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Bob Chandler's Hands

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Everything posted by Bob Chandler's Hands

  1. Dobbs >>> Willis at this point in their careers. Dobbs will give them a shot vs. Jacksonville, although I think the Jaguars should win it anyway.
  2. I got the impression he doesn't actually know Burrow very well personally. Which isn't surprising.
  3. Actually I can do whatever I want. I stated the assumptions used in counting. I don't disagree. I was just pointing out a fact.
  4. It's also interesting that the Bills have only three wins against teams currently above .500 this season.
  5. My son made this for me a few years back.
  6. Maybe, maybe not. Interpolation is one thing, but you are extrapolating. For all we know injuries are lower in extreme cold as people play differently. Who knows?
  7. This is so illogical it makes my head hurt. On to ignore you go...
  8. If the Bills can play a solid game on both sides of the ball I think they beat Cincy 8 times out of 10.
  9. Houston is certainly playing hard. In a head shot/cheap shot sort of way, but hard nonetheless.
  10. The precedent is set for moving the game when 7 feet of snow falls on Orchard Park. This won't even get to 2 feet.
  11. That was incredible. The ditches outside Rich Stadium were filled with water from recent rainfall and the drunks were swimming in them after the game. What a scene.
  12. Lol, Maryland. Just like the snow blowing off Lake Erie. Riiiiiiiight!
  13. Except Hurts was never as bad as Wilson has been, and Hurts is a man of integrity and extreme work ethic (not unlike Josh Allen, I'd propose) to improve himself...whereas Wilson appears to be an entitled Cougar chaser.
  14. Beasley and Brown are more like getting Matt 'Guitar' Murphy and Blue Lou from Matt's old lady's fried chicken joint.
  15. Brutally bad call for Miami. I mean, I'm happy as a Bills fan but as a football fan, that sucks.
  16. Play to the whistle. Hill did it and was rewarded. Strange play.
  17. The Ulnar is a nerve. It's not 'shattered'. On the Davis last second play I couldn't bring myself to watch it again until just now (up thread) and it really did just bounce off him. Of course he's made big plays at times, and I still like him as a player, but he is so inconsistent.
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