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Your Brown Eye

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Everything posted by Your Brown Eye

  1. It kinda all started around the time they lost the title of NFL celebrity "it" couple
  2. He's exhausted from shooting commercials, give him a break
  3. Bon Jovi could be the owner of this team
  4. It's the injuries to arguably the 3 best players on each level of our defense that is the kick to the grundle for me. 4-2 albeit, not great, is fine.
  5. broksi did want to be with us, chased a couple more greenbacks. pass
  6. The injuries to the 3 key players on D really took my hopes for this team down a notch or two, frustrating
  7. Why is it I read this post in an Arnold Schwarzenegger voice?
  8. Damn it, now I have to cancel my customized Bills Fornette jersey within 24 hours
  9. I would lose faith in management if we lose out on extending AJ and Rousseau just to cling to an aging injury-prone veteran whose best days are behind him. Those two guys are young, and aggressive and seem to be coming into their own this year. I do not hate them for swinging and taking the chance on Von, but I will mind it if they let young talented guys go just to keep him
  10. You're throwing around the term "smart" a little to generously around here
  11. A couple drunk idiots who don't know how to properly break a table...way to represent the mafia
  12. Oh great...here comes more "We MuSt TrAdE Aj!!!!!!!!!!!!!" threads
  13. I have a couple of colonoscopy screenings to go over in the morning and then plan on getting blasted on Chippewa with Marshawn Lynch who is doing a private VIP product launch. Then Uber to the game and yell obscenities in German at the Giants roster as they come out of the tunnel.
  14. They've been #1 for me since end of last season. I did not think anyone was in their league at the beginning of this year and I still do not think anyone has risen to their level. Absolutely rock-solid defense, great multipurpose RB, great WR's, great TE, a QB who does not make mistakes, offensive-minded coach. At times, I thought maybe the Bills could hang with them this year, and if played like they did against Miami and Washington, could potentially beat SF on a given day, but it still felt like if the Bills and 49ers played 10 straight games, I think SF wins 6-7 of them. With the injuries to a few key defensive players I feel even more strongly that is how it would play out. By no means has anyone labeled them as villains. That's a self-imposed notion, not anyone else. You want villains, I think KC continues to play that role week in and week out with the refereeing seemingly always going their way. SF? No.
  15. Time to trim the fat folks. Too many people were sucking on the teet of Josh Allen's success with nothing to show for it themselves.
  16. Because the moment any player becomes good or starts to look like they have potential, Bills fans want to trade them.
  17. Dude has been in the league for 11 years. I don't think he was holding anything back for 10 seasons just waiting for his moment to "shine" in year 11. All you can hope for is an adequate stop-gap that won't win or lose the Bills games.
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