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Da webster guy

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Everything posted by Da webster guy

  1. Sammy was my favorite Bill, but I find it funny that everyone is saying how it's going to be tough to double him with Tyreek on the other side when the guy played across from Goodwin and Tavon Austin, who are just as competent as long ball threats. The key to managing Watkins is similar to the way Kelvin Benjamin has to be coached: outside plays along the sidelines, no over the middle stuff. Do what Martz did with Issac Bruce and Tory Holt--catch it and step out of bounds, save your body for the next play even though it means giving up some yards. These guys are not durable, they're not Robert Woods or Baldwin, they aren't built for contact. Otherwise you'll be in the training room all year and play half the games if you're lucky. Good luck covering them though.....
  2. I believe these dudes will make it through camp: Benjamin Zay Deonte Thompson Streater (best camp of any WR last year from what I saw, I'm assuming he's back from injury) Reilly And we draft another one, plus add a few UDFA's. Also I think you'll see Dakiel Shorts back in camp this year he looked great to me, we had him on practice squad last year.
  3. These new salaries are unreal. Five dudes from Sammy's WR class now making north of $15M per year. That used to be franchise QB money a few years ago, now they pay it to a guy that's averaged 750 yards per season in his first four years. And $30M of it is guaranteed Brady's 2005 contract was 6 years, $10M per year, $28M guaranteed. Sammy just got guaranteed more than Brady did for HALF the amount of years, even after Tom had two rings.
  4. the guy is a loser as a human being. some media outlet saying we would overpay this locker room cancer is like the mock drafts that think we need a center. uh.... no
  5. except in the world of many mock drafts and nfl scouts
  6. The exact opposite of what Pegula Beane and McD are about. Send him to the Raiders or Skins
  7. Gotta get Cousins to Denver or Jets and it really helps that. Foles too? They're closer than us to a trade back for the Giants or Colts. My guess is Beane's relationship with Gettleman gets us the leg up on those two teams and puts us in the #2 spot where we get our guy. .
  8. I agree with what Sal said on WGR today, we need to get to #2 to get the dude we want. And it would really be nice if the Jets or Broncos got Cousins and/or Foles to take away the trade down offers that the Giants are going to get from teams that want a certain guy. We've come this far, might as well keep the pedal down and do what Philly did with Wentz: get your spot well ahead of the draft so there's no doubt you're going to get your qb
  9. Or just sign Foles and a FA wideout then draft 5 new starters and lets win it this year
  10. If only Buddy Nix could see this What in tarnation y'all wanna trade a pick that aint been picked yet?
  11. This is what Gettleman said he wanted from the Beaner. "We will move down but not that far, need to be in the 10 range" Now we get #2 pick for our 12 and 22 .
  12. Far worse had been said about Keenum and Foles I watched the Moore start against the Jets twice because I had money on those games. He came through both times, once he threw 4 td's. Good size, he's a 7 step drop guy, quick release. He zings the ball but doesn't have that Stafford or Jameis spiral, he throws a little wobbly like JK used to. Get him in here! Peterman might beat him and the new rook out in camp for all we know.... Let the competition begin
  13. will always remember the guy fondly, hopefully cleveland has some burner receivers next year and they realize he throws one of the prettiest long balls in the league. We took that away from him this past year and it really killed his game. No Sammy no Goody, basically no deep threats. he is the perfect mentor and backup for the browns new rookie qb, he got us such a high pick in return because of his class and work ethic. happy trails TT
  14. I know right. People get attached to names because of a handful of draft pundits throw them around like they're definitely sure where everyone should be drafted, and it never works out like that. Last year I remember an argument about how Malik Hooker and Mahomes are going in the top 5 for sure, and OJ Howard will be gone by pick #8. Then when the actual GM's who each have multi million dollar scouting teams make their picks, Mahomes drops to 10, Hooker slid to 15 and Howard to 19 (in a re draft he probably goes 119th).
  15. AJ Green is somebody that I was sure was going to be an injury bust based on how skinny he looked in college. I remember saying, unless that dude packs on 20 lbs of muscle he's toast in the NFL. Meanwhile, he stayed skinny and basically torched the entire league for 5 years with above average durability. Also responsible for McD and Frasier's biggest blunder of the year, allowing him single covered with no deep safety help out wide. Easiest 70 yard TD I've ever seen and that was against TreD who's pretty special himself. Put us in a hole we never came out of in that otherwise winnable game.
  16. i don't think there's any chance that will happen but man those are my top two guys I would die to get on our team. Vea is the next Ngata.
  17. that's a fair deal for Goody. Sets him up for life, kind of protects the Niners when he gets hurt, which is likely for all WR's especially him. Wait until Garrapolo doesn't pan out, he's the next Matt Cassel and that salary is gonna kill the Niners structure. Dude had one good game, the rest average at best, and one awful one (bears).
  18. Funny but you can even take it back to the previous year when Rex started Cardale instead of Tyrod against the Jets on the last game of the year. We lost that meaningless game and it moved us up four spots to #10. I seriously doubt Mahomes would have been there at 14, and believe the Chiefs would have found a trading partner at 10 or 11 like they did with us, or possibly Dorsey just stays put. Either way, In that scenario, we don't have two first round picks this year, and have virtually no chance at trading up for a qb without giving away the farm. All from one simple decision to play backup qb's in a meaningless end of season game two years ago.
  19. The beauty is there are 4 or 5 great DT's and 4 or 5 great LB's in this draft. Man if only we had a qb, just sitting tight would be such a perfect move for us in April. A guy like Evans or Vander Esch will be there, but even Roaquan could fall to us. There are always a few dudes that just go in the early 20's that everyone had top ten. That's where you can steal them.
  20. well the trade is over now. Gaines and Watkins had decent years for their teams, are free agents, neither team won a superbowl and here we stand with the Rams 2nd round pick. Unless we botch the pick, we win by a lot.
  21. and his yp carry average has dropped to 3.4, although from what I saw, JVille's Oline wasn't very good. Beaner knows what he's doing, he's cheap insurance, won't hurt comp pick calculation, good pass protect guy and hits the pile harder than most.
  22. Yeah thats pretty compelling. i forgot about that Brad Johnson w Tampa year. Also supporting your point is the fact that we couldn't muster 11 points on the road in Jville despite guys being open in many situations. If we had a solid qb we win that one. i still would be cool with staying put simply because we would have some serious pickings on the board at 21/22 this draft, but I'm assuming Beane is moving on up for the qb and hopefully can get a pair of starters for our D front 7 in free agency or later rounds.
  23. i like this but Preston brown is gone, mcD needs a stud LB to run his D. i'd love to see DT and LB in the 1st, then a vet and best qb avail in 2nd
  24. foles keenum bortles qb's in the conference championship this year, and Reid/Smith got whipped in the playoffs. Obviously qb is most important position, but a killer defense and run game can get you deep into the playoffs.
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