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Everything posted by NoHuddleKelly12

  1. #trusting the process. Clearly there was a reason we didn’t snap him up before the Hawks, serious enough health concerns to be ok with passing on him.
  2. Especially for folks wrangling having small kids, it’s quite difficult to break away to the gym at convenient times, to say nothing of trying to trade off caregiving with your spouse—so I’ve converted part of our unfinished basement to a home gym (good used equipment can always be found for decent prices from your neighbors/communities at large), complete with tiled foam flooring that was cheap at Walmart. Added a tv to the wall, and voila, it’s a refuge anytime of day or night without the worry of leaving the house. If you have the space available, would highly recommend this route.
  3. Kudos kudos kudos. Am stunned to see this quite frankly, as you would expect all of the rooks to be busy getting ready for mini camps in a few days and getting moved, etc. Very classy, much respect, and shows a human element all too missing in much of today’s NFL.
  4. Definitely an oversight that it took as long as it did to get a mention in the thread--good call
  5. Whatever helps make that franchise a flaming pile this season, I'm all for. Except when they play the Pats x2. Carry on.
  6. As others above have already stated, I wish him well, I hope he’s worked through his issues and is going to be ok, first and foremost. He brought some needed nasty to our Oline that was sorely missed last year, but do I want him back? I wouldn’t go that far either. I think our post-Richie line options are vastly improved with what the FO has done, and it’s best for all to keep it that way, imho.
  7. Our receptionist also really answers the phone the same way too—“just a moment...”
  8. Going over all of my TPS reports from last week as we speak.
  9. Solid! Also would be remiss of me not to point out how good MNF intro used to be too:
  10. With ya on the Trek themes—Voyager too. In other news, I feel like the NFL theme music also used to be better back in the 90’s matching our glory years—check out the below—sends chills down my spine to this day!
  11. The German side of me loves David Hasselhoff. Knight Rider!
  12. Star Trek the Next Gen music, Battlestar Galactica theme song all are right up there...for movies, I always liked the Jurassic Park (original 93 soundtrack) theme music. What say you?
  13. 14 base, 4-5 buck tip, all in all still feel like that’s too much $$. Of course, relative to my dear wifey, that’s bargain basement—I prefer not to think about how much hers cost
  14. Sorry, I was already on to next year’s first worthless mock draft! Silly me https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2833601-2020-nfl-mock-draft-matt-millers-way-too-early-predictions
  15. Conversely, for the seasons that have spectacularly imploded on us, such as Wrecks-in-effect, did you have unpleasant dreams about getting rolled over by, say, the Buccaneers? I will say, that's some pretty entertaining deep REM sleep you've got going on there! How many hours do you catch a night on average? I feel like I'm lucky to collect any more than 5 hours or so/night.
  16. 2 historical greats had a premonition that Bills fans eons later would be dealing with bloviating talk show host "experts" today: "Even a fool, when he keeps silent, is considered wise; When he closes his lips, he is considered prudent." ---Proverbs 17:28 (King Solomon). "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt." — Abraham Lincoln. Mr. Cowherd should have more in-studio guests on his show, to help him have to speak less. That is all.
  17. Where does one go about finding that same shirt to buy??
  18. Great post OP. Being a Bills fan is the very definition of loyalty and hope of things yet to come, regardless of whether or not a payoff is ever realized. Man, it makes the good times, few they may have been, that much sweeter as well.
  19. However, could TB12 have still made that throw over this equivalent of a goalie "wall" in front of him?
  20. I hear you, but I feel like New England has shown many times that you can still win it all in today's NFL with a group of good, not necessarily great, supporting casts around a franchise QB. I feel like we're getting plenty solid, now it's time to see how it all gels on the actual field.
  21. Good article over in the news section I wanted to highlight in case you haven't seen it yet, relevant to this thread: https://www.forbes.com/sites/curtisrush/2019/05/01/could-the-buffalo-bills-be-on-the-threshold-of-a-new-golden-age/#17d79c326812 He makes a compelling argument, imho. The question is, will it take 3 years for this era to get really really good like the K-Gun Bills, or can we fast forward in the second year of Allen?
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