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Dan Darragh

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Everything posted by Dan Darragh

  1. On October 31 at 6PM the situation in Buffalo was as follows: The Bills were 5-2 and a popular favorite to make the Super Bowl. Josh Allen was the leading candidate for MVP The Sabres were 5-1-1 and although they were clearly punching above their weight, people were looking forward to a fun season with a young and exciting team On December 6 at 11:30PM: After the loss to NE, Bills fans have begun to make calculations about whether we can make the playoffs or not The Sabres are 8-14-3 and can't seem to do anything right. The few fans who show up at home games have booed them off the ice after each of the last three games. When they make a sequel to "The Four Falls of Buffalo" maybe they'll explain what happened.
  2. P.P.S. if you can't spell I'm correctly I'm not sure I can continue to read your posts!
  3. They can have the Wildgoose, just so long as they leave me the Wild Turkey.
  4. There wasn't a football broadcast cliche that went unused by Feely. Next time we get him I'm going to play Feely bingo. You'd think a kicker like Feely might have commented on the kickoff technique Bass is using sometimes, with only a 3 step kick (like a FG) instead of the usual 10 yard runup. I'd like to know more about it.
  5. How bad is Ryan Bates that nobody is even thinking out loud about putting him in the lineup? And if he's that bad, why is he holding down a spot on the roster? Versatility is overrated.
  6. Didn't we have a QB named Thad Brown once? (Or something like that?)
  7. So can someone explain to me why Sean declined the holding penalty instead of pushing them out of FG range?
  8. When we lost to Cleveland 8-0 a few years ago (painful memories) it was the first 8-0 game since something like 1928
  9. How exactly do we know this? Nate is 3 for 5 for 25 yards since he left Buffalo.
  10. it was kind of weird living in a world where Nathan Peterman had a job and Cam Newton didn't.
  11. If it's the Dec 6 game you're going to, you should take your friends to the Sabres game the next night. No better way to love Buffalo sports than a Bills/Sabres doubleheader.
  12. That helps a lot. But who the hell are Mike, Sam and Will? Or is that MIKE, SAM and WILL? And if Ferguson is the LONG HIKE, is there also a MEDIUM HIKE? Also, where are the JILLS?
  13. Since when did "EDGE" become a position? And what literary genius decided that it needs to be written in all capital letters?
  14. and then there's the time he spiked the ball on the 1 yard line
  15. Rashad Wildgoose better watch out.
  16. How many screens does Eli have? I counted at least 10 of them.
  17. One time in the bad old days (early 70s I think) the Bills took a penalty because one of their players ran off the field to the other team's bench. The Bills in those days were never good enough for a 5 yard penalty to make much difference but when you rank brain farts this one is way up there.
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