this season is just the preseason for next season. This season is a big long tryout camp for roster build and a training camp for Allen, Edmunds, Teller, et al. The offseason will truly define this team for the next 3-4 years.
  5. I'd probably release Nate. Wrong place, wrong time for him.
  6. I agree. The players are playing for contracts anyway, so the whole "lets win a bunch of games to show that we can" is sort of a yawner for the players as well.
  7. well, not exactly. NFL players put their body on the line largely to get performance video tape out there to support their next contract, wherever that may be. Winning is great, but the next contract is all important. This isn't high school or the majority of college football. It's all business. Once you are past the survival stage, have made your salary guarantee nut and the bank account is full, then winning is paramount. Most of these guys from the football factory schools don't have college degrees worth a sh-t. All they have is a 3-7 year window to make it in the NFL. Sorry, but in most cases for most players these are today's facts, IMO. Coaches coach for wins (which determine their contracts), players put on individual performances for contracts. Winning is great, but if your out of the league , kinda doesn't matter. Having said all that, put Allen back in, because the guys not in the QB room are just trying to do their jobs the best they can, regardless of who the QB is, for the above reasons.
  8. Daboll carved up a good defense today with a guy who was throwing on some high school field 2 weeks ago. nuf said.
  9. nah. Not really, they worked extremely hard and smartly to get Allen, they got McCarron, but he really wasn't very good ; Barkley was tied up with Bengals all preseason; got hurt late in preseason, only available and healthy recently. Teddy Bridge simply must not be right or he'd be on the field. Nate P. somewhat a victim of a rebuilding O Line/his own limitations. QB seems such a crapshoot of timing and QB confidence and O Line competence. They will get there. Trust it. This was a perfect game for them to lay down pre-bye week and what happened, they went out and crushed the Jets. They are constantly working to strengthen the roster. They know what they need, like a speed guy and they work on it , cut Gaines, sign McKenzie. I like it. and So smart to keep Teller out until now. What a freakin' beast that guy will be. That is just good drafting and growing a guy with a process in mind. yeah left guard sucked until now, but so what, you may have grown yourself a solid left guard for the next 3-4 years. So glad Allen has been watching for a few weeks. This can only be good. The team looks better now; time to put him back in. All good. Let McBeanes do their job.
  10. Looks like #1 and #2 QB is set. Next issue. These guys can source talent. Isaiah who? freakin' guy can play. Barkley? Well, yeah right, that's right, he's pretty talented guy. Can't wait for FA and the draft. Trust the Process.
  11. Highly lIkely 5 starters. Add to that 4 starters from last year. That's 9 starters in two drafts. Excellent. And Beane has 10 picks next year. Trust the Process.
  12. might as well try him out this pre-season- season. maybe he can play. neither Pete or Anderson will be around next year, maybe barkley can be a workable #2.
  13. Tyrod was gone. Guy is a good QB, but not going to get you to the promised land. Dodging a $16m bullet was just smart roster management. Rip the bandaid off and get a guy like Allen you can build around. yep. its a QB league with the rules the way they are. If you have one , you're in good shape, don't and your f'd. especially second half of the year when the injuries hit.
  14. I like this post. If you put defense back in the game, QBs will become RBs from a contract standpoint, teams will be able to spread the cap around to maintain their rosters, and teams can win with defense or offense. I suppose scoring will decline but only in games the 6 superman QBs are in. Balance it out. Maybe the league will wake up if both NYC big market teams suck for a few more years and the stands start emptying out (which I doubt). NFL game day just shifts to the parking lot for the have nots.
  15. Not even sure he earned it. Pegs and he agreed to expect it. This is a process. Clear out the cap, get the draft picks back that Whaley let go of, etc. This team is being built in the draft and that takes 3-4 years. yeah they backed into a playoff spot last year with Cogs and Wood and Tyrod, etc. but that could not last. I personally think its great that Allen had to sit for a few games while the brutal part of the schedule flushed through the system. Get him 4-5 more starts this year and that will be great. Remember this is just one big long preseason of talent e v a l. This offseason is where the real work starts. Get another 10-12 under -25 talented guys in here on 3 to 5 year contracts. Then you have a roster set for 3 years. and you have your QB. Trust the Process.
  16. I love this offense. Certainly has worked for the Patriots for 15+ years.
  17. Only 5 teams have over $20m in dead cap space; Bills have $57m in dead cap space. That's triple the average, that's $40m worth of annual salary value not embodied in quality NFL players on this year's active roster, so the average NFL team has as many as 10 more average $4m / per year players than the Bills do. TEN. So McBeanes totally get a pass on this year.. go try out Matt Barkley or Charles Barkley no matter to me. Thank you for clearing out the dead wood contracts of head cases Dareus, et al (also, they never planned on the huge Eric Wood or Cogs retirement cap hits this year, so that's just bad bad luck) . Its all good. Work on developing the young talent you have and we'll see your bags of $$ during Free Agency + 10-Pick draft next year. I am so glad Allen went down with only an elbow sprain. He could easily have been David Carr-ed otherwise. Trust the Process.
  18. Why not? They totally crushed it rebuilding the defense (esp. the defensive backfield) in one year. Track record matters. They did it on defense while getting rid of Dareus' cap-killer contract and losing Darby and Gilmore in FA. McBeanes works for me. Trust the process. Offense is next.
  19. No it is not. This year is a salary cap clearing year ($50m+ worth)where we are short $50m worth of active players, we ditch the former QB, draft/school our franchise QB, recover from the loss of 3/5 of the O-Line , and prepare to draft 10+ players and sign 3-5 FA starters in the Spring. That's all this year ever was and ever will be. One big long preseason/tryout camp. Trust the Process. The Pegs are, I guarantee it.
  20. Between Free Agency, this years draft and next years draft , I can see a large number of quality starters coming on next year. Assuming Allen can grow and play, this bodes well. No big contracts to eat. I like it. We knew this year would suck and the first half year schedule was brutal. So now we get Phins twice, Jets twice and couple others where the D could win the game by itself. If Allen can get out there for 4 or 5 more games that should be enough. Trust the Process. The only wild card is if FA just don't want to be with the franchise/in the area and go elsewhere. Get more draft picks today, would be my goal.
  21. yep. better hurry up and win something, bc he'll be gone after year 4 or 5 . three/four years is a long time. I see the Bills being killer next year. but that's just me . ProcessTruster (aka 8&8Forever) . go bills. Trust the Process. Be scorin my seasons for next season from some bailer
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