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Dan Darragh

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Everything posted by Dan Darragh

  1. I'm still trying to learn how to pronounce Matakevich
  2. It's a bad rule. How do I know this? Because the players can't play according to the rule. It's not just one team and it's not just now and then. I know it's a safety consideration but they should rewrite the rule in a way that the players can play to it.
  3. Break out the Popeye's biscuits and bring back Kelvin Benjamin <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/SvrG9dYh1nU" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  4. Which 3 of these are you referring to? 23 21 24 21 19 23 35
  5. After a tie you go home and wait for your next game. A tie is not the same as a tied score before the end of the game. With the 10 minute overtime, if each team stalls on one drive a tie is a significant possibility.
  6. I'd rather lose that way than go for the FG and then have a tie.
  7. Poor field position? Titans' drive starts after Buffalo kickoffs: 23 21 24 21 19 23 35 Any other questions? (The horrible, terrible, not very good MNF crew completely missed this. I noticed that Bass was doing a 3 step kick on the opening kickoff and watched it all game.)
  8. The brings new meaning to the word "consecutive"
  9. I just figured out how to access the local Buffalo TV stations from where I live (far away from WNY) and now I'm wondering if there is any good local Bills programming on the Buffalo stations. Any recommendations?
  10. Jets wins: 2017: 5 2018: 4 2019: 7 2020: 2 2021: 0 Total: 18 Giants wins: 2017: 3 2018: 5 2019: 4 2020: 6 2021: 0 Total: 18 Bills wins (regular season): 2017: 9 2018: 6 2019: 10 2020: 13 2021: 2 Total: 40
  11. I watched the Mannings this week and it was GREAT! I'm all in on it. So much football insight.
  12. THIS is what's going to corrupt 8 year olds??? Kids go around singing Cardi B WAP songs and Levi getting up in someone's grill is what's going to ruin the next generation?
  13. You hurt my feelings! (But you enjoyed doing it, didn't you?) You, too. 15 yard penalty for hurting my feelings.
  14. Are they worried that someone's feelings might get hurt? Discuss.
  15. Yes, I really like watching football. I don't really like watching all the nonsense on ESPN. First one of the color guys described an incomplete pass like this: "Carr goes up to the line, looks to see what the defense is set up to do, then if he wants he can alter the play by calling an audible at the line of scrimmage. That's what happened here, although the execution wasn't good." Then there are the cute little "spontaneous" one-liners that are well-rehearsed, like when Hollywood Brown catches a pass and he says "Hollywood comes to Las Vegas." Then there was the deep dive on two players' recovery from alcoholism. That's a nice story for the pregame or halftime and I'm happy for those guys, but they stopped talking about the game and missed a couple of plays in the process at which point I got fed up. And by the way in an entire 9/11 weekend of watching football - maybe I missed it - I didn't hear Pat Tillman's name mentioned once.
  16. I remember the one against Seattle. Denney made like he was running off the field before the snap and they ignored him. Denney is a Mormon so that became known as the Moorman to Mormon connection
  17. I got so fed up with the terrible play by play and useless color commentary that I had to turn it off. Missed an exciting ending. I forgot about Monday Night Manning on ESPN2. Did anyone watch it? How was it?
  18. Been breathing their own exhaust fumes too much. All the hype about the Bills being the team to beat. Maybe the best thing for them to get taken down a notch. If we're 3-1 by the KC game, we're in good shape. And if we're not, we're not going to make the playoffs so it doesn't matter anyway. Bills need to get the chip back on their shoulder
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